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Weekend in Berlin
Apr 1, 2008|1 Min
Weekend in Berlin

With our recent iPhone announcement having my mailbox boiling over, I'm so happy that I'll be spending a long weekend in Berlin. I'm flying out to Berlin Wednesday evening to meet up with my whole family – arriving from London, Reykjavik, and Halle – and to celebrate my grandmother's birthday, eat good food, and have intense conversations about what we are up to.

If course I'll take the time to meet with a few interesting companies while I'm there – amongst others, people doing hardware instead of software... I've met so few of those, it's going to be exciting to learn about their no-doubt very different business models, and see where Unity can be a fit.

So, anyone else I should be meeting up with? As I've written before, the authorized way to meet up in foreign cities is dopplr.com.