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Case studies
How Pocket Gems used ironSource’s solution for Custom Product Pages to boost conversion rate and IPM
Sep 21, 2022|4:undefined Min
case study-pocket-gems-episodes

Pocket Gems is a game developer based in San Francisco, California and produces hits like War Dragons. Recently, they wanted to boost user acquisition for their game, Episodes. ironSource is the first SDK network to support Apple Custom Product Pages, so they suggested Pocket Gems use their latest Custom Product Pages feature.

Justen Teguh, Performance Marketing Manager at Pocket Gems, describes how Pocket Gamer created a new custom landing page to boost their conversion rate by 8% and IPM by 16%.

Trying Custom Product Pages

Since we first launched Episodes, we saw that one particular creative performed much better than the rest - and we’ve been running with it for a long time. To prevent creative fatigue, we needed a new way to excite and attract users.

The ironSource team recommended we use their solution for Custom Product Pages - which lets us connect custom versions of our App store landing page to specific creatives we’re running on the ironSource network. In just a couple clicks, we had everything set up.

Optimizing the Custom Product Pages

Before implementing Custom Product Pages on all our campaigns, we wanted to test its impact on one. To excite users and establish a more consistent message across the user journey, the ironSource team recommended we create a landing page featuring our top creative.

ironSource helped us set up an A/B test - players who click on the creative will see either the default Apple Store page or our new Custom Product Page. To maximize our new page’s potential for success, ironSource helped us find the best combination of the landing page and creative. From here, we started testing.

Enjoying positive results

12 days later, the A/B test showed us some very promising results. Compared to the default landing page, the Custom Product Page had a 5% higher conversion rate than the default page, and IPM jumped by 16%.

That was just the signal we needed to quickly implement this new Custom Product Page in our main campaign. The moment we did, conversion rates jumped even higher, an 8% total uplift.

With our higher IPM, we’ve driven more installs, and thanks to our success with this new landing page, we’re now using this Custom Product Page across all of our ironSource campaigns.

Thanks to our long working relationship with ironSource, we knew that Custom Product Pages was worth a try - and that trust paid off. As we continue to expand our company, we look forward to exploring other ways to scale together.

"Thanks to our long working relationship with ironSource, we knew that Custom Product Pages was worth a try - and that trust paid off."

- Justen Teguh, Performance Marketing Manager at Pocket Gems