Unity 2021.3.22

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Known Issues in 2021.3.22f1

  • Asset - Database: Script recompiles in Play Mode when Script Changes While Playing option is set to Recompile After Finished Playing and Auto refresh is set to enabled. (UUM-20409)

  • iOS: Rendering freezes when the orientation is changed (UUM-9480)

  • Linux: Crash on GUIView::IsVSyncEnabled when saving a preset (UUM-29750)

  • MacOS: [2D Platformer Microgame] 2D Platformer Microgame Project crash on __cxxabiv1::__aligned_malloc_with_fallback when pinching out or in on the trackpad during “Zoom in and out” step (UUM-20720)

  • MacOS: [M1] Crash on System.Object:__icall_wrapper_ves_icall_array_new_specific when launching a project (UUM-3207)

  • Mono: Crash with ScanAssemblyForAttributesAndInterfaceImplementations when opening a project (1376858)

  • RP Foundation: "Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Material)).Length" increases every time when entering/exiting Play Mode (UUM-27587)

  • Scene Management: Crash on Transform::CheckStructure when manually opening a scene (UUM-31129)

2021.3.22f1 Release Notes


  • 2D: - Fixed an issue where in large Sprite Libraries the inspector would fail to load Sprite previews. (DANB-367)

  • 2D: - [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed an issue where "System.ArgumentException" thrown when opening sprite Prefab with Script. (DANB-335)

  • 2D: - [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed an issue where IKEditorManager updates even when there are no active IK Manager 2Ds in the Scene. (DANB-344)

  • 2D: - [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed an issue where IKGizmos will throw an exception in the editor when IKSolver has an unassigned Solver in its list. (DANB-370)

  • 2D: - [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed an issue where undo the addition of a Sprite Skin component would crash the editor. (DANB-201)

  • 2D: - [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed an issue where undoing vertex painting results in a displaced mesh. (DANB-309)

  • 2D: - [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed SpriteResolver does not animation with animation clip when upgrading from 2020.3. (DANB-374)

  • 2D: - [com.unity.2d.spriteshape] Fix case where Error "A Native Collection has not been disposed, resulting in a memory leak" occurs in Play Mode. (DANB-296)

  • 2D: - [com.unity.2d.spriteshape] Fix case where BezierUtility.BezierPoint function parameters are not in the right order. (DANB-239)

  • 2D: - [com.unity.2d.tilemap.extras][GameObjectBrush] Align rotation and flip to 2D View in Editor.

  • 2D: - [com.unity.2d.tilemap.extras][GameObjectBrush] Fix placement of GameObjects for Hexagon Layouts with Anchor.

  • 2D: - [com.unity.2d.tilemap.extras][RandomBrush] Use default color and transform when painting over with RandomBrush.

  • 2D: Fixed a crash when a user loads a Tilemap with a TilemapCollider2D and CompositeCollider2D with an invalid Sprite. (UUM-29132)

  • Apple TV: Fixed a crash when closing the hardware keyboard. (UUM-26712)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed a case of Missing Script errors that could occur after leaving safe mode.

  • Asset Pipeline: Removed use of auto keyword in LMDB library. (UUM-29394)

  • DX12: Fixed a crash due to copying sampler descriptors. (UUM-29343)

  • Editor: Detect asset corruption before uploading to accelerator. (UUM-26502)

  • Editor: Disabled depth resolve if the camera doesn't have a depth buffer. (UUM-22019)

  • Editor: Enabled Gradle file search to use RegEx when looking for Play library dependencies, which identifies dependencies included with both double or single quotes. (UUM-29110)

  • Editor: Enabled shader global values to be taken into account when deciding what to rebake. (UUM-27392)

  • Editor: Fixed "Target minimum iOS Version" requirement. (UUM-29044)

  • Editor: Fixed a rare Editor crash when using accelerator for shader cache. (UUM-27645)

  • Editor: Fixed an OS key binding exception in ShortcutManager. (UUM-4125)

  • Editor: Fixed freeform light tessellation for Light2D. (UUM-9674)

  • Editor: Fixed handling msaa resolve in Frame Debugger when connected to Meta Quest over display link. (UUM-1552)

  • Editor: Fixed issue when importing FBX files where memory usage grows exponentially with the amount of clips present in the file. (UUM-22047)

  • Editor: Fixed ReorderableList element culling when drawing with GUI rotation or scaling applied. (UUM-10761)

  • Editor: Fixed the editor crash while switching avatar from generic to humanoid. (UUM-22716)

  • Editor: GameObjects from 31st layer are rendered when Camera.cullingMask is set to 'Everything'. (UUM-2698)

  • Editor: Only change file status flags with chflags on OSX if the requested flags differ from actual. (UUM-26616)

  • Editor: The color picker can now select the proper color on a secondary monitor on macOS (UUM-2501)

  • GI: Fixed corrupted probes on scenes without a lighting data asset when running the editor with -nographics. (UUM-16874)

  • Graphics: Fixed failing editor mode test on M1 trying to create a PVRTC texture smaller than the minimum required size. (UUM-3791)

  • Graphics: Product name will now be used as application name when creating Vulkan instance. (UUM-25486)

  • Graphics: VSync doesn't turn off when changing the quality in the Player from "High Fidelity" to "Performant". (UUM-17522)

  • Linux: Fixed the Mouse position so it is now correct when playing the build on a multiple monitor setup in full screen mode. (UUM-26497)

  • Networking: Fixed an issue that could prevent UDP sockets from being created on Windows when TDI filters were installed.

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed selected child GameObjects not rendering gizmos when the root GameObject is not also selected. (UUM-22208)

  • Shaders: Fix material keywords cleared when setting the exact same list of keywords (UUM-27639)

  • TLS: Cumulative TLS update.<br> Fixed invalid verification results reported in some cases when there is a TLS handshake failure.<br> Fixed an issue where opening multiple TLS connections with different lifetimes might affect the ability to produce log output after one of the first connections is closed.<br> Improved TLS errors reported by Unity Web Request.

  • uGUI: "NullReferenceException" error is thrown when entering the Play Mode with &gt;=2 open Inspectors and Canvas GameObject is selected. (UUM-1510)

  • uGUI: Instantiating a Selectable under a CanvasGroup sets the correct interactable state. (UUM-27611)

  • UI Elements: Added "-unity-slice-scale" USS property to UI Builder and updated drag step for some style fields<br> Also updated dragger manipulators for the following UI Builder property inspectors (default drag step updated from 1.0px (old value) to 0.1px (new value):<br>

    • TextShadow's Blur Radius, Offset X and Y fields<br>
    • Slice Scale field. (UUM-15680)
  • UI Toolkit: Users can set the ScrollView's mouse wheel scroll size (thus its speed) with the Mouse Wheel Scroll Size attribute, regardless of its vertical and horizontal page sizes. (UUM-18554)

  • Universal RP: Fixed soft shadow filtering quality when using large empty shadow atlas. Use allocated atlas size instead of requested size. (UUM-10520)

  • URP: Fixed incorrect Depth for Camera Stacks. (UUM-24943)

  • VFX Graph: Added support for multiple subgraphs drag&amp;drop. (UUM-15236)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a crash when drag &amp; dropping a vfx on another vfx with a circular dependency. (UUM-14670)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed the Dispose() method of MeshToSDFBaker leading to memory leaks (UUM-25814)

  • VFX Graph: GPU Event weren't always safe. (UUM-25065)

  • WebGL: Fixed FMOD console errors when a scene is reloaded. (UUM-19241)

  • WebGL: Fixed playback of mp3 audio files loaded via UnityWebRequest on Safari (UUM-25389)

  • Windows: Fixed IME text input not being reported appropriately when users clicks away while using an IME, with the input system. The characters would be reported multiple times. (UUM-24734)

Package changes in 2021.3.22f1

Packages updated


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