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Getting started with Unity
New to Unity? Explore learning pathways and resources to help develop your skills and make your own real-time 3D projects.
Kickstart your learning
Hands typing on laptop
Install the Unity Hub and Editor
Learn everything you need to download, install, and begin creating with Unity.
Building a house in unity
Pick the right path
Choose the right learning experience for your interests and experience level.
Unity Essentials logo
Unity Essentials
New to Unity? This guided learning pathway includes everything you need to get started.
Junior Programmer icon
Junior Programmer
This comprehensive pathway is designed for anyone interested in learning to code, or in obtaining an entry-level professional Unity role.
Creative Core icon
Creative Core
This pathway is an introduction to VFX, lighting, animation, audio, UI, and other creative skills – no programming required.
Set up your first microgame
Unity's microgames are a great way to dive into the Editor – build, play, and share your very first game in no time.
Characters in Roll-a-ball beginner project
In this beginner project, you’ll use the Editor and its built-in capabilities to set up a simple game environment, write scripts, and more.
VR in game
Create with VR
This course teaches you how to develop VR applications by guiding you through a VR project from start to finish.
Level up your skills with additional resources
Gaming services screen
Get started with Unity DevOps
Learn about the tools and workflows that can help you create and manage your game or other real-time experience throughout its lifecycle.
Prototype a game with Unity Muse
Create a simple game prototype using Unity Muse. Answer your Unity questions and generate your own assets with AI.
Image from game
Get started with Addressables
Learn how to organize your on-demand assets from inside the Unity Editor while developing your game.
Junior Programmer icon
Junior Programmer
This comprehensive pathway is designed for anyone interested in learning to code, or obtaining an entry-level professional Unity role.
Mobile AR Development icon
Mobile AR development
This learning pathway teaches you how to develop AR apps compatible with iOS and Android devices.
VR Development icon
VR development
Prepare yourself for a job in the VR industry with this guided learning pathway.
Elevate text on an image background depicting two people smiling
Elevate program
Elevate is an initiative that helps job seekers prepare for and find work in real-time 3D industries.
Introduction to portfolios
Introduction to portfolios
Learn how to build a portfolio to help you showcase your work when applying for a job, pitching to clients, or applying for higher education.
Man behind two computer monitors
The job-seekers guide to learning Unity
Meet experienced creators who started at the beginning with Unity and have developed their new skills into careers. Begin learning about the roles and responsibilities of real-time 3D professionals.
Extremely satisfying. The idea that I could program a game seemed completely beyond my reach at the beginning of my journey. Now it seems well within my grasp.

Created by learners using Unity Learn

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