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Unity Awards 2017
Winners have been announced for the 2017 Unity Awards! Congratulations to the winners and all of the nominees and a heartfelt thank you to everyone in the Unity Community who continue to amaze, inspire, teach and entertain us year over year!

Best 3D visuals

Modern technology has given artists the freedom to mold new 3D worlds whether they're striving for realism or creating something wildly stylized.
Endless Space


Endless Space 2

by Amplitude Studios

Runners Up

Best 2D visuals

Beauty comes in all shapes and dimensions and there's a different kind of artistry in creating beautiful 2D worlds and characters.
Night in the Woods


Night in the Woods

by Infinite Fall

Runners Up

Best Desktop/Console Game

Whether simple, complex, or somewhere in between, a great gaming experience blends concept, intuitive control, innovation, creativity, visual design, and fun together into one blissfully wonderful package.
Shadow Tactics


Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun

by Mimimi Productions

Runners Up

Best Mobile Game

Amazing games on the small screen that blend concept, intuitive control, innovation, creativity, and visual design into a cohesive, and fun, slurry of gaming delight.
Monument Valley


ustwo games

Runners Up

Best VR game

As with the other Best Game categories, with special attention to those designed with the unique challenges of VR in mind and create a great sense of presence.



Runners Up

Best Augmented or Mixed Reality Experience

Immersive computing is is going to usher great change into our society in many subtle and bold ways.



by NASA JPL and Microsoft

Runners Up

Best Cinematic Experience

Thoughtful, entertaining, and/or immersive new cinematic experiences where user agency takes a back seat to storytelling and observation.
Mr Carton



by Michaël Bolufer & Fabien Daphy

Runners Up

Best VizSim Project

Unity projects come in all shapes and sizes; this category is about the best projects that have some real world grounded applications like visualizations, simulations, and training programs.




Runners Up

  • Cadillac in VR by All Things Media
  • CAE VimedixAR by CAE Healthcare
  • Goodluck Hope - Property Development Visualization by Neutral Digital
  • Roames World by Fugro Roames
  • Walnut Crossing Virtual Reality Walkthrough by Viewport

Best Non-game Project

There are a lot of amazing projects that fall outside of games, cinematic experiences, or VizSim applications including art, creative tools, interactive books and comics, digital toys, interactive physical installations, and informational programs. They're not games. They're... non-games.



by Google

Runners Up

Best student project

This award is for projects (games or otherwise) worked on by students currently being completed as part of the curriculum of an educational institution.
Far Lone Sails


FAR: Lone Sails

by Okomotive - Zurich University of the Arts

Unity Impact Award

There are excellent games and experiences (of any kind - standard display, AR, MR, VR, etc.) that focus on making a social impact in areas like education and healthcare. Each one of these finalists has made a difference in one way or another.
CAE Healthcare


CAE VimedixAR

by CAE Healthcare

Runners Up

Asset Store Award for Best Tool

There are a load of brilliant developers extending Unity's capabilities in really creative and powerful ways.


Amplify Shader Editor

by Amplify Creations

Runners Up

Asset Store Award for Best Artistic Content

Along with the full featured tools extending Unity's capabilities, artists are busy creating assets that can be used and re-purposed for a huge variety of projects. These can be anything from particle packs to full themed asset packs or even brilliant sound effects.


POLYGON - Pirates Pack

by Synty Studios

Runners Up

Golden cube

This is the big one! The choice for best overall project made with Unity in the 2017 Unity Awards!
Night in the woods


Night in the Woods

by Infinite Fall

Runners Up