Unity 2023.2.0 Alpha 15

Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.

Known Issues in 2023.2.0a15

  • Audio: Audio random container shows subassets in the project folder when adding clips via drag & drop

  • Audio: Audio Random Container window clears when deselecting the Audio Random Container in the project view

  • Audio: Dragging a audio clip from project view into the Audio Random Container AudioClips list, behaves incorrectly.

  • Audio: The Audio Random Container window sometimes loads an incorrect UI when entering playmode

  • DirectX12: [macOS] Editor freezes when saving prefab changes in Play Mode if “VSync” is enabled (UUM-30173)

  • Editor: Enabled loop information embedded in the smpl chunk of WAVE files to now be properly handled in WebGL Player builds. (UUM-12530) <br>Fixed in 2023.2.0a16.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where render textures would leak when attached in a Player using URP with the Frame Debugger. (UUM-28065) <br>Fixed in 2023.2.0a16.

  • Editor: Fixed the Editor crashing when using the CCD package. (UUM-34288) <br>Fixed in 2023.2.0a16.

  • MacOS: Crash on objc_msgSend when the Editor UI gets redrawn (UUM-34202)

  • Metal: [iOS] Rendering freezes when the orientation is changed (UUM-9480)

  • Project Browser: Project Browser shows package resources when package visibility is disabled (UUM-32517)

  • Universal RP: Fixed TAA resource leak on entering or exiting the playmode. (UUM-34062) <br>Fixed in 2023.2.0a16.

  • Universal RP: Flickering orbs appear when using RenderTargetHandle (UUM-26513)

  • Visual Effects: Creating and opening a Visual Effect Graph throws errors in the Console, opens the Windows menu to select a program with which to open the .vfx file and leaves default prompt to create a new .vfx file in the VFX Graph Window (UUM-35716)

  • Vulkan: Oculus Quest 2 build does not work when built with Vulkan (UUM-10378)

New 2023.2.0a15 Entries since 2023.2.0a14


  • Editor: Replaced most OS contextual menus with the UI Toolkit version.

  • HDRP: Added support for clustered decals in the HDRP path tracer.

  • HDRP: Added the Global Pass API to allow injecting custom passes in the rendering without GameObjects in the scene.


  • Android: Added UnityApplication.GetEvents() in GameActivity bridge files which allows you to subscribe to various events. This can be accessed from InitializeUserCode. For instance, application-&gt;GetEvents().Register&lt;Unity::UnityEventProcessInput&gt;([](const Unity::UnityEvent&amp; e) { &lt;your code&gt; }});.

  • Android: Enabled placing extra .cpp files in unityLibrary/src/main/cpp/GameActivity/myfolder/ and implement InitializeUserCode/ShutdownUserCode functions for extra initialization of custom code.

  • DX12: Added support for constant buffer offset binding in the backend, which can allow more efficient implementation of terrain detail painting or GPU skinning. (UUM-2881)

  • Graphics: Improved the memory impact for global settings in cross pipeline projects.

  • iOS: Added support for the dark StatusBar style (UIStatusBarStyleDarkContent).

  • Mono: Improved performance of managed to native transitions.

  • Player: Enabled specifying the used threading mode in log-files.

  • XR: Improved bandwidth on Quest when using dynamic resolution by avoiding redundant framebuffer loads.

API Changes

  • Graphics: Added: Added a new API to provide a scene culling mask in Graphics.Render calls.

  • Graphics: Added: Added an instanceID property in the RenderParams which allows procedural and indirect draw calls to be picked in the scene view.

  • UI Toolkit: Added: Added an API to allocate temporary meshes and add draw calls from a job.


  • IL2CPP: Enabled receiving a MissingMethodException instead of a runtime crash in native code for methods that aren't AOT.

  • Package: Enabled exporting camera focus distance and using depth of field properties.

  • Package: Updated com.unity.sequences to version 2.1.0.

  • XR: Added XR Interaction Toolkit to the AR and VR Feature sets to maximize XR interactivity out of the box.


  • Android: Expose UnityApplication.SendMessage in GameActivity's cpp bridge files (UUM-33860)

  • Android: fixed getMethodID failure on some android version (UUM-31912)

  • Android: The 'Filter Touches When Obscured' Player Setting is now respected by the new input system. (UUM-31555)

  • Android: Updated GetDeviceName() API to support SystemInfo.deviceName on API Level 32 or higher (UUM-32514)

  • Animation: Fixed autoframing of a curve when opening the curve window. (UUM-31914)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fix crash on CachedWriter::Write when building AssetBundle (.byte file &gt;2GB) (UUM-16390)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue with async unloading which could cause errors and crashes in AssetDatabase.CreateAsset() (UUM-20313)

  • Build System: Bee CSharpProgram2 dotnet publish actions should depend on resource files too

  • Build System: bee_backend: avoid EXTBUSY errors on linux

  • Core: Fixed leak in Job Debugger that would occur when using a NativeContainer's async Dispose(JobHandle) method. (UUM-27552)

  • Editor: Add more validation when saving scene template (handled outside project). Also allows saving inside a package folders. (UUM-30708)

  • Editor: Add null protection in AssetStore provider when trying to display data as a table. (UUM-31981)<br> First seen in 2023.2.0a9.

  • Editor: Add try/catch when calling custom indexers so they cannot crash the whole indexing process. (UUM-27948)

  • Editor: Better error formatting providing context on which provider has triggered the error. Ensure asset provider knows about all the default filters to avoid giving errors on known filter that haven't been indexed. (UUM-32810)

  • Editor: Change search result count label color to be more clear when selected and hovered. (UUM-32515)

  • Editor: Ensure AssetChangeSet.empty is properly setup even if the default constructor is used. Reenable the failing tests. (UUM-21336)

  • Editor: Ensure embedded inspector can be used to enter keyboard values even if their editor is created using IMGUI (UUM-25187)

  • Editor: Ensure SearchQuery deleted from outside the SearchQueryPanel are removed from the list. (UUM-31969)

  • Editor: Ensure that when clearing detail view or reloading it, we do not keep ref on deleted Serialized property. (UUM-31865)

  • Editor: Fix all "Seach" (to Search) typos: in doc and in styling classes (UUM-32607)<br> First seen in 2023.2.0a6.

  • Editor: Fix Column naming in Edit Column menu. (UUM-32469)

  • Editor: Fix doc link for searchquery (UUM-32269)

  • Editor: Fix instabilities on DeleteMultipleAssets (UUM-33221)

  • Editor: Fix not needed scrollbar and also fix clean up in preset editor to avoid ExcludedProperties exception. (UUM-30379)

  • Editor: Fix the problem of selectedPlatform being serialized in ProjectSettings.asset. (UUM-28332)

  • Editor: Fix title show the major, minor and version build (UUM-26695)

  • Editor: Fix ViewState assignation so it doesn't trash the main context searchview. (UUM-32792)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where a UnityException ("Could not find the requested Platform Texture Settings. This is incorrect, did initialization fail?") would sometimes be thrown when inspecting multiple texture importers at the same time. (UUM-15620)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where users would sometimes be prompted to save their changes by the Texture Importer Inspector despite having not changed any of the importer settings. (UUM-19921)

  • Editor: fixed file revealing in folder won't highlight. only available in gnome DE. (UUM-32840)<br> First seen in 2023.2.0a10.

  • Editor: Fixed material icons generation when switch from Built-In (UUM-23330)

  • Editor: Fixed Missing Debug Symbols when building a Mono project (UUM-30004)

  • Editor: Fixed Painter2D Arc() error when end angle is larger than 360 degrees (UUM-28270)

  • Editor: Fixed Vorbis audio library security vulnerabilities CVE-2018-10392 and CVE-2018-10393 (UUM-5914)

  • Editor: Fixes an editor crash that could sometimes be triggered when painting terrain details. (UUM-26884)

  • Editor: Improve warning message when trying to save a SceneTemplate with an invalid asset path (UUM-31433)

  • Editor: Improve warning message when trying to save a SearchQuery with an invalid asset path (UUM-26577)

  • Editor: Improved documentation for GetActiveScene behavior during scene load (UUM-34557)

  • Editor: Improved loading time of all text serialized files (UUM-32952)

  • Editor: Make the initial block size of BlockDoublingLinearAllocator configurable

  • Editor: Moved "Add Column" button next to the "Reset Columns" button in the Search window, when using the table view. (UUM-32305)

  • Editor: Property titles from several words are now displayed with spaces (UUM-32367)

  • Editor: Quick Search now displays Hierarchy GameObjects when using custom PreviewSceneStage (UUM-30315)

  • Editor: Running into networking issues while fetching ugs organizations no longer softlocks.

  • Editor: Set a filter id for both perf provider. (UUM-34438)

  • Editor: Updated XR Interaction Toolkit to 2.3.2

  • Editor: When executing an action from a SearchQueryEditor preview window, check if the searchwindow is null before trying to close it. (UUM-33870)

  • GI: Fixed a bug where moving the camera while in an scene visualization mode would cause light bakes to never finish. (UUM-34425)

  • Graphics: Disable Vulkan DebugUtilsLabels for Linux AMD due to driver crash bug (UUM-31640)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue with RayTracingAccelerationStructure.CullInstance not taking into account Umbra renderers. (UUM-13283)

  • Graphics: Fixed local volumetric fog rendered twice in prefab context and entities sub-scenes. (UUM-32296)

  • HDRP: Fixing square artifacts on 1/4 res pbr dof and warning during player builds. (UUM-34487)

  • IL2CPP: Added support for the refanytype opcode<br> https://github.cds.internal.unity3d.com/unity/il2cpp/pull/5172<br> https://jira.unity3d.com/browse/UUM-29465 (UUM-29465)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed possible GC corruption when using the job system on PS4/PS5 platforms.<br> https://github.cds.internal.unity3d.com/unity/il2cpp/pull/5168<br> https://jira.unity3d.com/browse/UUM-33034 (UUM-33034)

  • IL2CPP: When P/Invoking with a blittable class parameter, pass a pinned pointer to the managed class to native<br> https://github.cds.internal.unity3d.com/unity/il2cpp/pull/5190<br> https://jira.unity3d.com/browse/UUM-33942 (UUM-33942)

  • IMGUI: Fixed error message displayed in situation where an ExitGUI is called in nested window. (UUM-3432)

  • Linux: Fixed Screen.currentResolution.refreshRate returning garbage value when running headlessly. It will now return 0.

  • Mono: Fixed crash when opening a scene with missing references (UUM-33830)

  • Package Manager: Null exception when clearing search after re-opening package manager is fixed. (UUM-34272)

  • Package Manager: Only showing the author name for custom packages for now on. (UUM-34518)

  • Package Manager: Refresh button stays enabled if user goes offline. (UUM-35005)

  • Physics: Added a warning when cooking concave Mesh Colliders with the Fast Midphase option that have over 2,097,152 triangles (UUM-30748)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed intermediate renderers disappearing when pausing the game in the editor. (UUM-22629)

  • SRP Core: Fixed SerializedBitArray behavior when editing multiple objects or values. (e.g. HDRP Frame Settings toggles working inconsistently) (UUM-883)

  • uGUI: Fixed memory leak when textures get reparented from one scene to another (UUM-33852)

  • UI: Fixes the UI rendering to use the render-target dimensions instead of the display buffer dimensions when calling ScriptableRenderContext.DrawUIOverlay from an SRP. (UUM-12865)

  • UI Toolkit: Fix invalid width on child element of absolute positioned parent. (UUM-30975)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed pointer capture issue when selecting text. (SGB-549)

  • VFX Graph: Fix OutputUpdate warnings about spaces after end of line (UUM-34453)

New 2023.2.0a15 Package Changes since 2023.2.0a14

Packages updated

Packages no longer available

  • com.unity.webrtc

Pre-release packages added

Preview of Final 2023.2.0a15 Release Notes


  • Audio: Added a new AudioRandomContainer asset which lets a user quickly set up a playlist that can be randomized in different ways, with different ways of triggering the sounds. It is useful for most sound use cases, such as footsteps, impacts, weapons, and props. An AudioRandomContainer is played through an AudioSource.

  • Audio: Added a VU meter to the audio random container.

  • DX12: Added support for building ray tracing acceleration structures asynchronously on a compute queue. AsyncCompute CommandBuffers can now run CommandBuffer.BuildRayTracingAccelerationStructure commands. Added support for RayTracingAccelerationStructure to RenderGraph and Render Graph Viewer.

  • DX12: Enabled exposing raytracing acceleration structure build flags for balancing build times versus ray tracing speed and memory consumption on the GPU. The flags can be customized from C# when creating and building a RayTracingAccelerationStructure and from UI in Renderer settings.

  • Editor: Added an option to Scene View preferences to only refresh the Scene view when the Editor is in focus.

  • Editor: Added basic Emoji support.

  • Editor: Added basic OpenType font feature support. Currently, only kerning is enabled.

  • Editor: Added the ability to bind the keyboard shortcut for making transitions between Animator states.

  • Editor: Added UI Toolkit editor to the Camera component.

  • Editor: Replaced most OS contextual menus with the UI Toolkit version.

  • Graphics: Added mipmap limit support for Texture2DArrays.

  • Graphics: Added mipmap stripping support for Texture2DArrays.

  • Graphics: Added rendererPriority support for BatchRendererGroup.

  • Graphics: Added support for providing tiled EXR images to LoadImage.

  • Graphics: Added BatchCullingContext.cullingFlags to specify whether lightmapped shadow casters should be culled.

  • HDRP: Added a material type for thin objects with colored transmission.

  • HDRP: Added a visualization of async compute passes and their synchronization points to the Render Graph Viewer.

  • HDRP: Added support for clustered decals in the HDRP path tracer.

  • HDRP: Added support for shader graph decals to affect transparent objects.

  • HDRP: Added the Global Pass API to allow injecting custom passes in the rendering without GameObjects in the scene.

  • HDRP: Added Volume Profile to HD Render Pipeline Asset.

  • HDRP: Displayed an option to disable clear coat on the material for Lit ShaderGraphs.

  • HDRP: Implemented beer shadow maps for volumetric clouds.

  • Package: Removed a deprecated UnityAnalytics event from the Patch User Reporting SDK, and upgraded package dependencies and sample.

  • Package Manager: Added Services as an entry in the Package Manager side bar.

  • Package Manager: Added a new sidebar with a search field that is specific to sections in the Package Manager.

  • Package Manager: Added contextual sign in buttons when users have imported assets from Asset Store packages.

  • Package Manager: Added icons in the sidebar.

  • Package Manager: Added individual scoped registries to the sidebar.

  • Package Manager: Added the ability to manage an imported .unitypackage from the Asset Store in In Project.

  • Package Manager: Added Web3 as a Filter Category in My Assets.

  • Package Manager: Changed the Updates available filter in the project so it now has its own context in the Package Manager.

  • Package Manager: Reformatted the top toolbar so that you can now see all applied filters.

  • Physics: Added ArticulationBody.jointPosition pointer lines to the Angular Joint Limits tool gizmo to show the exact position of the joint in scene view.

  • Profiler: Added a Highlights module to the Profiler Window.

  • Profiler: Added metadata support for AudioClip and Shader in Memory Profiler.

  • Scene/Game View: Added a new Cameras Overlay to replace the former Camera preview. It's global to the SceneView and it is now possible to work in the SceneView through the lens of a camera. Select ~ in the SceneView to access the Overlays menu.

  • SpeedTree: Enabled HDRP/Nature/SpeedTree8.shadergraph to now use its Subsurface Map for the Transmission Mask node to remove the unintended light transmission from tree barks and twigs. This change also fixes the overly bright billboard lighting not matching the 3D geometry's lighting.

  • UI Elements: Added icon support to the Button control.

  • UI Toolkit: Added a box model widget to the Spacing properties section in the Builder Inspector.

  • UI Toolkit: Added the Emojis Fallback Support field to TextElements and TextFields to control the ordering of where to search for the glyph in the emoji range (primary font vs global fallback).

  • UI Toolkit: Added UxmlElement and UxmlAttribute attributes. These attributes replace the current UxmlFactory and UxmlTraits when creating custom UI Toolkit elements. It is also now possible to create custom property drawers for fields in the same way as the Inspector.

  • Universal RP: Added Alembic velocity motion vector support for URP materials.

  • Universal RP: Added an optional Motion Vector vertex output for ShaderGraph to author custom motion vectors in object space. This is applied in addition to the camera, transform, skeletal, and Alembic motion vectors.

  • Universal RP: Added automatic TimeBased motion vector generation for ShaderGraphs with vertex animation based only on the Time node. All other data which affects position has to be constant between frames.

  • Universal RP: Added Default Volume Profile to URP Global Settings.

  • Universal RP: Added motion vector support for motion blur postprocess effect. Added Camera And Objects option to the MotionBlur volume component.

  • Universal RP: Added support for additional directional light cookies.

  • Universal RP: Added support for XR rendering and cameras using orthographic projection to Forward+ rendering path.

  • URP: Added Volume Profile to Universal Render Pipeline Asset.

  • Version Control: Added a project option to support tracking packages that exist on disk outside of the project's root folder.

  • VFX Graph: Added support for motion vector in URP.

  • VFX Graph: Enabled the creation of URP Decal Particle Output.

  • VFX Graph: Enabled the VFX Graph asset creation workflow to now go through a template window to visually select a relevant starting point.

  • XR: Added Hololens Automation Support.


  • 2D: Added icons to the Clipboard and Brush Pick overlays for Tile Palette when the overlays are collapsed. (UUM-29771)

  • 2D: Added the shortcut key to the tooltips for the toggles that activate overlays in the Tile Palette window.

  • 2D: Enabled the serialization of TileChangeData.

  • 2D: Improved the performance of creating a large number of Tile assets with the Tile Palette window.

  • 2D: Improved the performance of opening the Tile Palette window when the Tile Palette references a large number of Tile assets. (UUM-26849)

  • Android: Added UnityApplication.GetEvents() in GameActivity bridge files which allows you to subscribe to various events. This can be accessed from InitializeUserCode. For instance, application-&gt;GetEvents().Register&lt;Unity::UnityEventProcessInput&gt;([](const Unity::UnityEvent&amp; e) { &lt;your code&gt; }});.

  • Android: Enabled adding the minimum aspect ratio.

  • Android: Enabled placing extra .cpp files in unityLibrary/src/main/cpp/GameActivity/myfolder/ and implement InitializeUserCode/ShutdownUserCode functions for extra initialization of custom code.

  • Android: Improved the Android LocationService implementation so it takes less time in each frame. This improvement is only small if the implementation is not used.

  • Android: Improved the warning messages for missing Android Tools, such as NDK or JDK. In the case of a missing tool, Unity will print out what version it finds and what it expects, which helps users figure out how to solve the problem easier.

  • Animation: Enabled automatic stripping of any leading or trailing whitespace when editing the name of a state machine parameter via the Animator or Animator Parameters windows.

  • Animation: Reduced the cost of building muscle clips, which speeds up Animator.Awake.

  • Animation: Reduced the number of garbage collection allocations when calling Animator.GetParameter(int index) and improved its speed.

  • Apple TV: Enabled tvOS to now use a launch screen storyboard.

  • Audio: Add a yellow line to the volume, pitch, and time slider to visualise the random range.

  • Build System: Enabled prevention of a sharing violation on path errors for console log.

  • Burst: Added a Burst AOT setting for the debug information generated for player builds.

  • Burst: Added a SIMD smell test to the Burst Inspector, highlighting ARM or x86-64 SIMD instructions which changes depending on whether they work for packed or scalar inputs.

  • Burst: Added a toggle to filter .Generated jobs from the Burst Inspector target job list.

  • Burst: Added selection of line and highlight of selected line and selected lines register usage.

  • Burst: Added support for ChromeOS in Unity versions 2020.3 and 2019.4.

  • Burst: Enabled Windows/ARM64 targeting support.

  • Burst: Enabled FunctionPointer&lt;delegate&gt;()::Invoke usage is now checked and patched to ensure the calling convention is compatible with Burst.

  • Documentation: Added Android Project Configuration Manager API documentation.

  • Documentation: Added documentation for an API that throws errors for Android Project Configuration Manager.

  • Documentation: Added the limitation of the OnTriggerExit event to documentation.

  • Documentation: Improved documentation related to inline ray tracing support. Added inlineraytracing in the pragma require list in the User Manual.

  • Documentation: Improved the Android Project Configuration API documentation.

  • Documentation: Improved the documentation for the Android build process order.

  • Documentation: Improved SystemInfo.supportsInlineRayTracing Scripting API documentation.

  • Documentation: Updated Global Illumination documentation to reflect the changes to on demand and auto mode baking. (LIGHT-1260)

  • DX12: Added support for constant buffer offset binding in the backend, which can allow more efficient implementation of terrain detail painting or GPU skinning. (UUM-2881)

  • Editor: Added a fog fullscreen debug mode to HDRP. This will display the fog that is applied to the opaque geometry in the scene. The fog display can be controlled through the debug exposure.

  • Editor: Added line number support for the mixed callstack diagnostic.

  • Editor: Added process ID information to the Attach debugger dialog in the Editor.

  • Editor: Added the Plastic SCM Merge tool to the fallback list for YAML Merge Tool on macOS.

  • Editor: Enabled automatically opening a tab when dragging an object over it.

  • Editor: Enabled Leak Detection with stack traces to now group leaks by stack trace, significantly improving the time to report leaks.

  • Editor: Enabled Sketchup Importer on Mac ARM platforms.

  • Editor: Exposed the resolution and resolution value of the reflection probe within the HD Light Explorer. When a custom resolution is selected, the resolution value becomes editable.

  • Editor: Fixed unintended menu layout changes.

  • Editor: Improved memory allocator contention when merging static meshes, which speeds up the process.

  • Editor: Improved performance for Text in the editor.

  • Editor: Improved the camera preview resizing in the scene views and Graph Tool Foundation.

  • Editor: Improved the organized Animation Events into sub-menus in the Inspector.

  • Editor: Improved the performance of the Transform.Find() API, especially when working with large numbers of children.

  • Editor: Improved warnings on GPU Module overheads.

  • Editor: Increased the speed of enter playmode (especially with larger scenes).

  • Editor: Increased the speed of Enter/Exit Play Mode by 3-4% in a sample project.

  • Editor: Ported Graphics Settings tab to UI Toolkit.

  • Editor: Reduced the cost of outline rendering, which improves the frame rate of the editor when many objects are selected.

  • Editor: Reduced the impact of Shader Graph package on performance of domain reloads by making node class cache populate on-demand.

  • Editor: Updated Sketchup SDK version to 2023.2.

  • Editor: Updated UI for SceneView RenderModes.

  • Entities Graphics: Added support for using the built-in ParticlesUnlit shader with a MeshRenderer in a subscene. (UUM-17812)

  • GI: Added a toggle that lets you quickly identify visible backfaces in the scene when using various scene view modes.

  • GI: Added display of timely information in the Editor on lightmaps and probes being baked.

  • GI: Added hotkeys for opening the lighting window (Ctril+9) and performing bakes (Ctril+Shift+L).

  • GI: Added light grid shrinking to GPU lightmapper to improve performance in large scenes with many lights tightly clustered in one corner.

  • GI: Changed the Lightmap Parameters dropdown in Lighting Settings to a file picker field.

  • GI: Decreased the minimum specification of the GPU lightmapper to 2 GB.

  • GI: Improved the performance of the GPU lightmapper when using the Balanced baking profile. This enables memory usage to be more predictable when using larger lightmap sizes.

  • GI: Improved the robustness of out of memory handling when baking large scenes on 4GB AMD R9 cards. (LIGHT-1261)

  • GI: Improved the user experience of light bake progress reporting.

  • GI: Improved the UX of BakePipeline post processing.

  • GI: Moved the baking device and profile selection to a new section at the bottom of the lighting window.

  • GI: Moved the generation of GI debug visualizations to a background thread.

  • GI: Moved the light probe visualization settings to the Scene view gizmo dropdown.

  • GI: Optimized on-demand lightmap baking by compressing and writing lightmap output files in parallel.

  • GI: Optimized the post processing file IO by spreading the work over multiple CPU threads (one thread per file).

  • GI: Redesigned the Generate Lighting button in the Lighting Window and the Bake button in the Reflection Probe inspector to have a distinct separator between their main button and dropdown sections.

  • GI: Removed the Preview Label on GPU lightmapper.

  • GI: Restored LightBaker determinism in relation to OpenRL.

  • Graphics: Enabled batched GPU skinning option for D3D11, Metal, Vulkan, and GLES platforms.

  • Graphics: Enabled R8_UInt, R8_SInt, R16_UInt, R16_SInt Graphics Formats to now be used with AsyncReadback (only direct copy, no conversion).

  • Graphics: Enabled using the dynamic vertex input state for Vulkan pipeline objects to reduce the number of pipeline switches.

  • Graphics: Improved the memory impact for global settings in cross pipeline projects.

  • Graphics: Reduced the time the render thread spends on Profiler.FlushRenderCounters. (UUM-29300)

  • Graphics: Updated the ASTC compressor to version 4.3 to improve compression speed.

  • HDRP: Added a script which drives dynamic resolution scaling in HDRP.

  • HDRP: Added functionality to lock the sun for HDRI Sky.

  • HDRP: Added Henyey Greenstein evaluation and sampling to fog volume scattering.

  • HDRP: Added various optimizations of C# code.

  • HDRP: Decreased the number of Diffusion Profile imported in the HDGlobalSettings Diffusion Profile List when importing the Material Samples.

  • HDRP: Improved Directional Lights PCSS Shadows.

  • HDRP: Improved HDRP Water sample with minor fixes.

  • HDRP: Improved the performance of entering and leaving playmode for scenes containing large numbers of decal projectors.

  • HDRP: Improved the ray traced reflection denoiser.

  • HDRP: Improved the sample import system on SRP packages to import dependencies for each sample.

  • HDRP: Improved the slider for the inner angle control of spotlight.

  • HDRP: Updated some shaders to support DOTS instancing.

  • IL2CPP: Enabled building with .NET NativeAOT, which reduces the Il2cpp.exe runtime by ~20% on Windows.

  • IL2CPP: Enabled UnityLinker to now use Server GC, which reduces its runtime by 15%-20%.

  • IL2CPP: Updated the error message that appears when the GenericSharingVisitor encounters an instruction it cannot process.

  • IMGUI: Enabled IMGUI to now use TextCore to deal with Ellipsis.

  • IMGUI: Removed UTF16 conversion for IMGUI on the native side since we now generate text on the managed side.

  • Input: Changed the error message wording for when the Input Manager is not set up correctly. (UUM-26890)

  • iOS: Added support for the dark StatusBar style (UIStatusBarStyleDarkContent).

  • iOS: Modified the iOS/tvOS launch screen to now be shown only by OS, and not shown again by Unity itself.

  • Kernel: Improved the performance in heavily run code paths for NativeArray, UnsafeUtility, and AtomicSafetyHandle through inlining.

  • Mono: Improved performance of managed to native transitions.

  • Multiplayer: Added Netcode for GameObjects 1.3.1.

  • Multiplayer: Added Netcode for GameObjects 1.4.0.

  • Package Manager: Added analytics for action with deprecated packages or versions. (UUM-28089)

  • Package Manager: Added support for specifying optional path and revision to Git URLs in SCP format.

  • Package Manager: Enabled modifying assets located in immutable packages (under a project's Library/PackageCache folder) to no longer immediately re-resolve the project's packages, which can lead to faster iteration and allow temporary modification of those packages (for instance, for testing or debugging purposes). Package Manager operations can still revert changes, so the recommended way to make changes permanent is still to embed packages prior to modifying them.

  • Package Manager: Improved the tag UI for git and local packages.

  • Particles: Added two new sorting modes for reversed depth.

  • Physics 2D: Removed redundant scripting API descriptions in overloads of several Physic2D queries.

  • Player: Added a -native-leak-detection &lt;mode&gt; command line argument to the Unity Editor and standalone Players. &lt;mode&gt; can be Disabled, Enabled, or EnabledWithStackTrace. Stack Traces are only available in the Unity Editor and development builds.

  • Player: Enabled specifying the used threading mode in log-files.

  • Scene/Game View: Added a grid size field to the Grid and Snap Settings Overlay toolbar.

  • Scene/Game View: Added EditorToolbarFloatField to edit float values in overlay toolbars.

  • Scripting: Reduced compilation time in large projects.

  • Scripting: Switched path sorting during compilation from an invariant culture compare to an ordinal compare, which speeds up C# compilation when scripts are changed.

  • Serialization: Improved performance of restoring managed objects during a domain reload.

  • Serialization: Improved the performance of restoring managed objects during a domain reload.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed the NullReferenceException when entering Play Mode with an unfocused Shader Graph window or when closing the Shader Graph Window. (SGB-409)

  • Shadergraph: Increased the speed of rename operations on properties, keywords, or dropdowns in large graphs. (SGB-382)

  • Shadergraph: Increased the speed of setting blackboard values in large graphs. (SGB-384)

  • Shadergraph: Reduced the import times of shadergraphs.

  • Shaders: Added support on Metal for vprog having void return type.

  • Shaders: Enabled RenderPass framebuffer fetch (UNITY_DECLARE_FRAMEBUFFER_INPUT_, UNITY_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_INPUT) to now generate shader code that works both on Apple Silicon (where it will read color input) and older intel macOS devices (where it will read from the copy done by render pass).

  • Shaders: Enabled URP RenderPass framebuffer fetch (FRAMEBUFFER_INPUT_, LOAD_FRAMEBUFFER_INPUT) to now generate shader code that works both on Apple Silicon (where it will read color input) and older intel macOS devices (where it will read from the copy done by render pass).

  • Shaders: Reduced the time spent in the asset post processing code for shader assets, which speeds up the import of shaders.

  • SRP Core: Added optimizations to Static APV for Mobile Devices.

  • SRP Core: Changed the parameters of Default Volume Profile to be evaluated once when it is changed instead of being evaluated every frame.

  • SRP Core: Reduced the number of shader variants related to HDR Output.

  • SRP Core: Unified the Create, Clone and Ensure workflows for RenderPipelineGlobalSettings.

  • Terrain: Enabled loading of brushes for the Terrain Inspector to now defer creating full-resolution brush textures until the brush is being used, making the Terrain Inspector faster to open and use less memory.

  • Terrain: Enabled setting names for brush textures and thumbnails, so that they can be clearly recognised in the Memory Profiler.

  • Text: Improved Text performance for both IMGUI and UITK.

  • TextCore: Implemented missing automation tests for dynamic font asset feature. Most of the tests were already implemented but were cleaned up and moved to correct test suite.

  • UI Elements: Added allowAdd and allowRemove attributes to ListView. It also has onAdd, onRemove, overridingAddButtonBehavior, makeHeader, makeFooter, and makeNoneElement callbacks.

  • UI Toolkit: Added a Selector Specificity documentation link to the tooltip that appears when a user is creating a selector.

  • UI Toolkit: Added context information to the UI Builder in its inspector when the user does not have any item selected.

  • UI Toolkit: Added missing keyboard navigation support for left and right keys in TreeView.

  • UI Toolkit: Improved the performance of tree expansion of UI Toolkit TreeViews.

  • Universal RP: Added sampling clamping functions to prevent out of viewport sampling in URP.

  • URP: Added HDR Output override per camera.

  • VFX Graph: Enabled VFX systems receiving GPU events to now enter sleep state.

  • VFX Graph: Optimized VFX.Update per component overhead.

  • VFX Graph: Reduced the import cost of VFX Graph objects, especially when importing many objects at once.

  • WebGL: Added Player build options for WebAssembly language features: BigInt, WebAssembly.Table, and experimental native C/C++ multithreading. In addition to generating smaller code size, enabling both BigInt and WebAssembly.Table features improves the build times of Development builds.

  • Windows: Enabled the generated projects to now target the Visual Studio version you open them in instead of Visual Studio 2015, when you use the Generation Visual Studio Solution option to build for Windows.

  • XR: Improved bandwidth on Quest when using dynamic resolution by avoiding redundant framebuffer loads.

API Changes

  • 2D: Added: TileAnimationFlags.UnscaledTime.

  • 2D: Added: TileBaseEditor with an implementation for RenderStaticPreview, which allows users who extend from the TileBase class to have a simple default asset preview for their extended classes of TileBase.

  • 2D: Added: Tilemap.loopEndedForTileAnimation callback when Animated Tiles have reached the end of their animation loop if it has the LoopOnce flag set.

  • Android: Added: Expose UnityPlayer.invokeOnMainThread, a helper function for delegating callbacks on game loop thread.

  • Android: Added: Expose UnityPlayer.runningOnMainThread in java.

  • Android: Added: new Android Project Configuration API that allows to copy arbitrary files to the Gradle project.

  • Android: Deprecated: Deprecate OnPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject in favor of OnModifyAndroidProjectFiles.

  • Android: Deprecated: The keystorePass and keyaliasPass properties in PlayerSettings class have been deprecated, use the ones from PlayerSettings.Android class.

  • Animation: Added: ClearKeys and CopyFromAPI in AnimationCurve. (UUM-20456, UUM-20458)

  • Apple TV: Added: Added identifier for 3rd generation Apple TV 4K.

  • Asset Pipeline: Added: AssetDatabase.GetScriptableObjectsWithMissingScriptCount and AssetDatabase.RemoveScriptableObjectsWithMissingScript for finding and removing ScriptableObject instances in assets which are missing their scripts. (Thank you @Xelnath for the request!).

  • Asset Pipeline: Added: AssetDatabase.TryGetAssetFolderInfo which can be used to know if a certain path is being tracked by the AssetDatabase and can handle import dependencies and asset imports.

  • Build Pipeline: Added: "Dedicated Server optimizations" option that strips all shaders from Dedicated Server builds. (MTT-5538)

  • Build Pipeline: Obsoleted: methods on BuildPipeline class will now trigger build error rather than warning and implementation is removed. These APIs have been marked obsolete since Unity 5.

  • Core: Added: Debug.developerConsoleEnabled toggles the IMGUI-based developer console in development builds.

  • Core: Added: new overloads of GameObject.CompareTag and Component.CompareTag which take a new TagHandle type. These new overloads can be more efficient, especially when comparing many objects with the same tag.

  • Core: Added: overload to NativeArrayUnsafeUtility.ConvertExistingDataToNativeArray which takes a Span as input.

  • Core: Added: JobsUtility.ThreadIndexCount returns the maximum number of job workers that can work on a job at the same time. The job system will create a number of job worker threads that will be no greater than the number of logical CPU cores for the platform. However, since arbitrary threads can execute jobs via work stealing we allocate extra workers which act as temporary job worker threads. JobsUtility.ThreadIndexCount reflects the maximum number of job worker threads<br> plus temporary workers the job system will ever use. As such, this value is useful for allocating buffers which should be subdivided evenly between job workers since JobsUtility.ThreadIndex and NativeSetThreadIndexAttribute will never return a value greater than JobsUtility.ThreadIndexCount. (UUM-29945)

  • Core: Added: JobsUtility.ThreadIndex returns the index for the current thread when executing a job, otherwise 0. When multiple threads are working on a parallel job at once, no two threads will have the same index. The range is [0, JobsUtility.ThreadIndexCount). The value returned when called from within a job is the same as the one stored in a job member decorated with Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.NativeSetThreadIndexAttribute, otherwise 0. (UUM-29945)

  • Documentation: Changed: Fixed duplicated inherited members in CustomRenderTexture class API documentation.

  • Editor: Added: Exposes EditorApplication.focusChanged event which fires when the Editor gains and loses focus.

  • Editor: Added: Undo.isProcessing property to determine when it's safe to call Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo, among other things.

  • Editor: Added: EditorApplication.isFocused property indicating the cached state of the Editors focus.

  • Editor: Removed: AssetDatabase.RefreshDelayed() method has been removed.

  • Editor: Removed: AssetDatabase.RefreshDelayed(ImportAssetOptions options) method has been removed.

  • Editor: Removed: Bool AssetDatabase.TryGetGUIDAndLocalFileIdentifier(int instanceID, out string guid, out int localId) method has been removed.

  • Editor: Removed: Bool AssetDatabase.TryGetGUIDAndLocalFileIdentifier(Object obj, out string guid, out int localId) method has been removed.

  • GI: Added: API for accessing global light probe data used in rendering as well as for individual scenes.

  • GI: Deprecated: LightProbes.cellCount, LightProbes.count and LightProbes.positions have been deprecated.

  • Graphics: Added: Added a new API to provide a scene culling mask in Graphics.Render calls.

  • Graphics: Added: Added an instanceID property in the RenderParams which allows procedural and indirect draw calls to be picked in the scene view.

  • Graphics: Added: Added ISRPGraphicsSettings and API to store them in RenderPipelineGlobalSettings.

  • Graphics: Added: Added IUnityGraphicsMetalV2 with a possibility to commit unity's command buffer, and to query the command queue.

  • Graphics: Added: an AreaLight member to the Rendering.ShadowMapPass enum.

  • Graphics: Added: API for modifying positions of LightProbes objects.

  • Graphics: Added: AsyncGPUReadbackRequest.forcePlayerLoopUpdate.

  • Graphics: Added: CanvasRenderer.GetMesh API, analogous to CanvasRenderer.SetMesh has been Added.

  • Graphics: Added: Inline Ray Tracing (Ray Query/DXR 1.1) support to all rasterization shader stages. Added new methods for binding an acceleration structure (Shader.SetGlobalRayTracingAccelerationStructure, CommandBuffer.SetGlobalRayTracingAccelerationStructure). Added new pragma require inlineraytracing support in rasterization shader stages. Added new built-in global shader keyword UNITY_DEVICE_SUPPORTS_INLINE_RAY_TRACING to be used with multi_compile.

  • Graphics: Added: TextureImporterPlatformSettings.ignorePlatformSupport to bypass platform format checks.

  • Graphics: Changed: Added a new read-only Light.dilatedRange member. Before this addition, for area lights, if you set Light.range, and then immediately read it back, it would return a different value. This is because area lights have a larger effective range since the source is an area, and not a single point. Now, the Light.range always returns the same value you set, and the newly added Light.dilatedRange returns the range dilated to account for the area size.

  • Graphics: Changed: Deprecated Texture2D constructors that require a boolean value and string to set up Mipmap Limit behavior in the constructor. Use MipmapLimitDescriptor to specify whether (a) Mipmap Limits should be enabled, and if so, (b) if the Texture belongs to a particular group.

  • Graphics: Changed: Deprecated Area in favor of Rectangle in the LightType enum. Added Box, Pyramid, and Tube members to the same enum.

  • Graphics: Changed: Rename ISRPGraphicsSettings to IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings.

  • Graphics: Deprecated: Deprecated TextureCreationFlag.IgnoreMipmapLimit. Any shape of Texture created from script will ignore Mipmap Limits by default. Use of mipmap limits can be enabled by using a MipmapLimitDescriptor in the constructor, where supported.

  • Graphics: Deprecated: Light.shape. This information is now unified into Light.type.

  • HDRP: Deprecated: HDLightType, HDLightTypeAndShape, SpotLightShape, and AreaLightShape. HDRP directly uses Light.type in native Unity, and handles the upgrade automatically.

  • HDRP: Obsoleted: Marked RenderPipelineSettings.supportDitheringCrossFade as obsolete.

  • Input: Added: Expose Input.mousePositionDelta.

  • iOS: Added: identifiers for iPad models released in 2022.

  • Networking: Removed: The legacy networking API (Network, NetworkView, etc), which was marked as obsolete in 2018, has now has been deleted.

  • Package: Deprecated: com.unity.subsystemregistration is being deprecated.

  • Package Manager: Obsoleted: Client.ResetToEditorDefaults is now obsolete.

  • Package Manager: Removed: Removed the obsolete UnityEditor.PackageManager.PackageInfo.status field and UnityEditor.PackageManager.PackageStatus enum.

  • SRP Core: Added: Added RenderPipelineGlobalSettingsUI::DrawVolumeProfileAssetField.

  • SRP Core: Added: Added UnityEditor.Rendering.VolumeProfileUtils class containing utilities related to managing Default Volume Profiles.

  • SRP Core: Added: Added VolumeComponentListEditor::SetIsGlobalDefaultVolumeProfile.

  • SRP Core: Added: Added VolumeManager.Initialize()/Deinitialize() that Render Pipeline is expected to call from its constructor/destructor.

  • SRP Core: Added: Common C# &amp; Shader Code for Scalable Temporal Post-Processing Upscaler.

  • SRP Core: Added: Exposed VolumeProfileEditor as public.

  • SRP Core: Added: new VolumeManager API to manage default volume profiles.

  • SRP Core: Added: ObjectID Render Request that provides a render texture with the ObjectId of each pixel.

  • UI Toolkit: Added: Added an API to allocate temporary meshes and add draw calls from a job.

  • UI Toolkit: Added: Added API to know when a panel may need to be rendered to use in conjunction with on demand rendering.

  • UI Toolkit: Added: Added canChangeExpandedState to tree view controllers to allow users to disable items expansion.

  • UI Toolkit: Added: Added drag and drop API for collection views; canStartDrag, setupDragAndDrop, dragAndDropUpdate and handleDrop, similar to what exists in IMGUI.

  • UI Toolkit: Added: Added GetIndentationDepth and GetIndentationDepthByIndex in tree view controllers.

  • UI Toolkit: Added: Added LanguageDirection to indicate the directionality of the element's text.

  • UI Toolkit: Added: callback for receiving all changes inside a panel.

  • UI Toolkit: Added: VisualElement methods HandleEventBubbleUp and HandleEventTrickleDown.<br> Added FocusController method IgnoreEvent.

  • UI Toolkit: Obsoleted: EventBase method PreventDefault. Not upgradable automatically.

  • UI Toolkit: Obsoleted: PropagationPhase values AtTarget, DefaultAction, and DefaultActionAtTarget. Not upgradabe automatically.

  • UI Toolkit: Obsoleted: VisualElement methods ExecuteDefaultAction and ExecuteDefaultActionAtTarget. Not upgradable automatically.

  • Universal RP: Removed: Removed RenderTargetHandle and Scriptable Renderer backwards compatibility with RenderTargetHandle and RenderTargetIdentifiers. RTHandles to be used.

  • Version Control: Removed: Removed Collab and its dependency from the package.

  • XR: Obsoleted: The old Subsystem APIs are marked as obsolete in favor of the SubsystemWithProvider APIs.


  • Android: Added the scripting backend identification (IL2CPP or Mono2x) to the symbol archive's name. (UUM-21382)

  • Android: Changed the RunInBackground functionality so it is now preserved only when you manually enable the Run in Background setting. Previously, this functionality was automatically enabled for Chrome OS if the resizable window setting was set to true.

  • Android: Enabled the Application Entry Point to default to Game Activity when creating new Unity projects in Unity 2023.2 or newer. When upgrading from older Unity versions (2022.2 or older), the Application Entry Point will default to Activity.

  • Android: Fixed the visibility of some APIs so that they are no longer publicly visible.

  • Android: Updated the game activity package androidx.games:games-activity to version 2.0.0.

  • Android: Upgraded Android Gradle Plugin version to 7.3.1, the Gradle version to 7.6, and the Kotlin Gradle Plugin version to 1.7.22.

  • Build Pipeline: Implemented -filelist when running libtool for Mac and iOS builds to prevent command lines from becoming too long.

  • Build System: Enabled the need for the TargetFramework and/or TargetFrameworks property to be set when defining a CSharpProgram2.

  • Burst: Changed Burst Inspector input handling so that arrow keys can be used to select in search boxes.

  • Burst: Changed the Burst Inspector source location comments from === to either ; or #, depending on the given assembly kind.

  • Burst: Changed the horizontal code focus in the Burst Inspector to only scroll when branches fill more than half the space.

  • Burst: Changed the target job list in the Burst Inspector to an expandable tree view, instead of a simple list.

  • Burst: Enabled Burst Inspector's target job load to be asynchronous.

  • Burst: Enabled Burst to now only generate full debug information when Native Debug Mode Compilation and script debug information is enabled.

  • Burst: Improved how optimisation remarks are displayed in the LLVM IR Optimisation Diagnostics tab in Burst Inspector.

  • DX12: Changed the default format to a native resource format instead of a typeless format.

  • Editor: Added a deprecation label to the OpenGL core graphics API on the Windows platform. This is selectable in the Player Settings Inspector pane.

  • Editor: Added an object field for meshes so they can be clicked and made visible in the Project window for the Frame Debugger.

  • Editor: Added missing padding between HelpBox icon and text contents.

  • Editor: Changed the compilation of the Editor so that a number of parts of the Editor are now compiled as separate assemblies, instead of being combined into UnityEditor.dll. This may affect code using reflection to retrieve these types.

  • Editor: Changed the default value of GizmoUtility.iconSize from 0.03 to 0.01, making 3D gizmos smaller by default. (UUM-30061)

  • Editor: Enabled overlays to now be serialized as part of the OverlayCanvas state. (UUM-20831)

  • Editor: Moved the Mesh Preview and list of meshes to a separate foldout for the Frame Debugger.

  • Editor: Removed the automatic upgrade code for UniversalRendererData from alpha and beta builds of 2021.2 to the current version as it is no longer required and was incurring a domain reload performance cost.

  • Editor: Updated the system requirements for the Windows Editor to Windows 10 Version 21H1 (build 19043).

  • GI: Moved the Recalculate Environment Lighting setting to Project Settings &gt; Editor. This setting was previously in the Lighting Window &gt; Workflow.

  • GI: Moved the toggle for displaying lightmap resolution in scene view modes to a panel that is displayed when the relevant modes are active.

  • GI: Removed the Show lightmap resolution overlay from the Project settings window. Use the toggle in the scene view instead.

  • GI: Split the contextual panel shown for various GI scene view debug modes into two panels - one for color legends and one for settings. Changed colors and descriptions used in the GI contributor and receiver scene view debug mode.

  • Graphics: Combined unity_ProbesOcclusion with SHCoefficients for BatchRendererGroup. (UUM-24996)

  • Graphics: Enabled Texture2Ds that are created from the script to no longer follow the global mipmap limit by default. This is observable when changing Quality settings. To enable the mipmap limit, use a MipmapLimitDescriptor in the constructor of Texture2D and Texture2DArray.

  • HDRP: Added new scenes using Water System in the HDRP Samples.

  • HDRP: Changed references of Diffusion Profile in the HDRP Wizard check by the ones in the HDRP Package.

  • HDRP: Changed the default light probe system to APV.

  • HDRP: Enabled Extend Shadow Culling in Raytracing by default. (UUM-21784)

  • HDRP: Modified Dynamic Resolution System to use Fixed Scaling Steps.

  • IL2CPP: Enabled receiving a MissingMethodException instead of a runtime crash in native code for methods that aren't AOT.

  • Input System: Updated Input System package to version 1.5.1.

  • Kernel: Changed NativeArray.Dispose to be consistent when disposing of an uninitialized container.

  • Package: Added new QoS APIs for specific Relay and Multiplay QoS servers searching and result.

  • Package: Enabled exporting camera focus distance and using depth of field properties.

  • Package: Updated code coverage package to version 1.2.3.

  • Package: Updated com.unity.sequences to version 2.1.0.

  • Package Manager: Renamed the My Assets Web3 category filter in the Package Manager Window to Decentralization.

  • Scene/Game View: Changed default 3D gizmo size from 0.01 to 0.03.

  • Scene/Game View: Reverted a change to the style of Scene view mode dropdown button.

  • Serialization: Removed the ability to load big-endian serialized files (i.e. files from Unity 1.x versions).

  • Services: Updated Unity Ads package to version 4.4.2.

  • SRP Core: Enabled the per-frame reset of VolumeParameters to perform depending on their overrideState.

  • Tests: Replaced tests in CodebaseTests.cs with a Yamato job that can run on each PR.

  • uGUI: Merged TextMesh Pro (com.unity.textmeshpro) into uGUI (com.unity.ugui) and deprecate the TextMesh Pro package.

  • UI Toolkit: Changed Event propagation rules for ExecuteDefaultAction, ExecuteDefaultActionAtTarget, and PreventDefault:<br>

    • Calling StopPropagation() on an event will now also prevent ExecuteDefaultAction and ExecuteDefaultActionAtTarget from being called.<br>
    • Calling PreventDefault() will behave like calling both StopPropagation and focusController.IgnoreEvent, so it will also stop execution of the registered callbacks further down the propagation path.<br>
    • Both ExecuteDefaultAction and ExecuteDefaultActionAtTarget are now executed in-between registered callbacks during the BubbleUp phase, immediately before any callback on the current target.<br>
    • All standard control event handling was moved to registered event callbacks or HandleEventBubbleUp overrides, and can be prevented by calling StopPropagation during the TrickleDown phase. This includes triggering the Contextual menu. The exception to this rule is behavior that's part of an event's PostDispatch method, which includes switching focus on Pointer down or navigation.<br>
    • It is strongly recommended to replace ExecuteDefaultAction and ExecuteDefaultActionAtTarget overrides for a HandleEventBubbleUp override instead, and PreventDefault for StopPropagation.
  • UI Toolkit: Changed the Display label on an interactive element.

  • UI Toolkit: Changed the Event propagation rules for composite roots, making them behave more similarly to regular elements.

  • UI Toolkit: Changed the Event propagation rules for Mouse compatibility events:<br>

    • Mouse compatibility events are now dispatched alongside the Pointer event associated with them, immediately following them during each step of the TrickleDown and BubbleUp propagation phases.<br>
    • Calling StopPropagation on either the pointer event or its associated compatibility mouse event will now stop the propagation of both events after the current propagation step is completed.
  • UI Toolkit: Changed the number of FocusEvents and BlurEvents sent when changing a focused element if the target has at least one composite root parent.

  • UI Toolkit: Removed the prevention of compatibility mouse events when cancelling PointerDownEvent.

  • Universal RP: Disabled the ability for decals to enqueue passes when running on unsupported APIs, such as OpenGL or GLES3, instead of displaying the magenta error.

  • Universal RP: Enabled deferred renderer to now use Framebuffer Fetch for Shadowmask.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Updated the system requirements for the Universal Windows Platform Player to Windows 10 Version 21H1 (build 19043).

  • Version Control: Changed the onboarding workflow and the icons for Unity Version Control rebranding.

  • Version Control: Updated branding from Plastic SCM to Unity Version Control.<br> Improved offline experience by disabling the plugin when there is no internet connection.

  • Windows: Added the requirement of Visual Studio 2019 and Windows 10.0.19041.0 SDK when building Windows and Universal Windows Platform with IL2CPP scripting backend.

  • Windows: Updated the system requirements for the Windows Player to Windows 10 Version 21H1 (build 19043).

  • Xbox: Moved the Package Encryption setting from Player Settings to Build Settings. Added a warning when the encryption is set to Submission.

  • XR: Added XR Interaction Toolkit to the AR and VR Feature sets to maximize XR interactivity out of the box.

  • XR: Changed the filesystem location of the serialized Vulkan pipeline cache on Quest.

  • XR: Renamed the Non-Uniform Foveated Rendering shader function. (UUM-24755)

  • XR: Updated AR Foundation and related packages to version 5.0.4.

  • XR: Updated AR Foundation and related packages to version 5.0.5.

  • XR: Updated com.unity.xr.openxr package version to 1.7.0.

  • XR: Updated the Oculus XR Plugin package to version 3.3.0.

  • XR: Updated the Oculus XR Plugin package version to 3.2.3.


  • 2D: Enabled generating a default Sprite rect for textures that are too small to be tesselated.

  • 2D: Enabled showing the Apply/revert dialog to users if there are data changes in Sprite Editor Window before domain reload. (UUM-26175)

  • 2D: Enabled storing the directory path instead of the file path as the last used asset path when performing a drag and drop to create a Tile Asset. (UUM-25250)

  • 2D: Enabled users to filter Brush Picks ignoring case. (UUM-28970)

  • 2D: Fixed a crash on GenerateTextureAndSpriteRectDataFromAtlasMask when clicking "Pack Preview" after packing an Asset into Sprite Atlas. (UUM-25481)

  • 2D: Fixed a crash when a Tilemap with corrupted Tile Data calls CompressBounds. (UUM-32832)

  • 2D: Fixed a crash when a user loads a Tilemap with a TilemapCollider2D and CompositeCollider2D with an invalid Sprite. (UUM-29132)

  • 2D: Fixed a graphical artefact where a 2D sprite only rendered a portion of a texture when the global mipmap limit was set to anything other than full-res in the Player Quality settings and when the corresponding quality settings was selected at runtime.

  • 2D: Fixed a graphical glitch in the Brush Picks overlay when the Tile Palette window is changed from a dockable to floating window. (UUM-29537)

  • 2D: Fixed a sorting issue when a lower sorted mesh in a chunk is unable to fit in lower sorted Tile due to vertex or index limit, but is able to fit in a future higher sorted Tile.

  • 2D: Fixed an issue when a Tilemap is created as a new layer on an existing Grid using Create from Palette, modifications to the new Tilemap are made on the existing Tilemap instead of the new Tilemap.

  • 2D: Fixed an issue when a Tilemap is created as a new layer on an existing Grid, if the creation would modify the Grid, a dialog will be shown prompting the user that modifications will be made and the user can manually decide to continue with this or not. (UUM-33037)

  • 2D: Fixed an issue where the name of a Brush Pick does not automatically update when renamed. (UUM-29538)

  • 2D: Fixed an issue where the Name/FieIds in a Sprite meta file would be reordered when an importer setting is changed. (UUM-22494)

  • 2D: Fixed an issue where Tiles are double painted if you drag your mouse when painting on a Tilemap. (UUM-25164)

  • 2D: Fixed an issue with sprite shadow mesh generation so it now provides correct results. (UUM-30159)

  • 2D: Fixed animation performance failure. (UUM-29374)

  • 2D: Fixed performance regression with TilemapColliderWithCompositeColliderGOOff performance tests. (UUM-25986)

  • 2D: Fixed regression in time to open a project and enter playmode. (UUM-31205)

  • 2D: Fixed the AnimatedTile with LoopOnce set restarting animation loop when its Tilemap is selected in the Editor. (UUM-25434)

  • 2D: Fixed the Tile Palette repainting a position when performing a mouse drag at the same position. (UUM-27588)

  • 2D: Fixed truncation of path for saving Tile assets when ending is not a file. (UUM-29490)

  • 2D: Prevented a cyclic dependency error when dragging a Palette Prefab to be saved under the same Palette Prefab. (UUM-29540)

  • 2D: Updated Brush Pick button to use the correct icon.

  • AI: Fixed the inaccurate shape of NavMeshObstacles that prevent agents from avoiding them properly. This only applies to Windows builds. (UUM-9814)

  • AI: Fixed the project from freezing due to a faulty Raycast operation in the navigation system. (UUM-28701)

  • Android: Added upgrade guide information about mainTemplate.gradle file changes. (UUM-32805)

  • Android: Added warning messages when AndroidManifest.xml from the Plugin has duplicated elements with UnityPlayerSettings. (UUM-27274)

  • Android: Disabled input history events for GameActivity temporarily, due to a known bug in game activity package version 2.0.0 and lower.

  • Android: Disabled --fastdeploy during application installation as it works incorrectly in some cases. (UUM-28376)

  • Android: Enabled 'AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_TOUCH_MINOR/AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_TOUCH_MAJOR' axes for Game Activity to fix Input.GetTouch.radius APIs. (UUM-28698)

  • Android: Enabled calling Input.location.Start() to change status to Initializing immediately and permission denial will set it to Failed. (UUM-27609)

  • Android: Enabled different maximum MSAA samples count for different graphics formats. (UUM-25096)

  • Android: Enabled setting id for mSurfaceView in UnityPlayerGameActivity.java before initializing Unity runtime, in case there is early access to this class.

  • Android: Enabled the build to fail if the custom asset pack does not have a valid structure. (UUM-25501)

  • Android: Enabled the display of gradle tasks in progress dialog while building to Android. (UUM-31890)

  • Android: Enabled the unlock image to be set on each lock rather than only on the first. (UUM-21954)

  • Android: Enabled CursorLockMode.Locked support so it now works correctly on Android 8.0 or higher. For more information, see Android's API View.requestpointercapture. (UUM-888)

  • Android: Expose UnityApplication.SendMessage in GameActivity's cpp bridge files (UUM-33860)

  • Android: Filtered some redundant warnings on some Adreno devices that cause severe performance issues in development builds.

  • Android: Fixed a build failure on Windows caused by an icon in exported Gradle project containing a Hidden attribute. (UUM-26040)

  • Android: Fixed a frame debugger crash when using mono scripting on Android. (UUM-14632)

  • Android: Fixed a freeze when Unity requests runtime permission. This affects the behavior of WebCamTexture, Microphone, and OBB loading: they will fail on the first attempt due to missing permissions (no webcam/microphone found and no obbs loaded). (UUM-21838)

  • Android: Fixed a garbage collection deadlock in AndroidJavaProxy. (UUM-15968)

  • Android: Fixed an error generated by the Vulkan loader on Android when trying to load vkGetPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatesKHR as Vulkan device function.

  • Android: Fixed an issue where the Accelerometer values are not updated when the ASENSOR_TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor is disabled on certain Samsung devices. (UUM-20754)

  • Android: Fixed an issue where you couldn't enter text with a physical keyboard for GameActivity by updating the game activity package to version 2.0.0. (UUM-31072)

  • Android: Fixed an issue where Network.OperationalStatus would always return Unknown for Android. (UUM-19683)

  • Android: Fixed asset packs functionality for GameActivity. (UUM-29546)

  • Android: fixed getMethodID failure on some android version (UUM-31912)

  • Android: Fixed GPU skinning on the remaining Adreno devices. (UUM-20108)

  • Android: Fixed Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie() sticking on top forever. (UUM-28251)

  • Android: Fixed mouse scrolling issues by disabling historical values from input events. (UUM-28696)

  • Android: Fixed shader code generation when using SV_Coverage input. (UUM-26807)

  • Android: Fixed the assert 'setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 11121, 0) returning -1 when it runs against GameActivity. (UUM-26765)

  • Android: Fixed the Back button press when using Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie on Android, so you are no longer unable to exit the VideoPlayer until it finishes playing. (UUM-33468)

  • Android: Fixed the Backspace key not working on ChromeOS with GameActivity by updating game activity package to version 2.0.0. (UUM-31081)

  • Android: Fixed the escaped double quotes when using SetAdditionalIl2CppArgs. (UUM-25447)

  • Android: Fixed the Gradle build failing on Mac when it's placed in a folder name that contains parentheses, if Optimized Frame Pacing or GameActivity is enabled. (UUM-25255)

  • Android: Fixed the missing symbol files from symbols.zip archive: libgame.so if GameActivity is selected, libswappywrapper.so if Optimized Frame Pacing is enabled. (UUM-21382)

  • Android: Fixed the plugin path resolving for GameActivity. (UUM-19908)

  • Android: Fixed the preferred install location setting so it now works and it no longer sets to preferExternal. (UUM-25965)

  • Android: Fixed the Time.deltaTime values so they are now stable on Android devices. (UUM-10244)

  • Android: Fixed the Troubleshooting button URL upon Gradle error. (UUM-30719)

  • Android: Fixed updateUnityCommandLineArguments call in UnityPlayerGameActivity.java, this fixes command line argument passing to UnityPlayer. (UUM-33085)

  • Android: Fixed Screen.SetResolution when using split-screen and Screen.orientation changes. (UUM-19019)

  • Android: Removed OPENGLES uses-feature element in the AndroidManifest of the exported project when not selected in Player Settings. (UUM-32676)

  • Android: Replaced DIR_UNITYPROJECT in settingsTemplate.gradle. (UUM-27090)

  • Android: The 'Filter Touches When Obscured' Player Setting is now respected by the new input system. (UUM-31555)

  • Android: Updated GetDeviceName() API to support SystemInfo.deviceName on API Level 32 or higher (UUM-32514)

  • Animation: Fixed a regression so that root motion now works with negative clip speeds. (UUM-21885)

  • Animation: Fixed an issue where unexpected MonoBehaviors would remain on the GameObject in a preview scene. (UUM-21605)

  • Animation: Fixed autoframing of a curve when opening the curve window. (UUM-31914)

  • Animation: Fixed the default values for animation curve parameters on Volume Components being shared with the current interpolated value on the volume stack. (UUM-20456)

  • Apple TV: Fixed the startup with disconnected display. (UUM-32314)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed an issue where a "Failed to decompress data" error occurs when loading a bundle. (UUM-22990)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed an issue where empty folders remain in the cache when the max storage space is exceeded. (UUM-27439)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed an issue where UnloadAllAssetBundles does not unload scene bundles. (UUM-13510)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed an issuw where error message were missing when loading bundle without typetrees in the Editor. (UUM-660)

  • Asset Import: Enabled memory leak diagnostic switches to now be passed through to the asset import workers.

  • Asset Import: Fixed a file import with an extension as the file name. (UUM-21730)

  • Asset Import: Fixed the text in preset selection. (UUM-24735)

  • Asset Import: Fixed the text in the preset Add to/remove from default buttons. (UUM-26180)

  • Asset Import: Removed the incorrect metallic value in AutodeskInteractive shader when importing FBX files in HDRP. (UUM-2530)

  • Asset Pipeline: Disabled script re-compilation when Recompile after playmode and Auto-refresh are set. (UUM-20409)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fix crash on CachedWriter::Write when building AssetBundle (.byte file &gt;2GB) (UUM-16390)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed a case of Missing Script errors that could occur after leaving safe mode.

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an Editor crash when changing Asset Serialization Mode to Force Binary with the com.unity.multiplayer.samples.coop package installed. (UUM-26417)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where incorrect paths could be returned for constant (internal) GUIDs, causing references to these assets to break. (UUM-30074)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where the AssetImportManager could crash while registering scripts if a script became unreachable during a domain reload. (UUM-27516)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue with async unloading which could cause errors and crashes in AssetDatabase.CreateAsset() (UUM-20313)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed indeterministic output for any asset containing script types. (UUM-22077)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed OnPostProcessAllAssets callback notifications when imports contain script and non-script assets. (UUM-24733)

  • Asset Pipeline: Removed use of auto keyword in LMDB library. (UUM-29394)

  • Audio: Fixed a bug when Unity Audio is disabled where SystemInfo.supportsAudio would return true on some platforms and false on others. This will not always return false. (UUM-16017)

  • Audio: Fixed corrupt audio playing for the first time in the first launch, when audio mixer is assigned at runtime. (UUM-19696)

  • Audio: Fixed missing background-color style on sections in AudioContainerWindow. (DCME-1082)

  • Audio: Updated the play-on-awake tooltip on the AudioSource. (UUM-28690)

  • Build Pipeline: Added a warning message when BuildPlayerOptions.assetBundleManifestPath is not set with the expected file.

  • Build Pipeline: Enabled Renovate to create more than 2 PRs per hour as we sometimes do bulk changes on Bokken images that affect more than 40 images.

  • Build Pipeline: Enabled setting UnityCI Directory to the repository path during execution.

  • Build Pipeline: Fix assertion failed on AssetDatabase folder registration when opening a Standalone Profiler (UUM-17478)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed a BuildPipeline issue for the Android platform and MacStandalone builds which asks for a name and directory, despite having the last saved location details. This is triggered by using Ctrl+B (Windows) or Cmd+B (macOS). (UUM-19897)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed an Android build failure issue where a "Build destination path collides with an existing path" error message is triggered using Ctrl+B (Windows) or Cmd+B (macOS) keyboard shortcut. (UUM-30911)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed an invalid build path error that triggers when building for WebGL on Windows. (UUM-27982)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed crash when building Scenes and ScriptableObjects with BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles when Multi-Process and Backward Compatibility modes are enabled. (UUM-32103)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed incorrect dependencies appear after building AssetBundles with Prefab Variants. (UUM-20038)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed Player Build fails. (UUM-1205)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed renaming Prefab Objects leading to wrong Asset Bundle dependency when the Prefab is nested. (UUM-639)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed Shader references being lost when building assets with BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles. (UUM-2259)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed the null reference errors when loading user scripting objects from ContentFiles. (UUM-24989)

  • Build Pipeline: Improved the error message and remove possibility of a crash when a MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject is being built that does not have a MonoScript. (UUM-21886)

  • Build System: Bee CSharpProgram2 dotnet publish actions should depend on resource files too

  • Build System: bee_backend: avoid EXTBUSY errors on linux

  • Build System: Enabled consistency of .NET SDK in build and publish operations in CSharpPrograms2. Updated Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk to version 17.4.0 inUnity.BuildSystem.Tests to resolve Newtonsoft.Json version conflict.

  • Build System: Enabled verification and reporting the number of non-maintained CI jobs.

  • Build System: Enabled Yamato to handle artifacts for Build SwitchSupport jobs.

  • Build System: Fixed generating compile commands in the command line.

  • Build System: Fixed unity_license.json CopyFiles build failures. (UUM-28889)

  • Build System: Implemented DISABLE_PLATFORM_{PLATFORM} on UserOverride.jam.

  • Burst: Enabled Burst to now update its list of assembly paths if they change. For instance, the list of assemply paths would update if you add packages that contain precompiled assemblies.

  • Burst: Enabled enum values cast to integers in a format string to correctly output the integer value.

  • Burst: Fixed "An item with the same key has already been added" compiler error that could occur when duplicate field names were present in obfuscated assemblies.

  • Burst: Fixed "An item with the same key has already been added" hashing error that could occur if obfuscators changed nested type names to have the same name and different namespaces.

  • Burst: Fixed "Failed to find entry-points: Mono.Cecil.AssemblyResolutionException: Failed to resolve assembly" error that was displayed when Burst tried to compile an assembly that had C# compilation errors.

  • Burst: Fixed *Assertion failed on expression: "exception == SCRIPTING_NULL" errors and Editor crash when the project path contains multi-byte Unicode characters.

  • Burst: Fixed Plain Without Debug Information outputting assembly with debug information.

  • Burst: Fixed a BC1361 error when trying to compile large static read-only arrays.

  • Burst: Fixed a bug in a small set of managed fallback versions of intrinsics, where the bitwise representation of float values would not be maintained.

  • Burst: Fixed a code-gen issue where side-effects before a conditional throw would be ignored.

  • Burst: Fixed a compilation error when using CompileFunctionPointer from Burst in code compiled with Roslyn on .NET 7+.

  • Burst: Fixed a compiler AccessViolationException that could occur when compiling two or more types with the same name but different source assemblies.

  • Burst: Fixed a compiler crash when invoking a FunctionPointer based on a generic delegate in DOTS Runtime.

  • Burst: Fixed a domain completed stall when switching between debug and release scripting modes when burst compilation is needed for items in the new domain.

  • Burst: Fixed a hashing error that could occur when a struct implements a generic interface multiple times with different generic parameters.

  • Burst: Fixed a namespace collision that could occur between Unity.Burst.Cecil.dll and the com.unity.nuget.mono-cecil package.

  • Burst: Fixed a Player build error that could occur if the project contains an assembly with a name that doesn't match the assembly filename.

  • Burst: Fixed a stall that could occur at Editor shutdown.

  • Burst: Fixed a visual artifact in Burst Inspector where a block of enhanced code was cut at the bottom.

  • Burst: Fixed a BadImageFormatException error that could occur in DOTS Runtime builds.

  • Burst: Fixed a BadImageFormatException error that could occur in some player builds.

  • Burst: Fixed an AoT linking error on Windows Link based linkers when file paths (typically user names/home folders) contain non-ASCII characters.

  • Burst: Fixed an error when calling the direct call method from a background thread without having previously called a BurstCompiler API from the main thread.

  • Burst: Fixed an incorrect Burst stacktraces in Windows player builds. (UUM-33695)

  • Burst: Fixed an internal compiler error that occurred when creating debug metadata from certain obfuscated DLLs.

  • Burst: Fixed an internal compiler error when implcitly converting an array to a Span.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue that causes function pointers to point to the wrong Burst function, if a domain reload occurs and a compilation started before the reload is completed soon after.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue where Burst managed breakpoints might fail to work, after a domain reload.

  • Burst: Fixed an issue where the definition order of overloaded methods with function pointer parameters would decide which overload was actually being used.

  • Burst: Fixed ARM vector registers so they are now highlighted.

  • Burst: Fixed Burst compilation error relating to UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.Fail when doing player builds with high stripping settings.

  • Burst: Fixed Burst compilation on QNX Arm.

  • Burst: Fixed Burst tree view items leading to a wrong job if some jobs where hidden from view by filter or similar.

  • Burst: Fixed crashes on 32bit CPUs when an entry point with byvalue paramaters was called when using dispatch (multiple supported CPU targets).

  • Burst: Fixed default target CPU for Arm Mac Standalone builds.

  • Burst: Fixed inaccurate stacktraces when throwing an exception from Burst in specific cases.

  • Burst: Fixed incorrect codegen when having multiple try-finally blocks inside another try-finally block (for example from foreach loops).

  • Burst: Fixed incorrect pdb path for AoT dll libraries.

  • Burst: Fixed line highlight and register highlight not clearing when Burst Inspector settings change.

  • Burst: Fixed possible deadlock when compiling after domain reload.

  • Burst: Fixed that some changes made to versioned assemblies wouldn't get picked up and compiled by Burst.

  • Burst: Fixed the Callee/caller attribute ABI did not match! error that could occur in certain Player builds when calling an entry point that had at least one struct-by-value parameter.

  • Burst: Fixed the LLVM IR Optimisation Diagnostic tab in Burst Inspector so it is no longer blank if Native Debug Mode Compilation is enabled.

  • Burst: Fixed the Burst Inspector sometimes throwing an ArgumentOutOfRangeException when copying without color-tags from a colored assembly.

  • Burst: Fixed the inspector job tree view splitting jobs with '.' in their parameters.

  • Burst: Fixed the managed fallback implementation of Sse4_2.cmpestrs.

  • Burst: Fixed the module verification errors when using overloaded functions as function pointers.

  • Burst: Fixed MethodDecoderException when trying to call CompileFunctionPointer on a nested static method.

  • Burst: Replaced the Burst debug domain reload with a different method of informing the debugger clients, which is faster and no longer prone to dangling pointers. (UUM-26740)

  • Core: Enabled CullResults.ComputeSpotShadowMatricesAndCullingPrimitives to now output culling planes derived from the projection matrix.

  • Core: Enabled JobsUtility.ThreadIndex and JobsUtility.ThreadIndexCoun to now be used in Burst compiled static constructors. Previously, their use would result in a "BC1091: External and internal calls are not allowed inside static constructors" error. (UUM-31459)

  • Core: Fixed a regression where the maximum number of job worker threads was reduced to 64 instead of 128. (UUM-25377, UUM-28400)

  • Core: Fixed an error when baking terrain.

  • Core: Fixed an error when clearing lighting.

  • Core: Fixed an error when opening a Probe Adjustment Volume.

  • Core: Fixed APV debug not taking noise into account.

  • Core: Fixed leak in Job Debugger that would occur when using a NativeContainer's async Dispose(JobHandle) method. (UUM-27552)

  • Core: Fixed math precision issue on ARM64 for some transform rotation configuration on Game Core. (UUM-2878)

  • Core: Fixed memory ordering issues in the job system that could occur on platforms with a weak memory model. Platforms such as Android, iOS, and Apple Silicon OS X could potentially see hangs or crashes due to reading old values that had been written to inside of a job. (UUM-32220)

  • Documentation: Updated API documentation for Mathf and Quaternion.

  • Documentation: Updated TextureImporter documentation regarding settings that are found under TextureImporterSettings. (UUM-23201)

  • DX12: Fixed a case where creating and destroying Renderers that use Dynamic Geometry as Ray Tracing Mode very often in ray tracing effects would cause the GPU memory to fill up quickly. (UUM-31709)

  • DX12: Fixed a case where vsync is off to allow tearing, such as on DX11. (UUM-30237)

  • DX12: Fixed a crash caused by too early release of a texture. (UUM-29286)

  • DX12: Fixed a crash caused by using a sub Mesh with 0 vertices in ray tracing effects. (UUM-24711)

  • DX12: Fixed a crash due to copying sampler descriptors. (UUM-29343)

  • DX12: Fixed a crash when RenderDoc is attached to a scene with an invalid pipeline state. (UUM-22630)

  • DX12: Fixed a crash where an invalid buffer in compute shader triggers pipeline state creation failure. (UUM-22222)

  • DX12: Fixed a crash where command lists were not being cleaned up. (UUM-27446)

  • DX12: Fixed lack of swizzling from ARGB to RGBA textures. (UUM-30316)

  • DX12: Fixed particle corruption and flickering. (UUM-26192)

  • DX12: Fixed GetNextFrameValue() in DX12 native rendering plugins. (UUM-23065)

  • Editor: Add more validation when saving scene template (handled outside project). Also allows saving inside a package folders. (UUM-30708)

  • Editor: Add try/catch when calling custom indexers so they cannot crash the whole indexing process. (UUM-27948)

  • Editor: Added a null gate to M_AudioSourceGO. (UUM-24663)

  • Editor: Added a restriction to SetParent() to prevent a crash. (UUM-12399)

  • Editor: Added a UNITY_TEST_FRAMEWORK define constraint to filter out test framework assemblies from normal platform and asset bundle builds. (DSTR-370)

  • Editor: Added protection for errors occuring when loading a layout. (UUM-12892)

  • Editor: Added static variable detection for AssetPostprocessors and ScriptedImporters through the Import Activity Window.

  • Editor: Added strictDomainReload feature to enable checking for pending domain reloads or compilations at the end of managed tests.

  • Editor: Added support for property paths with brackets. (DOTSE-2003)

  • Editor: Added the scrollview to the description field in the Scene template dialog. (UUM-25425)

  • Editor: Added tooltip support to UnityEvent header label. (UUM-16433)

  • Editor: Better error formatting providing context on which provider has triggered the error. Ensure asset provider knows about all the default filters to avoid giving errors on known filter that haven't been indexed. (UUM-32810)

  • Editor: Bug resolution : Fixed the issue of "[Windows] create EditorWindow on 0,0 is displayed across verticals monitors". (UUM-27907)

  • Editor: Change search result count label color to be more clear when selected and hovered. (UUM-32515)

  • Editor: Changed the order of the Sprites in the drop-down asset creation menu for 2D. (UUM-12509)

  • Editor: Disabled an unstable test on Mac. (UUM-26582)

  • Editor: Disabled an unstable test. (UUM-30940)

  • Editor: Disabled depth resolve if the camera doesn't have a depth buffer. (UUM-22019)

  • Editor: Disabled math expressions on Constrain Proportion Scale multi-selection and updated the relevant documentation. (UUM-21958)

  • Editor: Disabled TakeSnapshot for Mac. This is until the graphics API is updated. (UUM-22242)

  • Editor: Disabled the RegisterObjectSelectorWithInvalidId test failing with debugallocator. (UUM-22302)

  • Editor: Enabled a copy of hideflags to the cloned object when you instantiate a GameObject. (UUM-22863)

  • Editor: Enabled all playmode tests to have a disabled splashscreen and Unity logo by default if the Unity license permits such action.

  • Editor: Enabled all samples to be loaded at once without assembly name collisions.

  • Editor: Enabled an empty parent to enter rename mode if needed after reparenting. (UUM-15042)

  • Editor: Enabled DefaultFetchLabel to use the actual label value if it exists. (DOTSE-1995)

  • Editor: Enabled deleted prefabs to now have the correct font size. (UUM-22818)

  • Editor: Enabled detecting asset corruption before uploading to an accelerator. (UUM-26502)

  • Editor: Enabled display of a simple Unity version in release build. In source build or devMode, the full version is displayed with revision. (UUM-23056)

  • Editor: Enabled GameObjects from the 31st layer to be rendered when Camera.cullingMask is set to Everything. (UUM-2698)

  • Editor: Enabled Gradle file search to use RegEx when looking for Play library dependencies, which identifies dependencies included with both double or single quotes. (UUM-29110)

  • Editor: Enabled indexing asset names with a single character. (UUM-17474)

  • Editor: Enabled keeping the build's progress bar active until backend completes current job to be completed after cancelling build to give proper UI feedback. (UUM-20797)

  • Editor: Enabled Leak Detection after all DomainUnload events are handled. This reduces the number of false-positive leaks detected if memory is disposed in a DomainUnload event handler. (DOTS-7616)

  • Editor: Enabled Leak Detection in player builds during the ProcessExit event.

  • Editor: Enabled Light Probes to be affected by back-facing triangles when baking with the GPU Lightmapper. (UUM-7699)

  • Editor: Enabled locking the cursor on Linux when the state is locked. (UUM-25736)

  • Editor: Enabled objects to now keep their non-serializable state when reloaded.

  • Editor: Enabled only showing local context providers when not in Global Search Window. (DOTSE-2000)

  • Editor: Enabled opening Focus inspector on non multi-edit objects. (UUM-19504)

  • Editor: Enabled preventing users from generating lighting in the Editor UI while meta pass shaders are asynchronously compiling, as the baked result could be wrong.

  • Editor: Enabled prevention of applying a submanaged reference override when it is not possible. Unity now shows a warning dialog to the user. (UUM-23038)

  • Editor: Enabled prevention of AsyncGPUReadback requests accumulation when the Editor is inactive. (UUM-19169)

  • Editor: Enabled reserved key labels in Shortcut Manager to be more visible in dark mode. (UUM-28295)

  • Editor: Enabled respecting the Reference Validation Plugin setting. (UUM-32855)

  • Editor: Enabled SceneTemplate help URL to be versioned. (UUM-15355)

  • Editor: Enabled Search help to be properly versioned. (UUM-26675)

  • Editor: Enabled shader global values to be taken into account when deciding what to rebake. (UUM-27392)

  • Editor: Enabled the New Scene window to now show proper search results when a scene template is pinned. (UUM-15393)

  • Editor: Enabled the color picker to now select the correct color on a secondary monitor on macOS. (UUM-2501)

  • Editor: Enabled the download progress calculation to use doubles when downloading asset packs on Android. (UUM-32299)

  • Editor: Enabled the Editor to stay in focus when closing multiple windows in succession. (UUM-27245)

  • Editor: Enabled the MaterialProperty Range to display with a slider and an editable TextField. (DOTSE-2008)

  • Editor: Enabled the previously selected editor tool to now get selected when deselecting a terrain.

  • Editor: Enabled the progress bar to display on domain reload in Linux. (UUM-27077)

  • Editor: Enabled types derived from type with CustomPreview have a custom preview. (UUM-9543)

  • Editor: Enabled updating the SceneProvider accordingly to an additive scene being added or removed. (UUM-25053)

  • Editor: Enabled using the &lt;a&gt; tag with IMGUI. (UUM-20795)

  • Editor: Ensure AssetChangeSet.empty is properly setup even if the default constructor is used. Reenable the failing tests. (UUM-21336)

  • Editor: Ensure embedded inspector can be used to enter keyboard values even if their editor is created using IMGUI (UUM-25187)

  • Editor: Ensure SearchQuery deleted from outside the SearchQueryPanel are removed from the list. (UUM-31969)

  • Editor: Ensure that when clearing detail view or reloading it, we do not keep ref on deleted Serialized property. (UUM-31865)

  • Editor: Ensured that long titles do not clip the scene icon in the Scene Template Dialog. (UUM-25511)

  • Editor: Extracted potential Editor-only dependencies and marked those as Reference instead of Clone. (UUM-3666)

  • Editor: Fix Column naming in Edit Column menu. (UUM-32469)

  • Editor: Fix doc link for searchquery (UUM-32269)

  • Editor: Fix instabilities on DeleteMultipleAssets (UUM-33221)

  • Editor: Fix not needed scrollbar and also fix clean up in preset editor to avoid ExcludedProperties exception. (UUM-30379)

  • Editor: Fix project upgrade of non-physical camera animation in FBX (field of view value). (UUM-7628)

  • Editor: Fix the problem of selectedPlatform being serialized in ProjectSettings.asset. (UUM-28332)

  • Editor: Fix title show the major, minor and version build (UUM-26695)

  • Editor: Fix ViewState assignation so it doesn't trash the main context searchview. (UUM-32792)

  • Editor: Fixed Pin in New Scene Dialog checkbox style in scene template inspector. (UUM-15305)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug where the cursor was lagging when dragging files to inactive MacOS editor. (UUM-9542)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug with animation preview. (UUM-27517)

  • Editor: Fixed a build performance regression caused by shader variant prefiltering overhead. (UUM-23173)

  • Editor: Fixed a case where missing nested Prefabs would break the import of outer Prefabs. All Prefabs will now be reimported due to this fix. (UUM-24836)

  • Editor: Fixed a component being added twice when dragging a script asset on the Inspector window from the Project window. (UUM-26276)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash observed in a HDRP sample project on the Standalone Player. (UUM-20176)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash on shutdown when using the CLI option -cacheServerWaitForUploadCompletion.

  • Editor: Fixed a crash on UpdateSharedDataSubMeshVertexRange when importing a SpeedTree file. (UUM-25371)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash that can happen when closing Unity. (UUM-22255)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash that occurs when you set the custom-rolloff-curve to null on an audio source. (UUM-29578)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash when building WebGL and some warning dialog boxes on other platforms. (UUM-20587)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash when dragging game view in and out of the docked view on Linux with Mesa drivers. (UUM-16015)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash when trying to animation sample an optimized hierarchy GO, which is not supported. (UUM-10811)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash when using text with ImageOnly mode in IMGUI. (UUM-30256)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash where destroying a component's GameObject in the Awake function of a script with ExecuteInEditMode would incorrectly try to apply serialized object changes. (UUM-21915)

  • Editor: Fixed a Drag and Drop to parent folder when the parent contains a child folder with the same name. (UUM-11707)

  • Editor: Fixed a DX11 Standalone crash when closing the application. (UUM-20507)

  • Editor: Fixed a freeze when selecting multiple assets with different Scripted Importers. (UUM-27216)

  • Editor: Fixed a Mac Editor crash on you drag Sprites into the Scene view. (UUM-20950)

  • Editor: Fixed a memory leak in UI Toolkit. (UUM-16365)

  • Editor: Fixed a performance regression when loading Prefabs with missing Assets. (UUM-25812)

  • Editor: Fixed a potential crash when you select non-GameObjects during a domain reload.

  • Editor: Fixed a rare Editor crash when using the accelerator for shader cache. (UUM-27645)

  • Editor: Fixed a rare GLES crash. (UUM-30449)

  • Editor: Fixed a recent crash regression when a shader compilation error occurs. (UUM-26357)

  • Editor: Fixed a regression that changed the default behaviour of animators on disabled. (UUM-27229)

  • Editor: Fixed a regression when computing UVs for faces that have their material assigned via a group. (UUM-30948)

  • Editor: Fixed a Timeline performance problem when previewing animated prefab instances. (UUM-28636)

  • Editor: Fixed a Windows issue where resizing a window draws black. (UUM-24720)

  • Editor: Fixed an animator issue when transitioning from state to empty state. (UUM-28015)

  • Editor: Fixed an Editor crash in the loading game scene. This fix adds the use of suboptimal memory allocation when the GPU is out of memory. (UUM-25089)

  • Editor: Fixed an Editor crash that can happen when editing terrain.

  • Editor: Fixed an Editor crash when switching the avatar from generic to humanoid. (UUM-22716)

  • Editor: Fixed an Editor crash when you try to build a project with corrupt compute shaders. (UUM-25488)

  • Editor: Fixed an Editor crash with drag and drop if the window is docked. (UUM-23241)

  • Editor: Fixed an Editor hang when an import in the worker process fails because of an asset being changed during the import. Any following sync import (using ProduceArtifact API) request for this asset would cause the Editor to hang. (UUM-22607)

  • Editor: Fixed an Editor hang when evaluating SearchExpression, synchronous in main thread. (UUM-14546)

  • Editor: Fixed an ellipsis in the Label column for Search Table. (UUM-25147)

  • Editor: Fixed an error when assigning a preset that has been removed (added validation for property assignation). (UUM-26279)

  • Editor: Fixed an exception when using Renderer2D with FullScreenPassRendererFeature. (UUM-25396)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue causing rendering errors for DXC-compiled shaders with unused vertex attributes on Metal, Vulkan, and other platforms that use the DXC into SPIRV compilation path. (UUM-24641)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue in the Frame Debugger to enable scrolling in the window to work when the Mesh Preview is being used.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue in the Frame Debugger with errors that appear when you enable the debugger when it was docked with the Game Window. (UUM-17193)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue in the Terrain Inspector that displays an error that can hide the Quality Settings section. (UUM-33676)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue so you are now able to select chosen settings when editing them in the Request Authorization on App Launch or Enable Push Notifications menus. (UUM-14777)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue when destroying animatorControllerPlayable and then accessing some animator functions. (UUM-1228)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue when importing FBX files where memory usage grows exponentially with the amount of clips present in the file. (UUM-22047)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue when using Entities that some type of gizmos for components in subscenes were not rendered in the Scene view. (UUM-26723)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where a test body would be skipped under certain conditions regarding domain reload.

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where a UnityException ("Could not find the requested Platform Texture Settings. This is incorrect, did initialization fail?") would sometimes be thrown when inspecting multiple texture importers at the same time. (UUM-15620)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where component tools wouldn't restore previous tools when clicked again. (UUM-20984)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where scripted importer override could cause infinite imports. (UUM-26859)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the Uncategorized category filter would not apply correctly to parameterized tests with a category in the fixture. (DSTR-699)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the Editor would launch the Hub when it is not already running, but would then incorrectly display the "Install Unity Hub" dialog instead of connecting to the Hub to perform the action. (UUM-29547)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where users would sometimes be prompted to save their changes by the Texture Importer Inspector despite having not changed any of the importer settings. (UUM-19921)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with animators where the root bone would be reset for humanoid in edge cases with the pose playable. (UUM-26509)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with the custom InspectorElement losing its Editor instance when the main inspector selection changes. (UUM-27882)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue with the initialization of raytracing which could fail during certain frames. (UUM-26885)

  • Editor: Fixed an OS key binding exception in ShortcutManager. (UUM-4125)

  • Editor: Fixed an output message concurrency issue with async Setup.

  • Editor: Fixed backspace allowing deletion of a script name in AddComponent dialog. (UUM-3440)

  • Editor: Fixed Bee's verify_bee_with_vivoxsdk_update_bee_mac_x64__full_ yamato job.

  • Editor: Fixed bug where objects would constantly be pinged when console log entries are collapsed. (UUM-10068)

  • Editor: Fixed BuildWindow's 'Add Open Scenes' to not add sub scenes as this is unneccessary as sub scenes will always be added to the build anyways. (UUM-32251)

  • Editor: Fixed copy and paste using keyboard for Transform rotation and scale in Inspector window. (UUM-21702)

  • Editor: Fixed domain reload dialog spawning on top of code editor while the Unity Editor is out of focus. (UUM-8328)

  • Editor: Fixed duplicate EditorApplication.update delegates being registered when changing the Editor layout. (UUM-12847)

  • Editor: Fixed dynamic-color so it now works if the background color was previously transparent. (UUM-21405)

  • Editor: Fixed Editor freezes when selecting Prefab &gt; Select Asset for a scene exported manually with missing information. (UUM-30060)

  • Editor: Fixed Editor version that is added to a bundle when using RecompressAssetBundleAsync after it's been stripped with AssetBundleStripUnityVersion. (UUM-21137)

  • Editor: Fixed EditorWindowTitle so it is now called automatically. Previously, it needed to be initialized explicitly through a call to EditorWindow.GetLocalizedContent. (UUM-27557)

  • Editor: Fixed error while deleting a QueryBlock. (UUM-19945)

  • Editor: Fixed filtering result is not removed and folder contents shown when using "Frame Selected" or its shortcut "F" in the Project window. (UUM-31369)

  • Editor: Fixed flickering of the icons while auto-expanding in the Hierarchy. (UUM-29429)

  • Editor: Fixed handling conflicting components during prefab merging. (UUM-20241)

  • Editor: Fixed handling msaa resolve in Frame Debugger when connected to Meta Quest over display link. (UUM-1552)

  • Editor: Fixed Highlighter text in project browser when clicking on an object field. (UUM-29709)

  • Editor: Fixed inconsistent input field styling in Shortcut Manager's create and rename prompts. (UUM-28290)

  • Editor: Fixed incorrect launch screen scaling on Windows scaled 200%. (UUM-31767)

  • Editor: Fixed instabilities by accounting for rounding errors that rarely occur on Mac. (UUM-9280)

  • Editor: Fixed issue where -nographics command line argument was not being forwarded to the Asset Import Workers.

  • Editor: Fixed issue with baking Environment Occlusion following a Probe bake.

  • Editor: Fixed issue with lingering imports when CopyAsset was called inside StartAssetEditing/StopAssetEditing block. (UUM-29360)

  • Editor: Fixed jumping of intensity slider values in Color Picker HDR. (UUM-27978)

  • Editor: Fixed layout errors when overlays are collapsed. (UUM-31313)

  • Editor: Fixed material icons generation when switch from Built-In (UUM-23330)

  • Editor: Fixed Missing Debug Symbols when building a Mono project (UUM-30004)

  • Editor: Fixed multi select + click so it now works in dependency list. (UUM-20649)

  • Editor: Fixed multiple issues on DLSS: DLSS 2.4 upgrade, CI tests, and GC fixes. (UUM-6460)

  • Editor: Fixed multiple issues where tests would not time out, when running longer than the default timeout or the timeout defined in a TimeoutAttribute.

  • Editor: Fixed occasional Editor crash in batch mode. (UUM-22301)

  • Editor: Fixed OnRectTransformDimensionsChange so it is now called on Undo. (UUM-16963)

  • Editor: Fixed OSX dedicated server using the wrong plugin folder, preventing the server to load plugins and Burst generated DLLs. (MTT-5657)

  • Editor: Fixed overlay not being resizable while docked. (UUM-25238)

  • Editor: Fixed overlay Reset Size feature to set the overlay's size to its default width and height. (UUM-29798)

  • Editor: Fixed overlays so they now preserve their enabled state through domain reloads. (UUM-20070)

  • Editor: Fixed overly red debug visualization for surface normals in SpeedTree when using the Rendering Debugger with HDRP projects. (UUM-22897)

  • Editor: Fixed Painter2D Arc() error when end angle is larger than 360 degrees (UUM-28270)

  • Editor: Fixed pin position. (UUM-15301)

  • Editor: Fixed planar reflection sampling. Planar reflection sampling drops at certain angles because its bounding box (influence proxy) is not relative to the view. This causes it to be culled when its out of the origin. (UUM-27898)

  • Editor: Fixed potential GPU cbuffer out of bound read with BRG. (UUM-29505)

  • Editor: Fixed preset glob search with multiple character ranges. (UUM-26398)

  • Editor: Fixed Preset Type field taking up too much horizontal space. (UUM-29482)

  • Editor: Fixed project browser text so it is now correctly aligned. (UUM-26789)

  • Editor: Fixed ProjectBrowser delete confirmation dialog not showing up. (UUM-29454)

  • Editor: Fixed recursive layout failure while displaying a SearchQueryAsset in the Search Window Inspector. (UUM-26720)

  • Editor: Fixed ReorderableList element culling when drawing with GUI rotation or scaling applied. (UUM-10761)

  • Editor: Fixed script asset types using ScriptableObject icons instead of scripts icons (Editor, StateMachineBehaviour, and PlayableAssetScript). (UUM-11963)

  • Editor: Fixed several issues with importing/building projects in terms of memory on DX12 backend. (UUM-20186)

  • Editor: Fixed several problems with speech recognition in applications using Holographic Remoting.

  • Editor: Fixed shortcut profile delete dialog message overflow in Shortcut Manager. (UUM-28294)

  • Editor: Fixed Shortcuts Manager to catch Shift and Options key presses. (UUM-4083)

  • Editor: Fixed showing the dependencies of scene template when there is a single dependency. (UUM-2524)

  • Editor: Fixed splash screen wrapping mode. (UUM-24763)

  • Editor: Fixed styling on the scene template help button. (UUM-27122)

  • Editor: Fixed the Audio.Thread marker in Profiler window that lasts the whole frame while audio is playing in Windows. (UUM-401)

  • Editor: Fixed the color=lightblue and color=grey tags so they now work for text. (UUM-22640)

  • Editor: Fixed the corrupt Animation Curve preview when the time range is less than 1. (UUM-27045)

  • Editor: Fixed the empty array access while importing a mesh that has no UVs when Generate Lighmap UVs is enabled. (UUM-23198)

  • Editor: Fixed the EnumField not updating the value label when calling Init and the value was the same.

  • Editor: Fixed the EnumField updating the label when calling SetValueWithoutNotify and the value had not changed. (UUM-28904)

  • Editor: Fixed the Gfx jobs mode option in Player settings so it is now working. (UUM-29400)

  • Editor: Fixed the Input Manager for views that are re-enabled while playmode is still running. (MTT-5037)

  • Editor: Fixed the Inspector Transform Component foldout so it now responds to input on the top half. (UUM-16138)

  • Editor: Fixed the last used Editor layout so it now restores after a crash. (UUM-16560)

  • Editor: Fixed the light component's useBoundingSphereOverride property so it is no longer ignored when calculating the shadow influence distance.<br> This change makes the custom shadow matrix and light bounding box behave properly. (UUM-23128)

  • Editor: Fixed the parallel import with Blender on all Editor platforms. Multiple .blend files imported at the same time will produce their own content result instead of a random mesh from one of the files. (UUM-10036)

  • Editor: Fixed the prefab override indicator not being shown when the component was overridden. (UUM-3473)

  • Editor: Fixed the rendering layers in the Light inspector. You can now select Everything. (UUM-14307)

  • Editor: Fixed the Scene template Help icon by adding the version number in the URL. (UUM-15399)

  • Editor: Fixed the scrollbar in the Description field in the new scene dialog. (UUM-15359)

  • Editor: Fixed the selected child GameObjects not rendering gizmos when the root GameObject is not also selected. (UUM-22208)

  • Editor: Fixed the Shift modifier so that it can now use SceneView tool shortcuts. (UUM-21938)

  • Editor: Fixed the styling of extra button action bar. (UUM-26518)

  • Editor: Fixed the tile palette icon drifting with mouse on other views. Fixed the blue line indicator for drag and drop. (UUM-27955)

  • Editor: Fixed the URL for the Scene Template documentation.

  • Editor: Fixed the wrong color space of some value when using dynamic colors in a project in liner color space. (UUM-20443)

  • Editor: Fixed truncated text in animator window. (UUM-28930)

  • Editor: Fixed UnityEditor PDB symbols being invalid. (UUM-33172)

  • Editor: Fixed user-defined shortcuts that don't engage when they are assigned to KeyCode.WheelUp or KeyCode.WheelDown in macOS. (UUM-18359)

  • Editor: Fixed Vorbis audio library security vulnerabilities CVE-2018-10392 and CVE-2018-10393 (UUM-5914)

  • Editor: Fixed VSync so it now turns off when you change the quality in the Player from High Fidelity to Performant. (UUM-17522)

  • Editor: Fixed Vulkan shaders that use shadow map 2D array textures. (UUM-17756)

  • Editor: Fixed YAML file corruption on Android Platforms caused due to some obsolete targets in PlatformGroupEnum. (UUM-21944)

  • Editor: Fixed .raytrace asset files not using the correct icon in the Editor. (UUM-26437)

  • Editor: Fixed EditorWindows receiving SoftDelete command when the Edit/Delete shortcut is not bound to the Delete key. (UUM-5139)

  • Editor: Fixed PlayerSettings.SetAdditionalIl2CppArgs not being respected. (UUM-25446)

  • Editor: Fixes an editor crash that could sometimes be triggered when painting terrain details. (UUM-26884)

  • Editor: Implemented only changing the file status flags with chflags on OSX if the value of the requested flags differ from the current values. (UUM-26616)

  • Editor: Improve warning message when trying to save a SceneTemplate with an invalid asset path (UUM-31433)

  • Editor: Improve warning message when trying to save a SearchQuery with an invalid asset path (UUM-26577)

  • Editor: Improved documentation for GetActiveScene behavior during scene load (UUM-34557)

  • Editor: Improved documentation for PrefabUtility.GetPropertyModifications and PrefabUtility.SetPropertyModifications. (UUM-20644)

  • Editor: Improved error reporting when a malformed .meta file fails to be parsed, stating which line and what file failed. This also prevents a crash from happening. (UUM-21346)

  • Editor: Improved loading time of all text serialized files (UUM-32952)

  • Editor: Improved performance of opening scene with a lot of nested Prefabs. (UUM-2263)

  • Editor: Improved progress reporting for Generate Lighting. (UUM-28515)

  • Editor: Improved the checks for Play Library dependencies on Android to include plugins and show an error if Play Core is used instead of minimum default Play Asset Delivery library. Added EditorTests.

  • Editor: Improved the performance with terrain when viewed by a camera with a very narrow field of view. (UUM-4945)

  • Editor: Make the initial block size of BlockDoublingLinearAllocator configurable

  • Editor: Moved "Add Column" button next to the "Reset Columns" button in the Search window, when using the table view. (UUM-32305)

  • Editor: Moved the Realtime GI CPU Usage setting to the Quality tab in Project Settings for URP and HDRP. (UUM-28789)

  • Editor: Optimized asset import logic to handle large amounts of files located in the same directory (UUM-17547)

  • Editor: Prevented a crash when trying to call LoadImage with a tiled EXR image. (UUM-30279)

  • Editor: Prevented tags from being created with an empty name. (UUM-32286)

  • Editor: Property titles from several words are now displayed with spaces (UUM-32367)

  • Editor: Quick Search now displays Hierarchy GameObjects when using custom PreviewSceneStage (UUM-30315)

  • Editor: Reduced memory allocation when using DockArea. (UUM-26796)

  • Editor: Removed a warning about mismatching mipmap limits when using a region-based CopyTexture. (UUM-21771)

  • Editor: Removed an unnecessary "cannot be multi-edited" message in the Inspector. (UUM-10473)

  • Editor: Removed an unnecessary cbuffer in DOTS_INSTANCING_ON variant. (UUM-26107)

  • Editor: Removed the action kebab menu if in picker mode. (UUM-25013)

  • Editor: Removed warnings for two CI jobs without maintainer.

  • Editor: Renamed Constants.TargetArchitectures to Constants.FilteredTargetArchitectures and applied correctly filtered data.

  • Editor: Running into networking issues while fetching ugs organizations no longer softlocks.

  • Editor: Set a filter id for both perf provider. (UUM-34438)

  • Editor: The Preferences &gt; Jobs &gt; Leak Detection Level setting will reset from Enabled With Stack Trace to Enabled when the Unity Editor is restarted. The setting will persist across domain reloads. The level can be set programmatically using UnsafeUtility.SetLeakDetectionMode. (DOTS-7615)

  • Editor: UI Toolkit: Fixed context menus for sub-properties not showing when using the Inspector with UI Toolkit. (UUM-30371)

  • Editor: Updated the error message shown in the Inspector when using the sprite skin provider with GPU skinning. It now informs users that GPU skinning is not supported by the shadow system. (UUM-18815)

  • Editor: Updated the MeshFilter header title on multi edit. (UUM-19502)

  • Editor: Updated UnityTLS.

  • Editor: Updated wrong tooltip when hovering over the "Load In Background" property of an audio clip. (UUM-27581)

  • Editor: Updated XR Interaction Toolkit to 2.3.2

  • Editor: When executing an action from a SearchQueryEditor preview window, check if the searchwindow is null before trying to close it. (UUM-33870)

  • Editor: When Tool Settings overlay is docked horizontally and when a Terrain Tool is selected, this overlay will display the tool's name as well as provide a dropdown by which a user can view the settings. (UUM-28726)

  • Entities Graphics: Fixed an issue where lightmaps involving lights inside subscenes could be too bright. (UUM-26371)

  • Entities Graphics: Fixed the BatchRendererGroup occlusion probe sampling for HDRP. (UUM-24996)

  • GI: Added geometry warnings for invalid meshes in LightBaker.

  • GI: Fixed a bug where chart textures would occasionally leak when baking with Auto Generate Lighting mode.

  • GI: Fixed a bug where materials using a shader with an animated MetaPass would cause light bakes to never finish. (UUM-34103)

  • GI: Fixed a bug where moving the camera while in an scene visualization mode would cause light bakes to never finish. (UUM-34425)

  • GI: Fixed a heap corruption error caused by Enlighten in debug Player builds. (UUM-20399)

  • GI: Fixed an Editor crash when baking a scene with an invalid mesh. (UUM-30786)

  • GI: Fixed an error when baking with the GPU lightmapper. Light baking failed with error code 2 ('RenderLightmap' failed with exit code: 2) when using large lightmaps with unoccupied tiles. (UUM-30520)

  • GI: Fixed an issue that could potentially lead to Baking fails with infinite "Failed to find geometry with hash 00000000000000000000000000000000 for removal" error message. (UUM-29010)

  • GI: Fixed an issue where lightmaps are lost when entering playmode, switching scenes, and exiting playmode. (UUM-29735)

  • GI: Fixed an issue where lightmaps would be swapped when entering playmode when the Reload Scene option is disabled. (UUM-21437)

  • GI: Fixed an issue with Light Explorer filtering when many lights are present. (UUM-30672)

  • GI: Fixed editor crash on Intel GPUs when using the OpenGL API. (UUM-30370)

  • GI: Fixed Light Probe occlusion when using GPU Lightmapper and many light probe positions. (UUM-4179)

  • GI: Fixed the help link at the top of the Lighting Window. (UUM-25787)

  • GI: Fixed the total bake time so it is no longer truncated in the Editor and API. (UUM-22720)

  • GI: Fixed the wrong material extraction during light baking, when using materials with triplanar UV projection. (LIGHT-1259)

  • GI: Improved the BakePipeline progress reporting in the Editor UI.

  • GI: Improved the lighting bake stops error message so it also displays which mesh is problematic. (UUM-32710)

  • GI: Removed the HasZeroAreaMesh call from the lighting settings UI to make Zero-Area Check faster. (UUM-20543)

  • Graphics: Added an error message when enabling restricted keywords on a Material. (UUM-3576)

  • Graphics: Added GetVisiblePositions to TrailRenderer. (UUM-21893)

  • Graphics: Disable Vulkan DebugUtilsLabels for Linux AMD due to driver crash bug (UUM-31640)

  • Graphics: Enabled BatchCullingContext to now only contain receiver planes for lights where useViewFrustumForShadowCasterCull is true (the default).

  • Graphics: Enabled Draw Procedural calls to now show the passed instance count in the Frame Debugger when it is greater than one.

  • Graphics: Enabled invalid pass index error messages to now include shader names. (UUM-33598)

  • Graphics: Enabled the lifetime of temporary pointers in BatchRendererGroup to be tied to frame completion. (UUM-27302)

  • Graphics: Enabled the product name to now be used as the application name when creating a Vulkan instance. (UUM-25486)

  • Graphics: Enabled the texture streaming system to accurately track the size of non-streaming crunched textures. (UUM-27512)

  • Graphics: Enabled throwing an ArgumentNullException if null is passed in as a parameter to Unwrapping.GeneratePerTriangleUV. (UUM-4614)

  • Graphics: Enabled GraphicsFence.passed to report consistent results at initialization. (UUM-27598)

  • Graphics: Fixed a case where GraphicsBuffer.UnlockBufferAfterWrite would take an excessively long time on D3D11. (UUM-29029)

  • Graphics: Fixed a crash on iOS, Android, and Silicon devices in ScriptableRenderLoop (DrawRenderers and DrawShadows) which was caused by a threading issue. (UUM-13368)

  • Graphics: Fixed a crash on iOS, Android, and Silicon devices in ScriptableRenderLoop (DrawRenderers and DrawShadows) which was caused by a threading issue. (UUM-25831)

  • Graphics: Fixed a crash that happens when a BatchRendererGroup is leaked and not disposed. (UUM-21698)

  • Graphics: Fixed a crash when loading a zero-sized Texture2D asset. (UUM-9343)

  • Graphics: Fixed a crash when switching color space in Vulkan Editor. (UUM-28649)

  • Graphics: Fixed a crash when the swapchain creation would fail if the window is not ready at an engine boot.<br> This fix enables using the offscreen swapchain while loading finishes and creates a real swapchain.

  • Graphics: Fixed a deadlock caused by UI jobs. (UUM-26444)

  • Graphics: Fixed an error being generated when using RayTracingAccelerationStructure.CullInstances and MeshRenderers using the Ray Traced Procedural option. (UUM-27943)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue in the Inspector window where 2DArray and 3D textures would not report their size on disk correctly. (UUM-28111)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where copying to/from invalid mipmaps could cause a crash or hang to occur. (UUM-15079)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where the upload format for Texture2DArrays, CubemapArrays, and Texture3Ds would not be immediately updated when the color space was changed in the Player Settings until the Editor restarted. (UUM-21305)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where Vulkan robustBufferAccess was mistakenly enabled. (UUM-29326)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where EditorUtility.CompressTexture would silently fail for zero-sized textures. (UUM-31569)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue with GPU Instancing providing wrong previous world matrix, leading to motion vector computation issues. (UUM-30538)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue with RayTracingAccelerationStructure.CullInstance not taking into account Umbra renderers. (UUM-13283)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue with the Load texture data on demand Editor streaming setting where an assertion would be hit while building Player data if dynamic fonts were present in the Project. (UUM-28337)

  • Graphics: Fixed BatchRendererGroup compatibility issues with URP Particle shaders. (UUM-32679)

  • Graphics: Fixed blitting from RenderTexture.active to another RenderTexture with a shader sampling a texture at specific UV values causing visual artifacts. (UUM-7994)

  • Graphics: Fixed bug with Streaming Virtual Texturing throwing a "The transcoded bitstream was invalid" error that was caused by build pipeline bug corrupting virtual texture regions located in virtual texture files larger than 2GB. When using SVT, it is recommended to rebuild your Player's build in order to get the corrected streaming files (GTS and GTP files) in the Streaming Assets folder. (UUM-30987)

  • Graphics: Fixed caustics rendering so water now works on AMD. (UUM-21350)

  • Graphics: Fixed CustomRenderTexture depth test results failing on some platforms. (UUM-1839)

  • Graphics: Fixed excessive Metal memory allocation under some scenarios. (UUM-31722)

  • Graphics: Fixed glitches on macOS when the rendering path is set to deferred. (UUM-21567)

  • Graphics: Fixed incorrect validity check for RendererLists. (UUM-22227)

  • Graphics: Fixed intermittent Vulkan crash in XR caused by accessing empty backbuffer. (XRQA-1060)

  • Graphics: Fixed local volumetric fog rendered twice in prefab context and entities sub-scenes. (UUM-32296)

  • Graphics: Fixed mainthread stalls when QualitySettings are updated but no mipmap limits have changed. (UUM-25337)

  • Graphics: Fixed present callbacks so they are now called correctly when the GfxDeviceClient is set to not be serializing (ST threading mode). (UUM-25836)

  • Graphics: Fixed some paths of eye masking in Vulkan multi-view rendering. (UUM-912)

  • Graphics: Fixed the behaviour of the staticShadowCaster flag when using BatchRendererGroup with cached shadow maps.

  • Graphics: Fixed the color space switch not applying in Vulkan. (UUM-27939)

  • Graphics: Fixed the environment lighting when no adaptive prove volume is present. (UUM-30972)

  • Graphics: Fixed the loading of legacy Texture assets that were BC-compressed but didn't have multiple-of-four dimensions. (UUM-19666)

  • Graphics: Fixed the missing Lens Flare permutation. (UUM-19982)

  • Graphics: Fixed UI flickering due to invalid state post CommandBuffer execution. (UUM-32669)

  • Graphics: Fixed Vulkan validation layers that come from incorrect barrier management when a native plug-in is used. (UUM-18951)

  • Graphics: Fixed: Provide a way to avoid GC.Alloc with RenderMeshInstanced. (UUM-32183)

  • Graphics: Improved BatchRendererGroup error messages. (UUM-18322)

  • Graphics: Improved the performance of initially loading async uploaded textures.

  • Graphics: Introducing two new knobs so PBR DoF can now scale at 4k.<br> The first is a new knob "High quality Adaptive Sampling" which is enabled by default. This change allows now to turn off this feature (which changes adaptive sampling rate) and saves massive amount of performance. This knob improves performance massively while keeping image quality consistent.<br> The second knob is high and low res PBR dof checkbox. The previous drop down has been removed, since PBR DoF has always been half res, independent of the previous enum value. This new knob now shows true representation of resolution. The new low res setting lets PBR DoF run at quarter resolution. (UUM-26281)

  • Graphics: Prevented false warnings about RenderTexture format when switching colorspace. (UUM-6770)

  • Graphics: Removed the deprecation of SceneRenderPipeline and limited its behaviour until a replacement is proposed. (UUM-11126)

  • Graphics Tests: Fixed Android Vulkan Shield test failures.

  • Graphics Tests: Updated the bokken images for the graphics tests.

  • HDRP: Added a missing node to detect underwater pixels. (UUM-22011)

  • HDRP: Added API to sync simulation time. (UUM-21622)

  • HDRP: Added DecalShaderGraphGUI.SetupDecalKeywordsAndPass back.

  • HDRP: Changed the local volumetric fog prepare to before script updates to fix use case where rendering is done inside the script update. (UUM-32169)

  • HDRP: Enabled path tracing to now produce correct results when dynamic resolution is enabled. (UUM-23315)

  • HDRP: Enabled the correct light position when changing distance on a Light Anchor. (UUM-26172)

  • HDRP: Enabled the volumetric clouds to be synced per camera. Previously, the clouds were synced through a global time, leading to discrepencies with cameras that update at different rates. (UUM-21985)

  • HDRP: Enabled CustomPassUtils.RenderDepthFromCamera to now use depth shader tag IDs instead of forward shader tags.

  • HDRP: Fixed a glitch in one frame in the Editor when using path tracing. (UUM-22917)

  • HDRP: Fixed a serialization issue affecting other objects.

  • HDRP: Fixed a shader compilation issue on fog volumes when Turkish language is installed as locale.

  • HDRP: Fixed an error with water and dynamic pass culling.

  • HDRP: Fixed an exception on the first frame when using water scripting interactions. (UUM-28748)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue occuring on TAAU when the camera rect is adjusted. (UUM-25737)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue that placed an upper limit on the total number of segments drawn by the High Quality Line Renderer.

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where High Quality Line instances were not being drawn in back to front order.

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where LOD-related frame render settings UI on the camera component would not reflect the current global default settings. (UUM-27546)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where Refraction happened on a very small distance for ocean when there were only ripples. (UUM-26886)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue where the quality settings tags were displayed cut-off. (UUM-31849)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue with Mac and HDR so it now shows correct results when HDR is enabled. (UUM-26282)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue with ray tracing initialization when switching between render pipeline assets. (UUM-24692)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue with specifying how much memory gets allocated for High Quality Line Rendering.

  • HDRP: Fixed APV brick placement when multiple probe volumes with different object layer mask and subdivision levels overlaps. (UUM-29073)

  • HDRP: Fixed DLSS Ultra performance setting which was not calculating the correct resolution. The setting was not pushing the correct resolution due to a typo in the code. (UUM-29281)

  • HDRP: Fixed error when having more than 64 deformers. (UUM-27183)

  • HDRP: Fixed exceptions if area light is disabled in HDRP config. (UUM-28113)

  • HDRP: Fixed free CullingGroups still being used during culling. (UUM-29379)

  • HDRP: Fixed HDRP Decal Emisive Map is drawn incorrectly when Decal is at a certain distance from Camera and specific "Clipping Planes" property values are set under the "Camera" component. (UUM-28486)

  • HDRP: Fixed HDSceneDepth triggering errors for uninitialized values. (UUM-21185)

  • HDRP: Fixed issue with Light Probe Proxy Volume not rendering correctly when Bounding Box Mode is Automatic World. (UUM-22821)

  • HDRP: Fixed jittering when rendering objects after post process with TAA and Dynamic resolution enabled.

  • HDRP: Fixed material upgrader when executing tests. (UUM-20743)

  • HDRP: Fixed missing pragma only_renderers in HDRP compute shaders which caused multiple shader errors in the console window. (UUM-15114)

  • HDRP: Fixed OSX Support for High Quality Lines.

  • HDRP: Fixed ray-traced emissive reflections. (UUM-30969)

  • HDRP: Fixed rendering cubemaps when underwater is enabled.

  • HDRP: Fixed several issues for High Quality Line Rendering that were discovered on the "Enemies" production.

  • HDRP: Fixed ShaderGraph materials using SSS. (UUM-27413)

  • HDRP: Fixed some colliders being disabled when cancelling an APV bake. (UUM-28815)

  • HDRP: Fixed static batching when using APV.

  • HDRP: Fixed swapped tooltips on decal materials for ambient occlusion and smoothness. (UUM-29660)

  • HDRP: Fixed the albedo and specular color override so it is now considered as sRGB. (UUM-23268)

  • HDRP: Fixed the angle attenuation of spot lights. Previously, the angle attentuation did not take the light radius hack into account, which caused issues when objects are close to a light.

  • HDRP: Fixed the default value of _ZTestDepthEqualForOpaque in unlit ShaderGraphs. (UUM-31690)

  • HDRP: Fixed the diffusion profile list upgrade.

  • HDRP: Fixed the exposure for SSR debug rendering. (UUM-19575)

  • HDRP: Fixed the foam generator so it is now relative to GameObject scale. (UUM-20903)

  • HDRP: Fixed the init order that could cause DXR setup to fail after using the HDRP wizard to enable DXR on an existing HDRP project. (UUM-21776)

  • HDRP: Fixed the initial mask extent value for water surfaces. (UUM-20904)

  • HDRP: Fixed the label and improved the documentation for After Post Process depth test flag to provide more detail about Depth Test being automatically disabled in some cases.

  • HDRP: Fixed the local volumetric fog so it is now culled correctly. (UUM-26198)

  • HDRP: Fixed the low resolution transparents using Shader Graph. (UUM-21628)

  • HDRP: Fixed the PrefabStage with Lensflare not included in the object, include the lensflare only if it was included on the prefab (children included). (UUM-12160)

  • HDRP: Fixed the raytraced reflections for box lights so they are no longer cut off if the range is too small. (UUM-21442)

  • HDRP: Fixed the shadow culling planes for box-shaped spot lights.

  • HDRP: Fixed the time determinism for water surfaces. (UUM-22814)

  • HDRP: Fixed the unsupported high quality line rendering targets for the Shader Graph inspector. (UUM-26179)

  • HDRP: Fixed the usage of FindObjectsByType so it now uses FindObjectsSortMode.None.

  • HDRP: Fixed the usage of HDMaterial.ValidateMaterial for materials created from ShaderGraphs.

  • HDRP: Fixed the world position offset in water CPU simulation. (UUM-21873)

  • HDRP: Fixed transparent decal textures being added into atlas even if the material properties have disabled them. (UUM-29093)

  • HDRP: Fixed UI allowing to freeze probe placement when no data have been baked. (UUM-29582)

  • HDRP: Fixed Volumetric Clouds jittering when the sun was not casting shadow. (UUM-27919)

  • HDRP: Fixed water caustics tiling factor which caused issue when the camera was moving. (UUM-26246)

  • HDRP: Fixed Water System Resolution property names. (UUM-28960)

  • HDRP: Fixing square artifacts on 1/4 res pbr dof and warning during player builds. (UUM-34487)

  • HDRP: Improved the console warning message when the maximum number of shadows is reached in the view. (UUM-28072)

  • HDRP: Improved the reflection probe debug.

  • HDRP: Preserved ShaderGraph custom keywords on material validation. (UUM-27176)

  • HDRP: Updated missing HDRP component documentation URLs. (UUM-9449)

  • HLSLcc: Fixed an issue where the buffer size queries emitted wrong glsl function in some cases. (UUM-27270)

  • IL2CPP: Added support for the refanytype opcode<br> https://github.cds.internal.unity3d.com/unity/il2cpp/pull/5172<br> https://jira.unity3d.com/browse/UUM-29465 (UUM-29465)

  • IL2CPP: Corrected the clipped output from System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(). (UUM-26431)

  • IL2CPP: Emitted code that compiles for array element access from null in a non-development player build. (UUM-597)

  • IL2CPP: Enabled display of the name of each thread in native and third party profilers. (UUM-21136)

  • IL2CPP: Enabled non-blittable types without any reference fields to be pinned. This matches the behavior of .NET Core and changes from the previous behavior of IL2CPP, which matched .NET Framework. (UUM-23102)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a bug where IL2CPP returns an invalid pointer on P/Invoke methods that returns a non-blittable struct by reference. (UUM-20790)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a bug where referenced assets are unloaded by Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(). (UUM-26883)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a build failure on Windows systems using Turkish as the primary system display language. (UUM-32870)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a C++ compilation error when assigning to a ref parameter in shared generic code with constraints. (UUM-28821)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a C++ compilation error when structs had static fields with circular type references. (UUM-16351)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a compile error when you enable bitcode for an Android build. (UUM-25113)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a crash when the memory profiler is enabled. (UUM-18685)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a potential .cpp file name collision when two assembly names differ only by a number at the end of their name. (UUM-27951)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a race condition when creating generic class metadata. (UUM-26516)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an intermittent crash in the thread pool implementation when the socket no longer exists during a HTTP request. (UUM-21671)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an intermittent crash on POSIX platforms which can happen when Directory.GetFiles is called while files in that directory are deleted on a different thread. (UUM-29790)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an issue that did not allow access to special folders in Windows Store apps. (UUM-17611)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed I18N linker error during builds. (UUM-14481)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed IL2CPP build crashes when capturing memory snapshot. (UUM-21880)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed possible GC corruption when using the job system on PS4/PS5 platforms.<br> https://github.cds.internal.unity3d.com/unity/il2cpp/pull/5168<br> https://jira.unity3d.com/browse/UUM-33034 (UUM-33034)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed the incorrect custom attribute lookup on a field derived in a base class from a different assembly. (UUM-27593)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed the InvalidCastException being thrown when you serialize jagged arrays using BinaryFormatter. (UUM-23156)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed the Mac build error from multiple identically named files in the same directory during a build. (UUM-26386)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed Monitor.IsEntered returning true when the monitor is entered on a different thread from the current thread. (UUM-22329)

  • IL2CPP: Improved the performance of getting current 100ns ticks value on Windows.

  • IL2CPP: Improved the stability of generated field names. (UUM-23162)

  • IL2CPP: Marshalled a null value in a delegate field as a null delegate. (UUM-29202)

  • IL2CPP: Reverted Skip Metadata Initialization for Well known Types to fix performance regression. (UUM-25793)

  • IL2CPP: When P/Invoking with a blittable class parameter, pass a pinned pointer to the managed class to native<br> https://github.cds.internal.unity3d.com/unity/il2cpp/pull/5190<br> https://jira.unity3d.com/browse/UUM-33942 (UUM-33942)

  • IMGUI: Fixed a NullReferenceException when using a GUILayout.TextField. (UUM-27567)

  • IMGUI: Fixed an issue with text used in Gizmos. It now has the correct size, position, and clipping. (UUM-28063)

  • IMGUI: Fixed error message displayed in situation where an ExitGUI is called in nested window. (UUM-3432)

  • IMGUI: Fixed IMGUI decorator height not adjusted in inspector. (UUM-28739)

  • IMGUI: Fixed the horizontal scrolling of the IMGUI text fields when the string exceeds the width. (UUM-29597)

  • iOS: Added cutouts for the iPhone 14 family. (UUM-22474)

  • iOS: Added HDR presentation support for iOS 16 devices.

  • iOS: Fixed a bug with the player settings "Force iOS Speakers when Recording". It wasn't working properly when "Mute Other Audio Sources" and "Prepare iOS for Recording" were both disabled. It was also not working correctly with wired headphones, where the setting should have no effect. (UUM-19505)

  • iOS: Fixed a crash on iOS when Graphics Jobs were enabled. (UUM-22614)

  • iOS: Fixed a memory leak when using GL.Clear in MonoBehaviour Update/LateUpdate. (UUM-8457)

  • iOS: Fixed incorrect remapping of Color attachments with no Depth Stencil attachment.

  • iOS: Fixed incorrect startup orientation. (UUM-33690)

  • iOS: Fixed Images.xcassets not being added to the Xcode project, which results in icons not being set. (UUM-32547)

  • Kernel: Added additional logging when deallocating temporary memory that is older than the permitted lifetime. (UUM-23100)

  • Kernel: Fixed a crash resulting from UnityDefaultAllocator not tracking all allocations. (UUM-23090)

  • Kernel: Fixed a potential crash at app shutdown. (UUM-26528)

  • Kernel: Fixed broken RECORD_ALLOCATION_SITES functionality. (UUM-26702)

  • Kernel: Removed a confusing log about -diag-job-temp-memory-leak-validation diagnostic switch. (UUM-23098)

  • License: Fixed an issue where the Editor quits when activating ULF license and the license already exists. (UUM-31031)

  • Linux: Changed Linux key press events to be consistent with both Mac and Windows (Editor and runtime). (UUM-30603)

  • Linux: Disabled SDL Dynamic API for SDL-dependent Platforms, except for Embedded and QNX. (UUM-33932)

  • Linux: Fixed Input Debugger has additional boxes next to key Display names. (UUM-32588)

  • Linux: Fixed Linux IL2CPP builds not producing stack trace. (UUM-26705)

  • Linux: Fixed Linux IL2CPP Standalone player so it can now be built through the Build Settings window on Windows and macOS. (UUM-26146)

  • Linux: Fixed New Input System Debugger is logging 2 events when holding a key. (UUM-32567)

  • Linux: Fixed Screen.currentResolution.refreshRate returning garbage value when running headlessly. It will now return 0.

  • Linux: Fixed the Linux Editor so it no longer ignores a SIGTERM signal. (UUM-24705)

  • Linux: Fixed the Mouse position so it is now correct when playing the build on a multiple monitor setup in full screen mode. (UUM-26497)

  • Linux: Fixed the Null Reference Exception thrown when you rotate in Scene View and move the cursor outside the boundary. (UUM-21895)

  • Linux: Fixed the panel focus switching when arrow keys are pressed while in Play Mode. (UUM-21632)

  • Linux: Fixed the savewindow layout so it is now the correct size. (UUM-21803)

  • Linux: Fixed DisplayInfo.WorkArea so it no longer ignores resolution scaling when working with multiple displays. (UUM-1589)

  • macOS: Fixed a deadlock when using Entities Graphics on M1 Macs. (UUM-13783)

  • macOS: Fixed Display.colorBuffer and Display.depthBuffer on macOS metal for main display. (UUM-18382)

  • macOS: Removed an empty gap on each vertical screen of the macOS Player when rendering fullscreen on Macs with a notch the first time the application is started.

  • Mono: Added get_win32_restore_stack implementation for ARM64 in Mono. (UUM-20941)

  • Mono: Corrected the CustomMarshal attribute definition for the Control::Font property in System.Windows.Forms.dll in the AOT profile.

  • Mono: Fixed a crash when using ConditionalWeakTable. (UUM-25411)

  • Mono: Fixed an issue where setting a pointer via reflection included an additional layer of redirection. (UUM-31140)

  • Mono: Fixed crash when opening a scene with missing references (UUM-33830)

  • Mono: Fixed the Mono default interface methods with protected virtual class methods. (UUM-22228)

  • Mono: Removed throw from attribute setters generated by profile stubber. (UUM-18689)

  • Mono: Removed !sig-&gt;is_inflated assert from icall wrapper generator. (UUM-27888)

  • Mono: Updated the IL2CPP and Mono code.

  • N/A (internal): Fixed a bug with the ScreenSafeAreaReturnsSensibleData test. The test now passes if the screen size comes back equal to or smaller than the maximum screen size. (UUM-19673)

  • Networking: Fixed a null exception in WWWForm when the file name is an empty string. (UUM-32984)

  • Networking: Fixed an issue that could prevent UDP sockets from being created on Windows when TDI filters were installed.

  • Package: Updated com.unity.services.push-notifications package to version 3.0.1-pre.1. Android SDK Level 33 (Tiramisu) support is now available. External Dependency Manager for Unity (EDM4U) and Mobile Dependency Resolver (MDR) support is now available. Fixed errors appearing in the Editor Play Mode due to platform specific classes instantiating.

  • Package: Updated Sequences (com.unity.sequences) to 2.1.0-pre.1.

  • Package Manager: Added a popup when a loaded DLL fails to be removed. (UUM-25904)

  • Package Manager: Added a security anchor to the Scoped Registry's "Read more" link in Project Settings. (UUM-25262)

  • Package Manager: Fixed all delayed fields when editing a package in the inspector. (UUM-19658)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where a project with a large number of git dependencies would have resolution errors with error code 429 (Too Many Requests). The number of concurrent requests is six by default, but it can be changed by setting the UPM_GIT_MAX_CONCURRENT_COMMANDS environment variable. (UUM-6049)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where installing a package from a scoped registry will fail if a bundled package with the same name and version exists.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where local and git packages are not visible in Unity Registry and My Registries. (UUM-20549)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue which prevented starting UPM when a package.json file containing &quot;type&quot;: &quot;module&quot; was present on any of the ancestor directories. (UUM-18512)

  • Package Manager: Fixed cycling through windows stops at the Package Manager window when using a shortcut. (UUM-21612)

  • Package Manager: Fixed performance issues on asset import, move, or delete, resulting from the introduction of asset origin tracking in the Package Manager window. (UUM-21372)

  • Package Manager: Null exception when clearing search after re-opening package manager is fixed. (UUM-34272)

  • Package Manager: Only showing the author name for custom packages for now on. (UUM-34518)

  • Package Manager: Packages are deleted after changing the My Assets cache location to non-default when the asset is updated in Package Manager. (UUM-25376)

  • Package Manager: Refresh button stays enabled if user goes offline. (UUM-35005)

  • Particles: Corrected set particle remaining lifetime to zero if killed by the trigger module when using ringbuffer mode. (UUM-32881)

  • Particles: Enabled usage of double precision timers in the Shape module to improve the accuracy of long simulations. (UUM-30775)

  • Particles: Fixed a crash due to access of potentially released job memory.

  • Particles: Fixed a null reference exception when undoing Particle System changes. (UUM-25452)

  • Particles: Fixed a Particle System rendering corruption. (UUM-21106)

  • Particles: Fixed the race condition when scheduling C# particle jobs.

  • Particles: Improved error detection when users assign non-rectangular Sprites to Particle Systems. (UUM-29628)

  • Physics: Added a warning when cooking concave Mesh Colliders with the Fast Midphase option that have over 2,097,152 triangles (UUM-30748)

  • Physics: Enabled cloth objects intercollisions to work properly when turned on in Project Settings. (UUM-12987)

  • Physics: Fixed a BoxCollider warning messages not being printed when Scene Reloading was enabled. (UUM-28396)

  • Physics: Fixed a crash while entering Play Mode with a cloth component that hasn't been edited. (UUM-16091)

  • Physics: Fixed a race condition that caused crashes in Contact Modification callbacks. (UUM-7389)

  • Physics: Fixed a rare PhysX crash when using the PGS solver type and either One-Directional or Two-Directional friction type. (UUM-27540)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where setting autoConfigureConnectedAnchor to false caused connectedAnchor to reset to 0. (UUM-27820)

  • Physics: Fixed an OnCollision messages that was not being sent when the collider had 'hasModifiableContacts' property explicitly set to false. (UUM-28909)

  • Physics: Fixed Articulation Bodies having default mass if they have no attached colliders. (UUM-31794)

  • Physics: Fixed Articulation Bodies having incorrect linear and angular damping. (UUM-32857)

  • Physics: Fixed Articulation Bodies ignoring SetMaxImpulse from Contact Modifications. (UUM-29037)

  • Physics: Fixed capsule jittering and not reaching sleep state. (UUM-17977)

  • Physics: Fixed incorrect capsule and convex mesh collision detection. (UUM-7391)

  • Physics: Fixed serialization not being triggered when calling ResetCenterOfMass or ResetInertiaTensor on Rigidbody and ArticulationBody.

  • Physics: Fixed the character controller slope limit so it now works on primitive colliders. (UUM-24688)

  • Physics: Fixed up a simulation stall when a large section of heightmap triangles was fetched for tests. (UUM-21683)

  • Physics: Updated documentation to include the new behavior of Rigidbody interpolation and extrapolation. (UUM-26857)

  • Physics 2D: Enabled a single path PolygonCollider2D to alway uses a clockwise winding internally to give consistent results when used in a CompositeCollider2D. (UUM-28561)

  • Physics 2D: Enabled both OnTriggerExit2D and OnCollisionExit2D to be called when a scene is unloaded if required. This only works when Physics2D.callbacksOnDisable is active. (UUM-28747)

  • Physics 2D: Ensure that enabling a 2D Trigger Collider component via script, correctly produces trigger callbacks. (UUM-31874)

  • Player: Enabled Native Leak Detection to now work in Player builds. Previously, it would not report upon ProcessExit.

  • Player: Fixed an edge-case where Native Leak Detection may fail to look up the stack trace of a leaked allocation.

  • Player: Fixed an issue where all objects are rendered black when using entities.graphics. (UUM-24814)

  • Player: Fixed an issue where non persistent Components were not kept alive when attachec to a persistent GameObjects. (UUM-11111)

  • Player: Fixed timestamps argument.

  • Prefabs: Added the particle rendering layer when entering isolation mode. (UUM-3458)

  • Prefabs: Disabled IMGUI ReorderableList elements when previewing overridden values PrefabMode InContext. (UUM-13618)

  • Prefabs: Fixed the Prefab instance so it is now enabled if RevertPropertyOverride is called during OnEnable. (UUM-21119)

  • Prefabs: Fixed the prefab mode so it now sorts renderer components accordingly.

  • Prefabs: Improved the detection of unused overrides.

  • Profiler: Fixed a rare case of invalid timings in FrameTiminManager on OpenGL ES3 and OpenGL Core. (UUM-28284)

  • Profiler: Fixed addition type initialization when taking a Memory Profiler snapshot. (UUM-31235)

  • Profiler: Fixed an Editor crash when the profiler is running on a machine with low memory. (UUM-14156)

  • Profiler: Fixed callstacks so they are now shown when enabled on an autoconnected profiler. (UUM-18687)

  • Profiler: Fixed GPU profiler module showing zeroes. (UUM-27023)

  • Profiler: Fixed memory tracking for CubemapArrays, particularly with DirectX 11. (UUM-31067)

  • Profiler: Fixed the synchronicity of CPU and GPU durations and timestamps on different platforms. (PROF-2395)

  • Scene/Game View: Added a crash when attempting to render more gizmo vertices than the gfx device can allocate. (UUM-27659)

  • Scene/Game View: Added the ability for snap toggle to now enable both grid and increment snapping. (PBLD-53)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed a warning when adding a new Scene View tab in a 2D template project. (UUM-28978)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an ISupportOverlays implementation incorrectly showing Overlays targeting implementing classes. (UUM-26841)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed crashes in GetFilteredRendererNodes when trying to pick an object with an active BatchRendererGroup.

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed default buttons styling in overlays. (UUM-25734)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed Grid Size field snapping to minimum grid size when trying to enter a value below one. (UUM-24640)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed intermediate renderers disappearing when pausing the game in the editor. (UUM-22629)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed multiple camera overlays created when multiple Inspector windows are opened. (UUM-27971)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed navigation in EditorWindow inheriting from the SceneView. (UUM-27556)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed the camera overlay pop-up layout issues when it is collapsed in the Scene View. (UUM-24837)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed the inconsistent sizing for horizontal and vertical Overlay toolbar elements.

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed the Rect Tool not showing the active element when snapping. (UUM-29629)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed the Rect Tool sometimes not moving UI GameObjects if the pivot was changed. (UUM-30232)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed the rectangle selection conflicts with scene view tools. (UUM-22218)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed View tool icon flickering when ALT key is pressed and mouse moved. (UUM-29366)

  • Scene/Game View: Truncate overflowing color labels in the preferences window. (UUM-34439)

  • Scripting: Added a validation error when a user's Roslyn analyzer or Source generator references a version of .NET standard incompatible with Visual Studio. (UUM-29638)

  • Scripting: Fixed a bug in ApiUpdater MovedFrom handling when aliases are referenced at non-root namespace.

  • Scripting: Fixed a crash that could happen if script compilation was cancelled or interrupted at the wrong time.

  • Scripting: Fixed a possible crash when handling asmdef compiled assemblies that have been copied into the Project.

  • Scripting: Fixed an Editor crash in GetAssemblyScrapedMonoScripts when TypeLoadExceptions are raised. (UUM-31318)

  • Scripting: Fixed an issue where moving scripts around in a project breaks GameObjects. (UUM-25445)

  • Scripting: Fixed an issue where using additional files in RSP breaks MonoBehaviours. (UUM-25109)

  • Scripting: Fixed an issue with custom script templates containing #ROOTNAMESPACEBEGIN# on their first line. (UUM-32235)

  • Scripting: Fixed domain reload and reference issues on assets that reference scripts from a Plugin that's not loaded in the domain. (UUM-21935)

  • Scripting: Fixed the timeout when running the runtime performance tests on iPhoneSE. (UUM-21798)

  • Scripting: Improved ILPP runner reliability on machines under heavy load. (UUM-29661)

  • Search: Fixed the lag spikes in the scene view caused by the PropertyDatabase. (UUM-22631)

  • Serialization: Enabled processing all the types involved in the given generic type at once when hen accumulating the fully qualified names for a given generic type. Previously, Unity recursively called the accumulate method for the type of the generic's parameter. (UUM-24691)

  • Serialization: Fixed a boxedValue throwing an exception if you try to set a string value null.

  • Serialization: Fixed a Player crash when opening the Player build. (UUM-21897)

  • Serialization: Fixed an issue with AnimatorController state machine loosing Animation clip references.

  • Serialization: Fixed the issue of deletion of a script not being detected as a change in the scripts which leads to the serialization not being able to correctly detect missing reference types. This PR fixes the issue by checking if there were any scripts deleted after the latest recompile. (UUM-31173)

  • Serialization: Fixed the wrong resolution of missing types when there are multiple instances with the missing type. (UUM-20709)

  • Shadergraph: Added an issue where multi-selection events would trigger when you right-click on blackboard items.

  • Shadergraph: Added error feedback on import of graphs with invalid or missing targets, allowing them to be modified and saved.

  • Shadergraph: Corrected a regression in float preview properties not updating previews.

  • Shadergraph: Enabled ShaderGraph styles to be applied correctly when the system locale is set in Turks. (UUM-33522)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed a bug where the nodes could not be created after entering then exiting play mode. (SGB-439)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed a typo in the Hyperbolic Cosine Node in Shader Graph. (SGB-7)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where custom interpolator previews would provide erroneous results when connecting through a reroute node.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where custom mesh selector for master preview would fail to initialize.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where duplicate serialized blackboard category children in subgraphs would brick the ShaderGraph editor.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where missing targets were not handled on import.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where nodes with dynamic vectors would not correctly cache properties for previews.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where the Gradient Noise Node was causing implicit truncation warnings.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where the reroute node would sometimes show the wrong color for its appropriate inputs.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where the subgraph gradient blackboard properties could have naming conflicts with parent graphs.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where the view position of the graph editor would sometimes be forgotten when swapping between two open shadergraph editor windows.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed clicking or dragging on a text field and clicking in the Graph Inspector performing the wrong actions.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed for [SGB-466] and related issues where nodes with warning or error badges would fail to clean up their resources properly and leave the shader graph editor in an error state.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed parallax nodes so that they use the default UV Input Slot correctly.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed Rename action by double-clicking in Blackboard not working. (SGB-535)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed SRP Batcher compatibility issue with instanced properties. (UUM-24825)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed various issues with the Swizzle node.

  • Shadergraph: Improved blackboard property drag speed when reordering the blackboard.

  • Shadergraph: Improved performance of disconnecting nodes in large graphs. (SGB-342)

  • Shadergraph: Made adjustments to flipbook node to avoid dropping frames on AMD GPU.

  • Shaders: Added a profiler marker for dynamic variant loading. (UUM-31878)

  • Shaders: Added a way to construct a PassIdentifier from a subshader and pass index pair. (UUM-3264)

  • Shaders: Added macros for passing textures (Cube, 2DArray, and CubeArray) around without samplers. (UUM-31858)

  • Shaders: Disabled Invalid pass index error from appearing while a variant is compiling. (UUM-29549)

  • Shaders: Disabled shader compilation with debug symbols from using a non-existent file name. (UUM-31851)

  • Shaders: Enabled shaders to reimport correctly when installing a package that only has shader include files. (UUM-16415)

  • Shaders: Enabled using real pass names when compiling shaders for mesh data optimisation. (UUM-15298)

  • Shaders: Fixed a rare crash when destroying shaders. (UUM-27361)

  • Shaders: Fixed custom scale and offset vectors not affecting serialised texture scale and offset. (UUM-21301)

  • Shaders: Fixed HybridHDRPSamples scenes throwing Tessellation shaders errors on OSX Metal. (UUM-30549)

  • Shaders: Fixed incorrect error messages when manually enabling keywords. (UUM-33089)

  • Shaders: Fixed material copy-paste breaking the material by adding a CopyMatchingPropertiesFromMaterial. (UUM-22634)

  • Shaders: Fixed material keywords cleared when setting the exact same list of keywords. (UUM-27639)

  • Shaders: Fixed SV_PrimitiveID on Metal. (UUM-22593)

  • Shaders: Fixed the backwards compatibility regression of asset bundles on material keywords. (UUM-26498)

  • Shaders: Reduced shader compiler memory usage. (UUM-30445)

  • SRP Core: Fixed an IES Importer issue producing incorrect results. (UUM-16309)

  • SRP Core: Fixed Decal Projector Editor fields so they are now saved when editing a prefab. (UUM-29105)

  • SRP Core: Fixed SerializedBitArray behavior when editing multiple objects or values. (e.g. HDRP Frame Settings toggles working inconsistently) (UUM-883)

  • SRP Core: Fixed the Revert Property for animation curves on Volume Components so it now works correctly. (UUM-20458)

  • SRP Core: Rendering Debugger - Foldouts - Right Click anywhere on the foldout opens the context menu.

  • SRP Core: Updated the Render Graph documentation to reflect API changes.

  • Terrain: Added default TerrainTools Overlay docking.

  • Terrain: Fixed a crash on QueryComponentByType when entering Play Mode if you set useInstancing to True in DetailPrototype. (UUM-17546)

  • Terrain: Fixed an Editor crash when importing an out of date terrain asset with deprecated splats. (UUM-24843)

  • Tests: Fixed failing tests on Test IntegrationTests - Linux64Standalone (Ubuntu 18.04) Yamato Job.

  • TextCore: Enabled glyphs to display in the Inspector of a bitmap font asset. (UUM-20325)

  • TextCore: Enabled FontAsset.HasCharacter to now support UTF32. (UUM-22663)

  • TextCore: Fixed a ZWSP character with monospace font and &lt;mspace&gt; tag. (UUM-21144)

  • TextCore: Fixed an issue where keyNotFoundException occurs when selecting entries in diacritical mark tables. (UUM-20342)

  • TextCore: Fixed renaming the Sprite in the Sprite Character Table. (UUM-18062)

  • TLS: Implemented cumulative TLS updates:<br>

    • Fixed invalid verification results reported in cases where there is a TLS handshake failure.<br>
    • Fixed an issue where opening multiple TLS connections with different lifetimes might affect the ability to produce log output after one of the first connections is closed.<br>
    • Improved TLS errors reported by Unity Web Request.
  • uGUI: Enable instantiating a Selectable under a CanvasGroup to set the correct interactable state. (UUM-27611)

  • uGUI: Fixed a NullReferenceException in 1Image.spritewhen setting a new Sprite and the currentSprite.Texture` is null. (UUM-13053)

  • uGUI: Fixed memory leak when textures get reparented from one scene to another (UUM-33852)

  • uGUI: Fixed the behavior of the Additional Shader Channels property in the uGUI Canvas for all cases. (UUM-24730)

  • uGUI: Fixed the slider's direction property not marking the scene dirty once this is changed when in the prefab's isolation/context mode. (UUM-20875)

  • UI: Fixes the UI rendering to use the render-target dimensions instead of the display buffer dimensions when calling ScriptableRenderContext.DrawUIOverlay from an SRP. (UUM-12865)

  • UI Elements: Added a new PersistentCall to a UnityEvent is added with the default value UnityEventCallState.RuntimeOnly instead of UnityEventCallState.Off. (UUM-27561)

  • UI Elements: Added the -unity-slice-scale USS property to UI Builder and updated the drag step for some style fields.<br> Updated the dragger manipulators from 1.0px to 0.1px for the following UI Builder property inspectors:<br>

    • TextShadow's Blur Radius, Offset X and Y fields<br>
    • Slice Scale field (UUM-15680)
  • UI Elements: Enabled expanding the import result in the Inspector. The ListView with the Foldout header created by PropertyField now has a setting to receive pointer events when disabled. The Clickable manipulator now treats events properly when disabled. (UUM-26082)

  • UI Elements: Fixed an issue with the GenericDropdownMenu that prevented the items from receiving input when it's reused. (UUM-21001)

  • UI Toolkit: Added missing support for TreeView reordering, including depth reordering, expansion when hovering an expandable item, and sibling drop marker. (UUM-3683)

  • UI Toolkit: Added support for line-breaking rules to the Editor. (UUM-12413)

  • UI Toolkit: Changed text effects so they are no longer contained by the bonds of each letter. (UUM-9524)

  • UI Toolkit: Enabled Match Game View to be disabled only if the canvas resize handles are dragged instead of only being clicked on. (UUM-12596)

  • UI Toolkit: Enabled the layout to be correctly updated when the scale is changed. (UUM-26508)

  • UI Toolkit: Enabled the TextField placeholder to refresh. (UUM-21819)

  • UI Toolkit: Enabled users to edit a multiline textfield's value directly in the UI Builder Inspector. (UUM-15988)

  • UI Toolkit: Enabled users to set the ScrollView's mouse wheel scroll size (and therefore, its speed) with the Mouse Wheel Scroll Size attribute, regardless of its vertical and horizontal page sizes. (UUM-18554)

  • UI Toolkit: Fix invalid width on child element of absolute positioned parent. (UUM-30975)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed a couple of vector API glitches at join location and Arc() subdivisions. (UUM-27198)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an error thrown when removing elements from the middle of a list. (UUM-26290)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an exception thrown when the user tries to enter a negative value for the Fixed Item Height attribute of a ListView, TreeView, etc. (UUM-11324)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an instability in UGUIEventSystemTests TouchUpRemovesHover tests and re-enabled them. (UUM-29428)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue in the UI Builder for UxmlAssetAttributeDescription where setting None through the object picker would prevent choosing another value. (UUM-27170)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue in the UI Builder so the open file dialog now displays the current project's folder. (UUM-24723)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue so the tint of an Image element now triggers a repaint. (UUM-22563)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue when adding or removing components with the inspector in debug mode. (UUM-18854)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue when renaming a prefab with the inspector in debug mode. (UUM-7218)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where an ExposedReference control would always create a new PropertyName value when changing an object reference. (UUM-25160)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where an ExposedReference control would not serialize its value. (UUM-25153)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed buttons not reacting to a mouse on Android and iOS devices. (UUM-3696)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed buttons not reacting to clicks when selecting SingleUnifiedPointer pointer mode on Android and iOS devices using the Input System package. (UUM-3964)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed caret repositioning while renaming in UI Builder. (UUM-27169)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed changing a script field with the inspector in debug mode. (UUM-14069)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed clicking on a selectable label in a list so it now changes the selection. (UUM-28633)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed cursor not changing color when using --unity-cursor-color. (UUM-28511)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed dynamic-transform offset occurring at large coordinates. (UUM-20442)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed element becoming invisible after a reorder in an animated ListView. (UUM-21272)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed error thrown when pressing the add button with a list of value types. (UUM-23208)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed exceptions being thrown when entering play mode with the inspector in debug mode. (UUM-22475)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed issues where overwriting makeItem failed when used with bindings and ListView wouldn't refresh when itemsSource was set last. (UUM-24689)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed items going slightly out of bounds in ListViews. (UUM-28519)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed items in animated lists sometimes disappearing. (UUM-25833)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed ListView's reorderable value when bound to a SerializedProperty. (UUM-27687)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed long selector names in UI Builder. (UUM-17304)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed MinAttribute for uint and ulong data types. (UUM-31319)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed navigation sometimes leaving TextField when pressing Down arrow for a long duration. (UUM-14247)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed pointer capture issue when selecting text. (SGB-549)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed private fields disappearing when entering play mode with the inspector in debug mode. (UUM-20170)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed property fields for uint and ulong data types. (UUM-21920)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed renaming focus condition in UI Builder. (UUM-22673)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed reordering handles styling when used with items smaller than the default height. (UUM-26773)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed some fields showing :hover style instead of :focus style when both are true. (UUM-7339)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception occurring when editing a text element after its text was changing when it was disabled. (UUM-8802)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the color tint transitions so it now works for sprites. (UUM-25743)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the double click selected word when selectAllOnMouseUp and selectAllOnFocus is on. (UUM-15805)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the InspectorElement so it now applies its disabled state for embedded IMGUI inspectors. (UUM-25149)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the ListView binding with negative indexes when a negative scroll offset was applied. (UUM-12868)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the ListView itemsRemoved event being invoked after the items were removed from the serializedObjectList. They are now removed after the callback. (UUM-10786)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the multi-selection of list views in the Inspector window when using the shift or alt key. (UUM-30681)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the overwriting of a decimal separator (, or .) to 0 when inserting it the first time in the input field of a slider. (UUM-31090)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the reported TreeView state after a reorder operation. (UUM-3478)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the ScrollView functionality with hidden elements. The ScrollBar no longer appears randomly. (UUM-21875)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the selection on input fields not being cleared when losing focus. (UUM-12086)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the sound on Mac when navigating collection views with keyboard. (UUM-26264)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the UI document so it now has the correct size for multiple displays. (UUM-18757)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed Painter2D.Arc() notch when preceded by a MoveTo() command. (UUM-22756)

  • UI Toolkit: Improved management of DPI when setting tooltips and added a warning in some corner cases. (UUM-20393)

  • Universal RP: Corrected the render scale value when rendering scene view. (UUM-21505)

  • Universal RP: Disabled MSAA on devices without MSAA store support (Apple GPUs A8 and lower). (UUM-13185)

  • Universal RP: Disabled negative color and NaN write to TAA history. (UUM-26709)

  • Universal RP: Fixed a compilation error that was caused by a wrong parameter while deprecating UniversalRenderPipeline.RenderSingleCamera.

  • Universal RP: Fixed a light cookie out of bounds. (UUM-20622)

  • Universal RP: Fixed a missing keyword in ParticlesSimpleLit for Lightmap shadow mixing. (UUM-26403)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue causing Dynamic Resolution to be disabled during URP rendering. (UUM-18852)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue so that deferred rendering now works correctly in builds with Accurate GBuffer Normals enabled. (UUM-25112)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where Write Rendering Layers was sometimes incorrectly enabled in Deferred Rendering.

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where alpha clipping was not working with Unlit shader's DepthNormal pass. (UUM-20888)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where instantiating and destroying cameras, with Volume Update Mode set to ViaScripting, would allocate each time. (UUM-22213)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where keywords used in Post Processing were also stripped in other shaders.

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where scenes were not marked dirty after changing the volume update setting on cameras.

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where some sprites were causing null exception errors. (UUM-20218)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where the Depth Priming check was accidentally removed, which caused CI failures.

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue where the main light shadows were incorrect if the scene and game windows were open. (UUM-9825)

  • Universal RP: Fixed color and depth mismatch when scaling is on. (UUM-29397)

  • Universal RP: Fixed error message in filtered view when decals are enabled. (UUM-21992)

  • Universal RP: Fixed errors caused by Camera's Preview window. (UUM-29111)

  • Universal RP: Fixed errors when baking Reflection Probes with a Render Scale below 1. (UUM-24891)

  • Universal RP: Fixed freeform light tessellation for Light2D. (UUM-9674)

  • Universal RP: Fixed missing y-flip for preview cameras. (UUM-2947)

  • Universal RP: Fixed Native RenderPass errors when using RendererFeature which is executed in between GBuffer and Deferred Lighting passes. (UUM-28953)

  • Universal RP: Fixed removal of missing renderer feature. (UUM-21184)

  • Universal RP: Fixed SMAA so it now works properly on mobile when Use defaults for sampler precision is selected as the Shader precision model in Project Settings. (UUM-17452)

  • Universal RP: Fixed the additional light shadows and soft shadows missing on transparent lit objects when using the deferred renderer. (UUM-20792)

  • Universal RP: Fixed the broken links to documentation for volume components. (UUM-30252)

  • Universal RP: Fixed the missing LOD-CrossFade and Alpha-Clip support in URP's motion vector pass. (UUM-25473)

  • Universal RP: Fixed the Screen flicker in Scene view. (UUM-24656)

  • Universal RP: Fixed the warnings that appear in GlobalIllumination.hlsl regarding gradient instruction used in a loop. (UUM-21675)

  • Universal RP: Fixed using RenderTextureSubElement.Stencil in URP so it now binds properly. (UUM-9701)

  • Universal RP: Fixed various errors that appeared when Strict Variant Matching is enabled.

  • Universal RP: Fixed y-flipped shading on gizmos in game view. (UUM-21607)

  • Universal RP: Fixed _WorldSpaceCameraPos so it is now set correctly in XR Multipass. (UUM-2514)

  • Universal RP: Increased lighting BRDF specular max for half float math (mobile) to match the visual look of full float math (desktop) better. (UUM-2997)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed a crash occuring when Cloud Diagnostics was enabled and Debug.LogException was used off the main thread.

  • URP: Added vertex SH option to URP rendering and fixed HL2 forward light perf regression. (UUM-26824)

  • URP: Fixed a bug with the shadow mesh bounds of ShadowCaster2D so that shadows no longer disappear. (UUM-19090)

  • URP: Fixed a gbuffer resource leak in URP deferred. (UUM-26626)

  • URP: Fixed a LOD crossfade issue when rendered with BatchRendererGroup.

  • URP: Fixed a null exception when adding a sorting layer. (UUM-29492)

  • URP: Fixed an issue with releasing when it was releasing unnecessary Render Targets when using multiple cameras with different Renderer Assets. (UUM-25186)

  • URP: Fixed camera stacking causing a blackscreen and RG null pointer exception error. (UUM-27339)

  • URP: Fixed GC.Allocs with sorting layers in Light2D. (UUM-1929)

  • URP: Fixed HDR output from being too saturated by default when a camera doesn't have the additional camera data yet.

  • URP: Fixed incorrect MSAA sample count when using Deferred renderer and rendering to a target texture. (UUM-31113)

  • URP: Fixed light batching with Rendergraph2D passes. (UUM-23153)

  • URP: Fixed NullReferenceException being thrown when opening Light Explorer with 2D Lights. (UUM-19576)

  • URP: Fixed profiling code causing 2-3ms of overhead on URP. (UUM-30143)

  • URP: Fixed redundant blit is used due to postFX, although it is disabled in rendererData. (UUM-31474)

  • URP: Fixed ShaderGraph preview window displaying a blank window when using DepthNormals pass. (UUM-31643)

  • URP: Fixed the 2D Sprite Light &amp; Freeform Light fast normal map quality setting to correctly use the normal map. (UUM-4613)

  • URP: Fixed the debug rendering overlay not being rendered when FinalBlit pass is in use. (UUM-22320)

  • URP: Fixed the HDR output so it is no longer overly saturated because of a Color Grading variant not included in builds. (UUM-27503)

  • URP: Fixed uninitialized SpriteProps in CanvasRenderer for 2D. (UUM-18389)

  • URP: Fixed URP and core package leaking materials when entering and exiting Play Mode. (UUM-27587)

  • URP: Fixed volume and volume profile help URLs.

  • URP: Fixed XR vsync so it stays enabled when the focus is lost. (UUM-16846)

  • UTR: Enabled re-throwing an exception with an improved error message in Workspace.CurrentVersionString.

  • UTR: Implemented a new UTR 1.14.0 tool.

  • Version Control: Fixed blurry icons in the Unity Version Control window and toolbar button<br> Fixed Pending Changes tab not always opening its selected item's location in Project window<br> Fixed "Checked-out (changed)" status icon not showing up on Pending Changes tab<br> Fixed issue that prevented new packages from being installed unless user enters play mode.

  • Version Control: Fixed Texture2D so it now contains a definition for the ignoreMipmapLimit error when installing Unity Version Control on previous Unity Editor versions.<br> Fixed the sign-in dialog style when waiting for user to complete signing in.<br> Fixed NullReferenceException when opening a new project and the user doesn't have a Unity Version Control organization linked to a Unity ID.

  • VFX Graph: Added extra memory to allow external threads to steal VFX update jobs. (UUM-22049)

  • VFX Graph: Enabled correct generation of the interpolator modifiers for packed structure in HDRP Shader Graph. (UUM-555)

  • VFX Graph: Enabled hiding Sorting mode and Revert sorting when the blend mode is set to Opaque. (UUM-4755)

  • VFX Graph: Enabled hiding the log message asking to check the asset for version control in an empty VFX window, when resetting Editor Layout. (UUM-17615)

  • VFX Graph: Enabled integrating the debug view for VertexDensity and QuadOverdraw. (UUM-4760)

  • VFX Graph: Enabled keeping the bottom margin on blocks when collapsed. (UUM-28832)

  • VFX Graph: Enabled minimizing the generated interpolator count with VFX Shader Graph to improve its performance and avoid reaching the limit. (UUM-20787)

  • VFX Graph: Enabled taking user's preference for the Search Window mode into account for object fields in VFX Graph (classic / advanced). (UUM-26418)

  • VFX Graph: Enabled the exposure weight slider to be hidden when a shadergraph was assigned to an output context. (UUM-4753)

  • VFX Graph: Enabled the lighting debug to provide the ambient occlusion contribution on Unlit. (UUM-20200)

  • VFX Graph: Enabled the option to filter out DXR and META passes from SG generated shaders. (UUM-25418)

  • VFX Graph: Fix OutputUpdate warnings about spaces after end of line (UUM-34453)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a crash when loading a subscene with VFX in DOTS. (UUM-13772)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a crash when logging an error messages for unexpected buffers.

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a crash when removing VFXRenderer from a disabled GameObject. (UUM-16391)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a memory leak in the Unity Editor with VFX Graph objects.

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a serialization issue causing a potential crash due to bounds computation. (UUM-25009)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed a VFX instance leak due to the asset editor not being properly destroyed. (UUM-25712)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an error in the console when clicking on the [+] button in the blackboard in the "No Asset" window. (UUM-28528)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an exception in the console when dragging a texture asset from the project browser to a Texture field in an Output context. (UUM-25105)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where VFXs were not culled properly, causing flickering shadows. (UUM-14271)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an unexpected motion vector when adding precompute velocity that was enabled in Shader Graph. (UUM-22368)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed compilation error when targeting .NET Standard runtime. (UUM-21618)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed data serialization that could lead to corrupted state. (UUM-25417)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed errors in the console when undoing changes from gizmo in some specific conditions. (UUM-21929)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed mesh LOD flickering when using TAA. (UUM-10073)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed minor issues with Cube and Sphere particle outputs. (UUM-4792)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed mismatching LOD between eyes in multi-pass VR. (UUM-6004)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed Motion Vector so it is now correct when transform isn't changed every frame. (UUM-20638)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed panning and zooming a VFX Graph was synchronized between all opened tabs. Also when multiple VFX Graph tabs are opened they are now properly restored after Unity is restarted. (UUM-13770)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed shader errors when building with sphere or cube outputs. (UUM-29387)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed shader graph with VFX compatibility were not reimported if imported before VFX package is installed. (UUM-12579)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed the broken documentation link for VFX Graph nodes (when documentation is available). (UUM-28689)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed the range not being applied in the UI when setting up a value out of the allowed range. (UUM-20616)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed the UI of dropdown settings so they are no longer cropped. (UUM-4420)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed the VFX component inspector because it had an unpaired EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck that was breaking the state of GUI.changed. (UUM-15919)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed the wrong evaluation of time in VFX Control Track while using Playables API. (UUM-32413)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed the Dispose() method of MeshToSDFBaker leading to memory leaks (UUM-25814)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed unexpected per frame garbage while using Timeline. (UUM-26997)

  • VFX Graph: Forced positive color values in the graph UI. (UUM-20076)

  • VFX Graph: Improved error feedback in case of missing reference in custom spawner. (UUM-28537)

  • VFX Graph: Re-enabled Volumetric Test in XR. (UUM-20989)

  • VFX Graph: Removed Loop And Delay block listing in favor of Spawn Context Settings (which can be accessed through the Inspector). (UUM-28655)

  • VFX Graph: Removed unnecessary file access when new assets are imported. (UUM-21642)

  • VFX Graph: Restored missing tooltips. (UUM-18536)

  • Video: Disabled replacement operator new/delete for Android so it no longer causes a crash with VideoPlayer. (UUM-21724)

  • Video: Enabled VideoPlayer compositing material to recreate after stopping. (UUM-21664)

  • Video: Fixed a crash when changing the source URL of a video player in Android. (UUM-20661)

  • Video: Fixed crashes when changing the source URL on some specific devices. (UUM-29011)

  • Video: Fixed the asset database refresh error during WebM encoding. (UUM-3216)

  • Video: Improved Variable Frame Rate support for Apple platforms. (UUM-21455)

  • Video: Internal texture queue populated by asynchronous decoding was sometimes being drained from 2 threads. Now serializing access. (UUM-21948)

  • Video: Re-enabled VideoPlaybackPrepare.WithValidMovie_BecomesReady test so it works on iPhone SE. (UUM-3218)

  • Virtual Texturing: Virtual texturing has a severe issue: the mip chain is not available on the first frame, causing unpredictable garbage texles to be displayed on the screen. This fix helps with poping by adding a new setting to the HDRP asset. This setting lets us allocate virtual texturing mips prefetching. This setting also had to be implemented inside the VT system.<br> A debug panel also has live reporting of the current prefetched mips in the markers debug screen. We also add a checkbox to debug disable streaming, which helps content creators see which textures are on and off. (UUM-29814)

  • Web: Added stickyCursorLock API to make cursor lock "sticky" or "unsticky". Sticky cursor lock means that if the browser unlocks the cursor when the user presses the ESC key, the cursor will remain locked in Unity. To match the browser's behavior, users can set the stickyCursorLock to false, which will "unstick" the cursor lock. (UUM-16915)

  • Web: Corrected the way we set the timeout for removeEnumerateMediaDevicesRunDependency. (UUM-32097)

  • Web: Fixed an issue with the Unity page so it can now unload if the user has already detached the canvas from DOM before calling the Unity Quit function. (UUM-30472)

  • Web: Fixed missing bitfieldExtract() function error in URP Lit shader in WebGL builds. (UUM-34043)

  • WebGL: Centered the loading bar in PWA WebGL template. (UUM-27941)

  • WebGL: Fixed a missing backslash in WebGL system info user agent regex that triggered a JS linter. (UUM-34348)

  • WebGL: Fixed a regression since Unity 2022.1.0f1 where calling unityInstance.Quit() in JavaScript code would not properly let the web page contents be reclaimed by the GC. (UUM-31710)

  • WebGL: Fixed the FMOD console errors when a scene is reloaded. (UUM-19241)

  • WebGL: Fixed the playback of MP3 audio files loaded via UnityWebRequest on Safari. (UUM-25389)

  • Windows: Enabled Numpad Equals to now be registered with the Input System. (UUM-15023)

  • Windows: Fixed a potential crash during Windows Player cleanup. (UUM-25383)

  • Windows: Fixed IME text input not being reported appropriately when users clicks away while using an IME, with the input system. The characters would be reported multiple times. (UUM-24734)

  • Windows: Fixed incorrect display names of certain subset of keys. (UUM-22694)

  • Windows: Fixed quoting of the command line arguments. (UUM-21600)

  • Windows: Fixed sizeof type error in StackWalker library.

  • XR: Fixed an issue with XR Input that caused errant input disconnect messages in the Editor log.

  • XR: Fixed graphical issues on the right eye when using SPI with non-uniform raster foveation. (UUM-22632)

  • XR: Updated XR Core-Utils version to 2.2.0.

  • XR: Updated XR Hands to version 1.1.0.

  • XR: Updated XR Hands version to 1.1.0-pre.3.

  • XR: Updated XR Interaction Toolkit to 2.3.1.

  • XR: Updated XR Interaction Toolkit version to 2.3.0.


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