Март 18—22, 2019 — San Francisco, Соединенные Штаты
Unity для всех

Вы приглашены на программный доклад

Update: Find Unity at GDC 2020 here.

Every year at GDC we make major announcements and debut our latest innovations. Be the first to witness our 2019 features, as we kick off the week with our Keynote and continue the conversation at booth #S227 on the expo floor.

This year will be our biggest yet, so don't miss it. Space is limited and is available on a first come, first served basis.

Monday, March 18, 5:00 pm PST

846 Mission Street (Century Theaters entrance)

Сессии Unity на GDC

Регулярно заглядывайте на наш сайт, чтобы узнать о дополнительных докладах на GDC!

Developer Day
Март 19, 2019
10:00 – 18:30 | Moscone West, комната 3022

Our Developer Day at GDC is a full day of in-depth sessions dedicated to anyone creating with Unity, including programmers, technical artists, designers, animators, and storytellers. Join us to learn about new and upcoming technologies in Unity. 

Все, кто это смотрит, уволены
Март 20, 2019
2:00 – 2:30 pm | Room 3016, West Hall

Mike Acton, Principal Engineer, Unity Technologies

Attendees will take away a practical list of ways to improve their productivity and team performance. Mike will focus on data-oriented design, general problem-solving, understanding your tools, and team communication.

Toward Filmic Quality at 30 FPS: Real-Time Ray Tracing for Practical Game Engine Pipelines
Март 21, 2019
4:00 – 5:00 pm | Room 2001, West Hall

Natasha Tatarchuk, Graphics Director, Unity Technologies

Attendees will learn about the pragmatic approaches for extending existing modern game engines to support real-time ray tracing without a complete rewrite. They will learn about how to achieve fast rendering on GPU through a set of techniques and how to improve visual quality with high-fidelity ray tracing algorithms. They will also learn important considerations for content creation targeting ray tracing and non-ray tracing rendering hardware with minimal impact to the authoring pipeline.

Развитие смешанной реальности: дизайн в осязаемом мире
Март 18, 2019
11:20 am – 12:20 pm | Room 210, South Hall

Jono Forbes, Senior Software Engineer, Unity Technologies

In this talk, toolsmiths from Unity, Magic Leap, and Microsoft Research will discuss the challenges of enabling an MR future, and debate the approaches to overcoming them.

Ментальные модели и системы для пространственных вычислений
Март 18, 2019
11:20 am – 12:20 pm | Room 202, South Hall

Timoni West, Director of XR Research, Unity Technologies

This talk covers the basics needed to start making a genuinely spatially aware application. Attendees will walk away aware of the vast amount of data and work needed to create apps that can fluidly shift states every time the user steps into a new room.

Перевооружение технических художников с помощью алгоритмов глубокого обучения
Март 21, 2019
3:00 – 3:30 pm | Room 2001, West Hall

Cesar Romero, Principal Machine Learning Engineer, Unity Technologies

In this session, artists and developers will learn how machine learning can radically improve world-building by solving many time-consuming, manual tasks. In multiple demos and applications, you’ll see deep learning delivering delightful experiences, generating texture variations, enabling super-resolutions and much more.

Математика для разработчиков игр: путешествие по нейросетям
Март 19, 2019
3:50 – 4:20 pm | Room 2006, West Hall

Michael Buttner, Principal Research Engineer, Unity Technologies

Neural networks are gaining attention because they can solve difficult problems, yet they are still not often used in real-time scenarios. Come learn how to leverage neural networks in performance-critical scenarios and how to write an efficient inference engine – without frameworks or math libraries –  using data-oriented design principles.

Новости с фронтов: разнообразие в коммьюнити-менеджменте
Дебора Ойейинка, менеджер сообщества и страниц в социальных сетях, Multiplay/Unity, и многое другое.

Цель — помочь каждому интересующемуся предпринять решительные шаги к пониманию важности и ценности разнообразия в управлении сообществами для экосистемы игры.

Сессии в Unity Theater

All week long, join us at the Unity Theater (Expo floor, Booth S249) for great insight on a multitude of hot topics, such as the Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS), the latest Unity 2019.1 features, best practices for mobile-game development from major studios and much more.

Завтрак учителей Unity
Март 21, 2019
7:30 – 10:00

Start your day with fellow education leaders from around the world who are guiding the next generation of creators in interactive design and development. This is a unique opportunity to network,  share, and learn best practices for integrating interactive technology into programs across disciplines while nurturing student success.

Our Schedule at GDC

    Вечера с Unity

    Just because the expo is closed doesn’t mean your time with Unity at GDC is over. Join us at some of our favorite bars in the downtown area and continue to network with Unity employees and fellow developers. Don’t have a GDC badge? That’s okay – just mention “Unity for all” at the door to get in on the fun.

    Среда, 20 марта
    Pagan Idol, 375 Bush St, 6:00–8:00 pm
    Четверг, 21 марта
    The Cordial, 163 Jessie St, 18:00–20:00

    За то, что нам еще предстоит!

    Приходите на вечеринку у стенда Unity в среду и четверг, чтобы поднять тост за своих коллег и узнать, какие новшества Unity планирует на 2019 год!

    Веселое время в планах Unity на 2019 год
    Март 20, 2019

    Первый взгляд на планы Unity на 2019 год и вечеринка с разработчиками. Узнайте о планах развития платформы Unity!

    Доклад о планах: 16:00–17:00

    Вечеринка: 17:00–18:00

    Веселое время в планах Unity
    Март 21, 2019

    Творчество не терпит оков — не терпите и вы! Примите участие в обсуждении вопросов будущего и разнообразия Unity и игровой индустрии, поднимите за наше общее будущее!

    Обсуждение вопросов разнообразия и инклюзивности: 16:30–17:00

    Вечеринка: 17:00–18:00

    Tuesday, March 19 – 9:00–10:30 am

    Women in Gaming Breakfast

    Red Dog Restaurant & Bar (303 2nd Street)

    We’re pleased to invite you to join us at our first-ever Women in Gaming Breakfast during GDC. This is a great time for you to invest in yourself and build deeper relationships with other women and leaders in the industry. Unity leaders will share their professional advice as well as hear about your ideas, passions, and work in the gaming community and beyond.

    We’re both humbled and inspired by the incredible contributions made by women in the community and industry, and we hope you’ll join us for this special event as space is limited.

    Made with Unity award nominees

    Поздравляем разработчиков игр на Unity, номинированных на IGF Awards и Game Developers Choice Awards.

    Forgotton Anne
    Throughline Games

    Финалист IGF:
    Успехи в визуальном оформлении

    What the Golf?

    Финалист IGF:
    Успехи в дизайне

    Alto’s Odyssey
    Team Alto

    Финалист IGF:
    Успехи в визуальном оформлении

    Return of the Obra Dinn
    Lucas Pope

    Финалист IGF:
    Гран-при Seumas McNally, успехи в визуальном, звуковом оформлении, дизайне и повествовании

    Nonsense Arts - Николас Рекабаррен и Томас Батиста

    Финалист IGF:
    Успехи в звуковом оформлении

    Grace Bruxner Presents: The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game
    RMIT University

    Финалист IGF:
    Лучшая студенческая игра

    It’s Paper Guy!

    Финалист IGF:
    Лучшая студенческая игра

    Университет Дрексел

    Финалист IGF:
    Лучшая студенческая игра

    Пресса и медиа

    Присоединяйтесь к Unity на GDC — крупнейшей профессиональной конференции игровых разработчиков. Если вы журналист, и вам нужна дополнительная информация, то свяжитесь с нами лично или через социальные сети.

    Присоединяйтесь к нам в социальных сетях

    Будьте в курсе новостей о программном докладе и сессиях на GDC 2019.

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