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Unite 2010 recap
Nov 17, 2010|2 Min
Unite 2010 recap

Unite 2010 was incredible – undeniably the best Unite ever... but then every one of them has had that honor! :)

We had visitors from as far as India, Israel, Uruguay and Australia – a total of 22 nationalities (and another 15 or so if you include Unity employees). And although these people are all working on different things – from MMOs to mobile games to a host of projects outside of gaming – they’re all remarkably similar in their passion, creativity and intelligence.

At Unite, we also did something we haven’t done since 2005: we launched a new way of doing business. And we did it twice during the Unite keynote (watch it here), which feels kind of wild for us.

The first is the Unity Asset Store, the flagship feature of Unity 3.1 which we launched (as a free update) during the Unite keynote. The Unity Asset Store is accessed from within Unity and is a way to download and buy Unity assets without leaving the app. It’s cool as it launched with around 70 cool packages in it, and from now on, it’ll be the prime repository for Unity assets, whether these are art packages, tutorials, scripts and libraries, or even whole new features for Unity (using the editor extensibility). I promise you that this is going to be big, and with more than 2000 developers having signed up days after it launched, it seems that many agree!

The second is Union – our new business unit created to help you get your titles on new and/or closed platforms to earn additional revenue. We are already accepting submissions of finished mobile games into Union and are really excited about where this will go during 2011.

We’ll post video and presentations from Unite over the next few weeks but you’ll have to go to our Facebook page to see the pics from the conference, including the ones of us dancing on the catwalk at the best-ever Unite party :)

As we look ahead, we’re all laser focused on innovating to expand usability, power and platform reach so we can deliver on our vision of democratizing interactive 3D technology. And with the continued upgrades to the Unity platform as well as the launch of the Unity Asset Store and Union, we’re going broader with that laser sharp vision than ever before!

If we don’t see you before, we hope to get to see you at GDC 2011 in San Francisco – and thank you again for the love and support!