Unity 2017.4.12

Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.
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  • (1006814) - 2D: Fixed Sprite Renderer memory leak when changing size value in tiled mode.
  • (1053433) - Animation: Fixed interrupted transition clearing controller parameter values.
  • (1004980) - Asset Bundle: Fixed issue where variant bundles built via a build map show an error and have pink texture.
  • (969092) - Camera: Fixed crash when trying to display the scene view window and the scene camera is disabled.
  • (1066381) - Deployment Management: Fixed crash when using sprites with no texture with the splash screen.
  • (1037523) - Editor: Fixed issue with .sln project names not being unique.
  • (1074400) - Editor: Fixed Metal Editor performance regression when running on macOS Mojave with Metal API Validation checkbox enabled.
  • (1007061) - Graphics: Fixed Crunch compression for CPU supporting 16 or more threads.
  • (1013446) - Graphics: Fixed an issue where using CustomRenderTexture could cause the editor to crash during level load.
  • (989654) - Graphics: Fixed OpenGL ES 3.1 + AEP detection on Android.
  • (1023109) - iOS: Fixed a crash on launch when using storyboards for launch screens on iOS.
  • (1045891) - iOS: Fixed several compute shader crashes on iOS 8 devices.
  • (1032743) - Particle System: Fixed crash when sprite atlas is not included in build.
  • (1025639) - UI: Fixed EndLayout group or Stack empty error after progress dialog is displayed.
  • (966667) - UI: Fixed Chinesse bolded Arial font style looks wide in Editor.
  • (983200) - UI: Fixed spacing between characters is lost and text is stretched with bold font selected when built on certain platforms.
  • (1073032 (1071331)) - Universal Windows Apps: Fixed build errors for missing logo assets when creating app packages with VS version 15.8.
  • (1075444 (1057185)) - Web: Fixed handling 300 redirect without Location header.
  • (970812) - WebGL: Fixed mouse input simulation using touch inputs.
  • (988784) - WebGL: Fixed WWW/UnityWebRequest.isHttpError on 404 File not found.

Revision: b582b87345b1


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