Learn, teach, and certify with Unity

Tools for every stage of your learning journey
Teach yourself Unity with online courses and tutorials. Learn to create at your school or college, or integrate Unity into your institution’s curricula. Expand your professional skill set and prepare for in-demand careers.
Beginner or expert, find the information you need for your Unity learning journey.
Learn Unity

Online learning
Visit Unity Learn for free, on-demand learning content designed for creators at every skill level.

Student plan
Kickstart your learning with free access to Unity Pro, perfect for studying in the classroom or practicing at home.

Test your Unity knowledge and showcase your abilities to future employers with our range of certification exams.

Professional Training
Increase productivity and improve workflows with training courses led by Unity Certified Instructors, designed for professionals in any industry.

Become a Unity Certified Instructor
The Unity Certified Instructor program recognizes leaders who have demonstrated excellence in both Unity skills and teaching. Join today to start receiving members-only benefits and further your professional goals.
More ways to learn
Unity User Manual
Installation guides, term definitions, feature lists, and more to help you learn to use the Unity Editor, runtime, and associated services. Keep it bookmarked for future reference.
Unity’s best practices
Essential tips and guidelines for Unity creators at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, tailored across industries.

Teach Unity
Access knowledge and resources to teach Unity with confidence. Enjoy free access to Unity Pro with our Educator plan, and enhance your curricula with training, workshops, and educational materials through the Unity Learn Educator Hub.
Bring Unity into your classroom
Resources to equip your institution with Unity and integrate real-time 3D learning into your high school or post-secondary curriculum.

Education Grant License
What’s included:
- Multi-seat Unity access
- Game development curricular framework
- Unity Teach community
*All schools and educational not-for-profits

Begin your Unity journey or build on your existing skills. Access our free online courses to learn how to create exciting real-time 3D experiences. Currently a student? Get your free Unity Pro license today.