Unity 2023.1.17

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Known Issues in 2023.1.17f1

  • Asset Bundles: Editor crashes on vector_map<ConstantString,AssetBundle when using the LoadAssetAsync function (UUM-49715)

  • Cloth: Cannot use Paint tool (UUM-35062)

  • Culling: [Mobile] Player freezes on "UnityClassic::Baselib_SystemFutex_Wait" or silently crashes (UUM-41806)

  • DirectX11: D3D11 swapchain error pop-up appears and the Editor shuts down when opening a project (UUM-49251)

  • DirectX11: [AMD] [DX11] Additional lights are broken when Spotlight is added to the Scene (UUM-20625)

  • GLES: [Linux][URP] Crash on GfxFramebufferGLES::Clear when entering the Play Mode when all Renderer Features are disabled, Native RenderPass and MainCamera's Depth Texture is enabled (UUM-49240)

  • Kernel: Crash on RendererUpdateManager::RemoveRenderer when undoing painting tiles to the scene (UUM-48842)

  • Metal: [iOS] Rendering freezes when the orientation is changed (UUM-9480)

  • OpenGL: [Linux][URP][OpenGL] Scene View has a red texture overlay when the project is using URP and OpenGLCore Graphics API (UUM-44222)

  • Platform Audio: Audio is delayed by ~0,5 sec after starting to play it in the Android/iOS Player (UUM-41494)

  • Scene Management: Crash on RuntimeSceneManager::UnloadAllScenesWithoutDestroyingGameObjects when exiting Play Mode (UUM-53145)

  • Serialization: Crash and or slow update when List items are reordered in the Inspector Window (UUM-46703)

  • Serialization: Editor Crashes on WalkTypeTreeComplete<SerializedObjectTypeTreeWalk::ContainsManagedReferences'::2'::IsManagedReferenceVisitor> when a list with serialize reference fields is re-ordered (UUM-47108)

  • Text: [TextMeshPro] "CONTEXT" menu item appears and Editor crashes when TMP 3.2.0-pre.4 package is imported (UUM-40410)

  • Universal RP: Depth pass is rendered with an incorrect matrix in the animation preview when using Universal RP (UUM-41388)

  • Universal RP: Meshes are not rendered when building WindowsStandalonePlayer builds from the command line with "batchmode", "nographics" flags (UUM-47782)

2023.1.17f1 Release Notes


  • Particles: Added BakeTexture and BakeTrailsTexture scripting methods.

  • VFX Graph: VFX instancing allowed when having exposed textures, meshes or graphic buffers.


  • HDRP: Added a warning to the HDRP Wizard if a users project contains materials that cant be upgraded. (UUM-46394)

  • HDRP: Improved skyContext caching when the sky renderer changes. (UUM-43697)

  • Kernel: Added "-timestamps" command line argument to the player, which makes it prepend timestamps at the beginning of each log line. This setting was previously only available to the editor.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Improved performance of repeated checks whether accelerometer and gyrometer are supported.


  • Graphics: D3D11 will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to disable anti aliasing. (UUM-741)

  • Graphics: D3D12 will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to disable anti aliasing. (UUM-741)

  • Graphics: GLES will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4. (UUM-741)

  • Graphics: IOS will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4. (UUM-741)

  • Graphics: Mac will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4. (UUM-741)

  • Graphics: RenderTexture will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to disable anti aliasing. (UUM-741)

  • Graphics: TvOS will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4. (UUM-741)

  • Graphics: Vulkan will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4. (UUM-741)

  • UI: Added "Unsupported MSAA Fallback" in player settings to specify how to handle cases with unsupported sample counts. (UUM-741)

  • URP: Vulkan URP will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4. (UUM-741)


  • 2D: Fixed Crash on GfxVersionList::Impl::GetVersion when opening project/scene/Game view. (UUM-35341)

  • Android: APP_CMD_WINDOW_INSETS_CHANGED will be correctly reported for GameActivity, when soft keyboard is opened/closed. (UUM-47094)

  • Android: Corrected set sensor name and vendor when reporting to the input system package. Previously only sensor type was being reported, while name and vendor were empty strings. (UUM-47130)

  • Android: Show the last rendered frame when the application come back from the pause state. (UUM-30881)

  • Animation: Fixed bug where animation rigging constraints and AnimationScriptPlayable could not set translation on the hips of a humanoid, even if its root motion was disabled. (UUM-51103)

  • Animation: Fixed incorrect display of the event markers in the FBX importer Animation tab. (UUM-49717)

  • Build Pipeline: Log error in editor rather than closing the editor if building a player failed due to invalid inputs. (UUM-40764)

  • Build Pipeline: Enable Dedicated Server optimizations option fails on incremental Asset Bundle builds. (UUM-32589)

  • Editor: Avoid a type initialization exception that can occur on Apple Silicon when a .NET executable is run as part of the Unity Editor tooling. (UUM-44304)

  • Editor: Do not show UnityWebRquest timeout error from curl to Editor console. (UUM-47110)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash caused by Leak Detection Mode: EnabledWithStackTrace when tracked allocations are made on worker threads. (UUM-51798)

  • Editor: Fixed crash in audio mixer when loading assets that are corrupted. (UUM-43714)

  • Editor: Fixed Crash on ContainerWindow::ToggleMaximize when EditorWindow is closed during Undo. (UUM-48402)

  • Editor: Fixed Domain Reload editor crash when invalid assemblies are present in the project. (UUM-47920)

  • Editor: Fixed for stripping out the Texture2DArray or Texture3D assets from dedicated server builds. (UUM-42750)

  • Editor: Fixed hangs in GC and crash when Content Files unload. (UUM-51951)

  • Editor: Fixed inspector window refreshing and fields losing focus each time a modification was made to a prefab. (UUM-51430)

  • Editor: Fixed issue with copy/paste long value on the serialized property field. (UUM-41175)

  • Editor: Fixed multiline error/warning compiler messages getting ignored. (UUM-40887)

  • Editor: Fixed problem with sending editor.buildPackageList analytics event. (UUM-49560)

  • Editor: Fixed the Object Selector window title so it used nice names to match the ObjectField label. (UUM-49089)

  • Editor: Fixed the styling of the shortcut manager prompt window when the active shortcut profile has a long name. (UUM-35758)

  • Editor: Fixed to make sure Clear commands work when using RenderPass API and Vulkan. (UUM-41126)

  • Editor: GameObject shadows could be broken when entities positions are very far away. (UUM-46339)

  • Editor: Improved temp atomic safety handle by temp allocator owns the safety nodes. (UUM-41241, UUM-41907)

  • Editor: Increased Undo buffer maximum size to prevent 'Failed to create Object Undo, because the action is too large' error in console. (UUM-19657)

  • Editor: Linux crash related to MenuItem Validate() calling Menu.SetChecked(). (UUM-49439)

  • Editor: Loop information embedded in the smpl chunk of WAVE files is now properly handled in WebGL player builds. (UUM-12530)

  • Editor: Shader is still SRP Batcher compatible when using array in UnityPerMaterial cbuffer. (UUM-52178)

  • Editor: Targeting a platform with incorrect environment setup (e.g. targeting with an incorrect GDK installed) no longer generates unrecoverable shader errors. (UUM-42506)

  • Editor: [Android][2023.1] Modify DeleteAsset function to check whether file path already begins with "Assets" folder to avoid adding the folder twice. (UUM-48497)

  • GI: Make player compile without runtime GI define. (UUM-52639)

  • Graphics: Fixed MRT clear on Vulkan. (UUM-46866)

  • Graphics: Fixed on-the-fly decompression of ASTC-compressed textures in Editor when width or height is smaller than 4 pixels. (UUM-41708)

  • Graphics: Fixed Vulkan rendering when viewport or scissor rectangle has negative offset. (UUM-39970)

  • Graphics: MSAA sample count will fallback with same sample count, no matter what API is used. (UUM-741)

  • HDRP: Allowed users to change the maximum amount of lights used in a local neighborhood in the HDRP path tracer through the shader config mechanism. (UUM-47230)

  • HDRP: Fixed a SetData error when using more lights in a scene than the configured max light count settings. (UUM-46001)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where non directional light could react to "interact with sky" flag. (UUM-46848)

  • HDRP: Fixed blending between cascaded shadowmaps and shadowmask as well as cascades border ranges. (UUM-46922)

  • HDRP: Fixed crash when cleaning up the reflection probe camera cache. (UUM-43926)

  • HDRP: Fixed missing shadergraph include on HDRP. (UUM-51851)

  • HDRP: Gray out the UI of light cluster override and show the same message as path tracing if raytracing is disabled. (UUM-46736)

  • HDRP: Improved VolumetricSky caching and Reduced significantly memory allocation for scenes with multiple realtime reflection probes. (UUM-42724)

  • IL2CPP: Prevent the debugger from incorrectly resetting the value of static fields in some cases. (UUM-35358)

  • Particles: Improved batching performance of Particle Systems that use Sprites. (UUM-52114)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed drag and drop action of Skybox material in the SceneView not added to the Undo stack and not dirtying the scene. (UUM-29041)

  • Serialization: The fix makes sure that a rebuild is performed after the rename of the scriptable object and the scriptable object is updated accordingly, so that the editor doesn't crash. (UUM-41704)

  • Shaders: Fixed PackageRequirements block in ShaderLab not recognizing experimental package versions. (UUM-43288)

  • uGUI: Fixed Physics2DRaycaster returning the wrong distance between the sorting groups and the raycast. (UUM-45893)

  • UI Toolkit: Added support for math operations in the Slider and SliderInt text input field. (UUM-49342)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed editor failing to load layout preset when it includes the UI Builder. (UUM-48802)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed loading of resources by path when a fragment was included in the URI but the asset requested was not a sub-asset. (UUM-49355)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed new default runtime theme being created after an existing default runtime theme was renamed. (UUM-48266)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed ObjectField showing the wrong label when the asset was missing. (UUM-40335)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed undo on text based attribute fields deals with each character separately. (UUM-32599)

  • Universal RP: Fixed transparent materials getting marked as dirty during material UI updates and project saving. (UUM-45752)

  • VFX Graph: "materials" and "sharedMaterials" properties return all the materials, not only the active ones. (UUM-21328)

  • VFX Graph: Crash when converting to subgraph block. (UUM-39696)

  • VFX Graph: Crash while sampling combined or deleted mesh with SampleMesh. (UUM-36588)

  • VFX Graph: Exception while convert to subgraph with Range of Parameter. (UUM-39693)

  • VFX Graph: Exception while switching fabric material to transparent. (UUM-41220)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed shader graph with VFX compatibility were not reimported if imported before VFX package is installed. (UUM-12579)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed unexpected listing of scene object in object picker from graph. (UUM-34570)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed wrong size used for update in strips with immortal particles. (UUM-46154)

  • VFX Graph: Immortal particles don't work properly when instancing is enabled. (UUM-21002)

  • VFX Graph: Subgraph creation doesn't keep activation slots link. (UUM-40383)

  • Web: Fixed a typo in the Memory Growth web player setting. (UUM-51958)

  • Web: Fixed typo in setting description. (UUM-46118)

  • WebGL: Fixed rendering issues on Apple M1 GPUs when Depth Priming is enabled for URP. (UUM-40225)

  • Windows: AsyncOperation returned by Screen.MainWindowMoveTo now gets invoked upon completion of the screen move. (UUM-45273)

Package changes in 2023.1.17f1

Packages updated

Packages added

Pre-release packages added


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