Long Term Support

Unity 2022 LTS provides a stable foundation for projects that are in production or about to ship. Unity 2022.3 LTS release has the same feature set as the 2022.2 Tech Stream release.

We’re committed to supporting 2022 LTS releases with biweekly updates until mid-2024, after which updates will be monthly until mid-2025 (two years after the initial release date). These updates will only cover fixes aimed at improving the stability of the product to enable users to ship their projects.

Unity 2021.3 is now the legacy LTS. It will be updated monthly until it reaches the end of its support cycle in mid-2024.


Subscribe to our LTS feed and get access to the latest LTS as soon as it's released.

LTS Release 2019.4.38f1


LTS Release 2019.4.38f1


Known Issues in 2019.4.38f1

  • Asset - Database: Texture size increased on first build when 'Compress Textures/Assets on Import' is enabled (1397965)

  • Inspector Framework: Tooltips are not shown when hovering over name of the value in the Inspector (1415921)

  • MacOS: [M1][Rosetta] Editor crashes on mono_arch_patch_callsite when opening the project (1390659)

  • Serialization: Editor crash when deserializing an array of a type with a nested fixed-size buffer field (1400774)

  • Shadows/Lights: Scene is brighter in Standalone player if it was open in the Editor at build time (1375015)

2019.4.38f1 Release Notes


  • 2D: Optimized texture space needed for rect packing.

  • Graphics: Allowed selection of sRGB format for rendertextures. (1295276)

  • Scripting: Editor will display a warning if trying to open a project with an External Code Editor which was removed. (1401221)


  • 2D: Removed Triangle.Net from 2D Animation runtime.

  • Graphics: Encoding R8, R16, RFloat and RHalf to EXR now encodes to a grayscale image. (1343287)

  • Package Manager: Enabled the Git LFS cache by setting the UPM_ENABLE_GIT_LFS_CACHE environment variable is now always located under the global cache root, even when the cache root location is customized.


  • 2D: Fixed a null exception when importing files with masks. (1388820)

  • Android: Added fullscreen flag to manifest to better handle static splash screen. (1310347)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed a regression where skinned mesh were no longer being compressed. (1391542)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed an issue sothat when copying file and meta on disk, renaming the asset bundle name is preserved. (1385129)

  • Core: Updated libcurl to 7.80 to address security vulnerabilities. (1383040)

  • Editor: Fixed an Editor crash when adding scripts to objects where the class name did not match the filename. (1411915)

  • GI: Fixed a bug where environment lighting from an additively loaded scene would be ignored, when unloading the base scene, and that scene contains a light probe group. (1324966)

  • GI: Fixed case 1394168 caused by out-of-bounds access when light probes had no coefficients. (1394168)

  • Graphics: Improved to CullScene performance; in large scenes (10000+ Renderers) this can halve the time spent in CullScene. (1399880)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an issue so that exception handlers are properly sorted internally to avoid code conversion errors with System.Text.Json (and maybe other assemblies). (1400410)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an issue to allow [Preserve] in assemblies whose name starts with Microsoft. (1397381)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed error with builds where C# comments contained multiple slashes/backslashes separated by whitespace. (1391435)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed undefined invocation behavior for unsigned arguments. (1388270)

  • IL2CPP: Improved error messages when we cannot compile C++ code due to Visual C++ toolchain or Windows SDK being not installed on the machine. (1287868)

  • IMGUI: Fixed memory leak when continuously calling Repaint inside OnGUI after GUI.Window. (1371866)

  • Kernel: Added additional checks to FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory to fix unintentional deletion of project assets directory. (1382446)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue on Windows where resolving a package could fail if any files were temporarily being used by another process. (1384471)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where a package download would fail if the download URL had a default port set (i.e. 80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS). (1388256)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where having package folders without a package manifest in the project's Library folder would fail resolving local-tarball or git packages.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where JSON files encoded using UTF-8 with BOM could not be parsed.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where packages using Git LFS on Apple Silicon hardware would fail if Git LFS was installed through Homebrew and the Git LFS executable location was not added to the PATH environment variable. (1353769)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the PackageManager.Client.SearchAll() method would fail if the user did not have access permission for one of the packages hosted on the registry. (1381544)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where local-tarball dependencies would become unresolved if the source tarball was removed.

  • Particles: Fixed an issue to restore Trail material if module is toggled off then on again. (1363211)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue with cloth interpolation where tabbing in/out of an application on Windows Players would cause the component to behave erratically. (1380001)

  • Scripting: Fixed XmlSerializer not working with managed code stripping when using the mono backend. (1331829)

  • Video: Removed spike on the main thread when changing the video clip. (1384846)

  • WebGL: Fixed crash when using AudiClip.priority and AudioSettings.Reset. (1385590)

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.4 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.12+, Ubuntu 16.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 10.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

Package changes in 2019.4.38f1

Packages updated

LTS Release 2021.3.0f1


LTS Release 2021.3.0f1


Known Issues in 2021.3.0f1

  • Asset - Database: Texture size increased on first build when 'Compress Textures/Assets on Import' is enabled (1397965)

  • Asset Bundles: Textures are not compressed when building bundles (1412557)

  • Asset Bundles: Spaces and symbols of the Project name are changed to hyphens causing "Invalid characters" warning in the Bundle Identifier (1412412)

  • Editor: Tooltips are not shown when hovering over name of the value in the Inspector (1415921)

  • Dedicated Server: Data from mesh colliders are stripped in dedicated server builds (1399961)

  • DirectX11: Crash on GfxDeviceD3D11Base::ResolveDepthIntoTexture when opening the project (1408785)

  • Metal: Consistent EditorLoop 5-10ms spikes when using Metal API (1378985)

  • Mono: [Android] "Found plugins with same names" error is thrown when building on Android with duplicate .dll files (1373388)

  • Scene/Game View: Camera resolution is set to default when opening the Editor (1378321)

  • Serialization: Editor crash when deserializing an array of a type with a nested fixed-size buffer field (1400774)

  • Shader System: Editor crashes in Play mode when Groupshared memory and a constant buffer value is used in a compute shader on OpenGLES3 (1413012)

  • Shadows/Lights: Scene is brighter in Standalone player if it was open in the Editor at build time (1375015)

  • uGUI: Prefab is glitchy while editing in Prefab Mode when parent Canvas Render Mode is set to Screen Space - Camera (1394756)

  • Vulkan: [HDRP] [Vulkan] Crash on vk::DataBuffer::CreateResource on opening Shader Graph Sample Project with Vulkan API (1225488)

  • WebGL: WebGL Input System interactions are delayed or played preemptively when the project is built (1405517)

2021.3.0f1 Release Notes


  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed an issue where builds would hang on startup on HoloLens. (1414288)

LTS Release 2020.3.33f1


LTS Release 2020.3.33f1


Known Issues in 2020.3.33f1

  • Tooltips are not shown when hovering over name of the value in the Inspector (1415921)

  • DOTS: "IndexOutOfRangeException" errors appear when entering Play Mode if using "AsDeferredJobArray" (1395710)

  • GI: If a user is experience lighting coruption they be may required to reimport due to a fix to which correctly fixes a Uv unwrapping issue (1330830).

  • IL2CPP: Build fails on Try block ends without any catch, finally, nor fault handler (1400410)

  • MacOS: [M1][Rosetta] Editor crashes on mono_arch_patch_callsite when opening the project (1390659)

  • Metal: Consistent EditorLoop 5-10ms spikes when using Metal API (1378985)

  • Mono: [Android] "Found plugins with same names" error is thrown when building on Android with duplicate .dll files (1373388)

  • Scene/Game View: Camera resolution is set to default when opening the Editor (1378321)

  • Serialization: Editor crash when deserializing an array of a type with a nested fixed-size buffer field (1400774)

  • Shadows/Lights: Scene is brighter in Standalone player if it was open in the Editor at build time (1375015)

2020.3.33f1 Release Notes


  • 2D: Optimized texture space needed for rect packing.

  • Editor: Support Hungarian (and other) unicode characters in editor. (1300004)

  • Graphics: Improved to CullScene performance; in large scenes (10000+ Renderers) this can halve the time spent in CullScene. (1399880)

API Changes

  • Android: Changed: Renamed TouchScreenKeyboard.Android.closeKeyboardOnOutsideTap to TouchScreenKeyboard.Android.consumesOutsideTouches. (1400608)


  • 2D: 2D Animation, PSD Importer, 2D Common and 2D Sprite Shape have updated their Unity minimum version to Unity 2020.3.26f1.

  • 2D: Removed Triangle.Net from 2D Animation runtime.

  • Package Manager: The Git LFS cache enabled by setting the UPM_ENABLE_GIT_LFS_CACHE environment variable is now always located under the global cache root, even when the cache root location is customized.


  • 2D: Fixed 'require texture compression' setting being reset during player build. (1397965)

  • 2D: Fixed a null exception when importing files with masks. (1388820)

  • 2D: Fixed an issue where the SpriteSkin components would not get initialized on editor launch. (1401139)

  • Android: Fixed an issue to not add PlayCore dependency to build.gradle file if it is already added to the project as an .aar file. (1374774)

  • Android: Fixed high memory usage for textures when uploading textures at runtime using Vulkan. (1300900)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue that folder case-renaming are not properly detected by Perforce on a case-sensitive server (Linux). (1337143)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where assets with dependencies on a script might not get updated correctly if a [FormerlySerializedAs] attribute was added. (1405215)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed an issue to allow BuildPlayerOptions.assetBundleManifestPath to be used when building player. (1399616)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed edge case passing in missing or deleted objects could crash the Editor during the build. (1357414)

  • Editor: Fixed an Editor crash when adding scripts to objects where the class name did not match the filename. (1411915)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue and now the Application Identifier errors and warnings are shown in the correct cases. (1382818)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue causing C# serializable generic types to incorrectly contain data for editor only fields in serialized data when in a player context.

  • Editor: Fixed Animator state not showing controls due to presence of ReorderableList. (1412466)

  • Editor: Fixed the validation of the Application Identifier.

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue that Crunch compression now properly handles uncompressed formats (even if not 32-bit RGBA) without flipping color channels or getting data corruption. (1340715)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue that EditorUtility.Compress to crunch fails without crashing when providing invalid texture sizes. (1331258)

  • Graphics: Fixed issue with resolution change when using renderFrameInterval. (1355972)

  • IL2CPP: Corrected the logging of UnityLinker and IL2CPP messages in the editor log when UNITY_EXT_LOGGING is enabled. (1386302)

  • IMGUI: Fixed a memory leak when continuously calling Repaint inside OnGUI after GUI.Window. (1371866)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue on Windows where resolving a package could fail if any files were temporarily being used by another process. (1384471)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where a package download would fail if the download URL had a default port set (i.e. 80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS). (1388256)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where having package folders without a package manifest in the project's Library folder would fail resolving local-tarball or git packages.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where JSON files encoded using UTF-8 with BOM could not be parsed.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where packages using Git LFS on Apple Silicon hardware would fail if Git LFS was installed through Homebrew and the Git LFS executable location was not added to the PATH environment variable. (1353769)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the PackageManager.Client.SearchAll() method would fail if the user did not have access permission for one of the packages hosted on the registry. (1381544)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where local-tarball dependencies would become unresolved if the source tarball was removed.

  • Particles: Fixed FPS mode when using a Single Row in the Texture Sheet Animation module. (1373996)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue that an invisible VisualElement with UsageHints.GroupTransform set would not apply its transform to its visible descendants. (1402057)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed builds hanging on startup on HoloLens. (1414288)

  • Web: Updated UnityLoader.js macOS string to match the string SystemInfo.cpp checks against. (1375632)

  • WebGL: Fixed a crash when using AudiClip.priority and AudioSettings.Reset. (1385590)

  • XR: Fixed 2x memory usage on Quest for textures that are created procedurally. (1378571)

  • XR: Fixed a texture memory leak on texture uploads. (1287057)

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.13+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.13+ and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.13+, Ubuntu 18.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 11.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

Package changes in 2020.3.33f1

Packages updated

LTS Release 2020.3.32f1


LTS Release 2020.3.32f1


Known Issues in 2020.3.32f1

  • Animation: Animation state properties not visible when the state has an outgoing transition (1412466)

  • Asset - Database: Texture size increased on first build when 'Compress Textures/Assets on Import' is enabled (1397965)

  • DOTS: "IndexOutOfRangeException" errors appear when entering Play Mode if using "AsDeferredJobArray" (1395710)

  • GI: If a user is experience lighting coruption they be may required to reimport due to a fix to which correctly fixes a Uv unwrapping issue (1330830).

  • IL2CPP: Build fails on Try block ends without any catch, finally, nor fault handler (1400410)

  • Inspector Framework: LEGO microgame, missing dropdown from inspector Specific Action field (1387037)

  • MacOS: [M1][Rosetta] Editor crashes on mono_arch_patch_callsite when opening the project (1390659)

  • Metal: Consistent EditorLoop 5-10ms spikes when using Metal API (1378985)

  • Progressive Lightmapper: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes (1219458)

  • Scene/Game View: Camera resolution is set to default when opening the Editor (1378321)

  • Shadows/Lights: Scene is brighter in Standalone player if it was open in the Editor at build time (1375015)

2020.3.32f1 Release Notes


  • Scripting: Editor will display a warning if trying to open a project with an External Code Editor which was removed. (1401221)


  • Graphics: Encoding R8, R16, RFloat and RHalf to EXR now encodes to a grayscale image. (1343287)


  • AI: Fixed game freezing when using NavMesh.Raycast() with a NavMesh that contains an unexpected invalid polygon. (1346645)

  • Android: Fixed a crash with Vulkan when putting app into background during startup. (1399459)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed regression where skinned mesh were no longer being compressed. (1391542)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue that assets are not checked out in Version Control when the NavMesh changes after baking. (1321912)

  • Core: Fixed an issue that the message "Connection is no longer valid.Calling auto disconnect" appears when closing Player. (1336988)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where keyUp events are never received in the macOS editor under playmode. (1380143)

  • GI: Fixed a bug where environment lighting from an additively loaded scene would be ignored, when unloading the base scene, and that scene contains a light probe group. (1324966)

  • GI: Fixed a crash when adding another scene to the Hierarchy window. (1394168)

  • Graphics: Fixed a hang on repeated calls to GraphicsBuffer.CopyCount. (1353308)

  • Graphics: Fixed an "async texture load" error that MicroSplat terrain texture cannot be loaded. (1351248)

  • Graphics: Fixed splash screen getting rendered at slightly darker color when drawing it from script and the project uses linear color space. (1369235)

  • Graphics: Fixed sRGB graphicsFormat selection for rendertextures, now allowing selection of sRGB format. (1295276)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a il2cpp.exe crashing on machines that used more than 64 threads. (1389102)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an error that marshaling of delegates with by reference types is now supported when the return type is blittable. (1399978)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed an error with builds where C# comments contained multiple slashes/backslashes separated by whitespace. (1391435)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue that .meta files are no longer included in build for plugins of .plugin type. (1184957)

  • iOS: Fixed CoreText warning spam on iOS15. (1397966)

  • iOS: Fixed value of Screen.safeArea retrieved during initialization of packages. (1288515, 1378593)

  • macOS: Fixed a rare crash in GameView pointing to BufferMetal::IsBusy. (1405248)

  • macOS: Fixed an issue that <Rosetta> will now correctly appear in the title bar next to the graphics mode if running under Rosetta 2. (1329708)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an error message that license error with a descriptive error message will be displayed. (1396272)

  • Particles: Fixed a flickering when using Mesh GPU Instancing. (1390346)

  • Prefabs: Fixed an issue that memory gets allocated for GC each frame when using PrefabStageUtility.GetPrefabStage(). (1343935)

  • Serialization: Fixed crash when entering into playmode and user would change domain during OnBeforeSerialize. (1316002)

  • UI: Fixed an issue which causes duplicated UI draw calls to show up in the Framedebugger. (1342417)

  • UI: Fixed build error when _MainTex is not present in ui shader. (1394042)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an unexpected behavior while using Simulate on a paused effect. (1355385)

  • Windows: Fixed player window position being offset from the left side of the screen when running in windowed mode at a resolution that doesn't fully fit inside the display. (1378303)

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.13+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.13+ and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.13+, Ubuntu 18.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 11.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

Package changes in 2020.3.32f1

Packages updated

LTS Release 2019.4.37f1


LTS Release 2019.4.37f1


Known Issues in 2019.4.37f1

  • Asset - Database: Texture size increased on first build when 'Compress Textures/Assets on Import' is enabled (1397965)

  • Asset Bundles: Asset Bundle size incrementally increases when updating the Unity Editor and rebuilding the Asset Bundle (1391542)

  • IL2CPP: Build fails on Try block ends without any catch, finally, nor fault handler (1400410)

  • MacOS: [M1][Rosetta] Editor crashes on mono_arch_patch_callsite when opening the project (1390659)

  • Shadows/Lights: Scene is brighter in Standalone player if it was open in the Editor at build time (1375015)

2019.4.37f1 Release Notes


  • Android: Stop trimming text input.

  • iOS: Allow picking up a background scene if no foreground scenes were found.

  • Particles: Added texel size and mask interaction shader properties to particle system renderer.

  • Scripting: Optimized searching for scripts when the assembly name is not supplied, can significantly improve performance entering PlayMode amongst other areas.


  • 2D: Fixed an issue that uGUI loaded from the asset bundles in the editor is not displayed. (1369873)

  • AI: Fixed game freezing when using NavMesh.Raycast() with a NavMesh that contains an unexpected invalid polygon. (1346645)

  • Asset Import: Fixed an issue where creating an asset during OnPostprocessAllAssets() with custom dependencies registered could cause an infinite import loop. (1383416)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed a crash inside Physics Manager when a Default Material is present and we shut down. (1338910)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue that empty meta files are handled as malformed now. (1361260)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where ScriptableObjects could be loaded when querying their type using AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(). (1351973)

  • Audio: Fixed a bug where an app could freeze when calling Application.Quit after using the OnAudioFilterRead callback. (1356566)

  • Audio: Fixed not being able to undo parameter changes from dragging in the GUI widget of the ParamEQ and Duck Volume effects. (1262453)

  • Editor: Fixed default doc url so it correctly points on 2019 doc. (1397454)

  • Graphics: Fixed potential stall on buffer uploads in OpenGL GfxDevice. (1369478)

  • Graphics: Fixed the following issues:

    • CustomRenderTexture no longer crashes Mac/Linux during circular dependency sorting cases.

    • CustomRenderTexture no longer updates when not called for.

    • CustomRenderTextures that use other CustomRenderTextures to update their contents will now update in the correct order according to their dependencies.

    • CustomRenderTextures with OnDemand and Realtime update mode can now correctly depend on each other in an update chain. (1246473)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue that .meta files are not included anymore in build for plugins of .plugin type. (1184957)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue to ensures Autorotation is disabled when manually specifying Portrait. (1399856)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue to stop CoreText warning spam on iOS15. (1397966)

  • iOS: Fixed Screen.cutouts returns a null value on some iPhones. (1371461)

  • iOS: Fixed Screen.safeArea returns incorrect height value when constraining rotation to landscape. (1356217)

  • iOS: Fixed splash screen sometimes showing in the wrong orientation. (1400716)

  • iOS: Fixed TouchScreenKeyboard.selection being reverted when keyboard animates. (1381968)

  • Particles: Fixed particle rendering from command buffers. (1263019)

  • Prefabs: Improved error handling when loading broken prefab files. (1251496)

  • Scripting: Fixed an issue to make AddComponent scale better with the projects amount of components. (1278548)

  • Scripting: Fixed double-clicking on a message after a domain reload not generating the correct .sln file version with Visual Studio.

  • uGUI: Fixed an issue that sorting layer is no longer overriden when a canvas is created manually by the user for a Template element (inside Dropdown). (1343542)

  • uGUI: Fixed an issue when the RectMask2D component would not work properly when used on large images. (1369118)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed black square appearing with custom cursors in Executable Only build. (1299579)

  • Video: Fixed Video Player crash/malfunction on Android versions less than 9. (1372202)

  • Windows: Fixed crash with 'Copying file failed' error on Windows when importing a file from WinRAR Archiver. (1325310)

  • XR: Fixed issue where duplicate UnitySubsystemsManifest.json files were added while building XR app for Android with Build App Bundle option. (1360010)

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.4 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.12+, Ubuntu 16.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 10.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

Package changes in 2019.4.37f1

Packages updated

LTS Release 2020.3.31f1


LTS Release 2020.3.31f1


Known Issues in 2020.3.31f1

  • Asset - Database: Texture size increased on first build when 'Compress Textures/Assets on Import' is enabled (1397965)

  • Asset Bundles: Asset Bundle size incrementally increases when updating the Unity Editor and rebuilding the Asset Bundle (1391542)

  • DOTS: "IndexOutOfRangeException" errors appear when entering Play Mode if using "AsDeferredJobArray" (1395710)

  • GI: If a user is experience lighting coruption they be may required to reimport due to a fix to which correctly fixes a Uv unwrapping issue (1330830).

  • IL2CPP: Build fails on Try block ends without any catch, finally, nor fault handler (1400410)

  • Inspector Framework: LEGO microgame, missing dropdown from inspector Specific Action field (1387037)

  • Metal: Consistent EditorLoop 5-10ms spikes when using Metal API (1378985)

  • Metal: Editor crashes on BufferMetal::IsBusy after opening a Scene (1405248)

  • Progressive Lightmapper: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes (1219458)

  • Scene/Game View: Camera resolution is set to default when opening the Editor (1378321)

  • Shadows/Lights: Scene is brighter in Standalone player if it was open in the Editor at build time (1375015)

  • Visual Effects - Legacy: [URP] Particles are flickering when in Play Mode (1390346)

2020.3.31f1 Release Notes


  • Android: Updated some APIs to support the behavior changes of LocationManager in Android 12. (1379467)

  • Asset Bundles: Improved performance of Asset Bundle building when many bundles exist. (1358059)

  • IL2CPP: Improved error messages when we cannot compile C++ code due to Visual C++ toolchain or Windows SDK being not installed on the machine. (1287868)

  • Physics: Enabled setting inertia tensor to be equal to zero (infinite). (1394069)

  • Scripting: Improved AddComponent so it scales better with the projects amount of components. (1278548)

  • Scripting: Optimized searching for scripts when the assembly name is not supplied, can significantly improve performance entering PlayMode amongst other areas.

API Changes

  • Shaders: Added: An option in Pass.CompileVariant API to generate shader data for use by external tools. (1371640)


  • Android: Text input is no longer trimmed. (1376463)


  • 2D: Fixed an issue where the animation window's preview of IK targets would not be the same as in Play Mode. (1391590)

  • AI: Fixed NavMeshAgent teleports to a wrong location when reaching a border carved by a NavMeshObstacle. (1363687)

  • Android: Fixed a crash when using a custom cursor. (1379249)

  • Android: Fixed a crash where app would crash if it was put to background before Unity initialisation and then opened via URL. (1391522)

  • Android: Fixed black screen when resuming application with native dialog present. (1361532)

  • Android: Fixed Oculus on-screen keyboard status when not enabled in manifest. (1361663)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed an issue that when copying file and meta on disk, renamed asset bundle name is preserved. (1385129)

  • Asset Import: Fixed an issue that AssetImportContext.AddObjectToAssets does not work in AssetPostprocessor methods. (1393009)

  • Asset Import: Fixed an issue that Textures passed to AssetPostprocessor methods have no name.

  • Asset Import: Fixed an issue where the VisualEffectImporter logs an error on every import. (1405641)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue that generating previews for scenes could sometimes block saving asset until finished. (1330504)

  • Audio: Fixed a bug where an app could freeze when calling Application.Quit after using the OnAudioFilterRead callback. (1356566)

  • Audio: Fixed not being able to undo parameter changes from dragging in the GUI widget of the ParamEQ and Duck Volume effects. (1262453)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue to prevent missing segments in the Bundle Identifier for Apple platforms by replacing invalid characters with hyphens (similar to Xcode's behaviour). (1352216)

  • Editor: Fixed arrow key functionality in dialogs in the Mac Editor. (1279832)

  • Editor: Fixed exceptions when assigning array size via array size field in ReorderableList inspector control.

  • Editor: Fixed model preview window not rendering UVs due to back face culling being turned on. (1379783)

  • Editor: Fixed ReorderableList element height not updating when dynamic changes to list content happen. (1341015, 1342485, 1342814)

  • GI: Fixed an Editor crash in Optix when Generating Lighting multiple times. (1358477)

  • Graphics: Fixed a potential stall on buffer uploads in OpenGL GfxDevice. (1369478)

  • Graphics: Fixed Brief garbage frame after changing resolution on Metal by ensuring that the recreated surface on size change doesn't dispose of its previously rendered contents. (1383853)

  • Graphics: Fixed corruption of mip levels of non-readable ASTC cubemap texture. (1383196)

  • Graphics: Fixed disappearing mesh when "Keep Quads" is enabled in import settings. (1327826)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed issue with IL2CPP builds where user had configured their own Newtonsoft Json DefaultSettings. (1385676)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed undefined invocation behavior for unsigned arguments. (1388270)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue to allow picking up a background scene if no foreground scenes were found. (1400794)

  • iOS: Fixed Screen.cutouts returns a null value on some iPhones. (1371461)

  • iOS: Fixed Screen.orientation setting to ensures Autorotation is disabled when manually specifying Portrait. (1399856)

  • iOS: Fixed Screen.safeArea returns incorrect height value when constraining rotation to landscape. (1356217)

  • iOS: Fixed splash screen sometimes showing in the wrong orientation. (1400716)

  • iOS: Fixed TouchScreenKeyboard.selection being reverted when keyboard animates. (1381968)

  • Kernel: Fixed invalid "System is running out of memory" error on macOS M1 laptops. (1386242)

  • macOS: Fixed "Already have uncommitted encoder" error present under some circumstances. (1400691)

  • macOS: Fixed a crash when passing '-force-glcore' to Unity Editor on macOS. (1374768)

  • macOS: Fixed an issue that UnityEngine.SystemInfo.processorFrequency returns 0 on Apple Silicon. (1396529)

  • macOS: Fixed incorrect resolution of some editor windows when moving the Editor from a built-in monitor to an external one while in full-screen. (1390919)

  • Mono: Fixed a few SocketAsyncEventArgs methods previously unimplemented. (1388925)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where changes in the project manifest wouldn't be applied when autorefresh is disabled. (1292471)

  • Package Manager: Fixed the issue where loading spinners does not disappear when stopped.

  • Package Manager: Fixed the issue where the Package Manager UI doesn't warn the user when the .unitypackage is not compatible with the current version of Unity by adding a downgrade option with warning. (1403447)

  • Particles: Fixed an issue that the Trail material is restored now if module is toggled off then on again. (1363211)

  • Particles: Fixed memory overwrite when using trails and ringbuffer mode together. (1378274)

  • Particles: Fixed offset param in NativeArray overload of SetPaticles API. (1376804)

  • Physics: Fixed ArticulationBody.SetJointPositions and similar setter using List.Capacity instead of List.Count to determine the element count and throwing errors because of that. (1347970)

  • Profiler: Fixed Profiler Rendering module not showing stats when profiling Editor. (1382934)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed picking in sceneview for materials with non-2D _MainTex textures. (1288999)

  • Scripting: Fixed an issue where TypeCache.GetDerivedTypesFrom<SomeInterface> could return duplicate entries. (1369411)

  • Scripting: Fixed double-clicking on a message after a domain reload not generating the correct .sln file version with Visual Studio.

  • Serialization: Fixed SerializedProperty.DataEquals for strings and array case which was not comparing the content. (1394833)

  • Shaders: Fixed an issue that the Pragma directives with "_local" suffix that specify shader stage will now generate an error if the stage is specified before the "_local" suffix instead of silently ignoring the directive altogether. (1388229)

  • uGUI: Fixed an issue when the RectMask2D component would not work properly when used on large images. (1369118)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue that the Editor Window does not preserve the minimum height and width of UI Elements when resizing it. (1313077)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed an issue that Unity generated UWP project uses hardcoded <defaultLanguage> value of en-US. (1342532)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed black square appearing with custom cursors in Executable Only build. (1299579)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed playing videos back from outside the application/application data folders if the app has permissions to do so (for instance, the Videos library). (1376489)

  • Windows: Fixed a crash with 'Copying file failed' error on Windows when importing a file from WinRAR Archiver. (1325310)

  • Windows: Fixed absolute mouse position when mouse acceleration is enabled. (1221634)

  • Windows: Fixed Unity detecting incorrect mouse position when using a touch screen display. (1322364)

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.13+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.13+ and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.13+, Ubuntu 18.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 11.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

Package changes in 2020.3.31f1

Packages updated

LTS Release 2020.3.30f1


LTS Release 2020.3.30f1


Known Issues in 2020.3.30f1

  • Animation: Animation playback is incorrect when using Asset Bundle exported from Unity 5.6.7f1 (1390123)

  • Asset - Database: Texture size increased on first build when 'Compress Textures/Assets on Import' is enabled (1397965)

  • Asset Bundles: Asset Bundle size incrementally increases when updating the Unity Editor and rebuilding the Asset Bundle (1391542)

  • Asset Bundles: Building process of the AssetBundles is slow when there is a huge filecount. (1358059)

  • GI: If a user is experience lighting coruption they be may required to reimport due to a fix to which correctly fixes a Uv unwrapping issue (1330830).

  • IL2CPP: Build fails with 'artifacts/tundra.dag.json does not exist yet' when using UnityEditor.InitializeOnLoadMethod in script (1385676)

  • Inspector Framework: LEGO microgame, missing dropdown from inspector Specific Action field (1387037)

  • Linux: Editor crashes at "__assert_fail_base.cold" when opening a project (Linux) (1375312)

  • MacOS: On Mac Unity Editor crashes when docking one EditorWindow to the side of a docked window (1397003)

  • MacOS: [M1] "System is running out of memory" error is thrown when using Profiler as a Standalone Process with Deep Profile turned on (1386242)

  • Mesh: Creating a mesh in Play Mode causes an "abnormal mesh bounds" error when using UploadMeshData() (1364263)

  • Metal: Consistent EditorLoop 5-10ms spikes when using Metal API (1378985)

  • Metal: Editor crashes on BufferMetal::IsBusy after opening a Scene (1405248)

  • Mono: Editor crashes when coming back from Sleep mode (1395629)

  • OpenGL: Unity crashes when entering "-force-opengl" or "-force-glcore" in the Advanced Project Settings (1374768)

  • Profiling: Unity 2020.3.27f1 randomly hangs in GPU recorder code with "Hold On" dialog (1400169)

  • Progressive Lightmapper: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes (1219458)

  • Scene/Game View: Camera resolution is set to default when opening the Editor (1378321)

  • Shadows/Lights: Scene is brighter in Standalone player if it was open in the Editor at build time (1375015)

  • Templates: Specific Actions dropdown tab does not appear when setting the Target of the Touch Trigger in the LEGO Template (1390097)

  • Windows: Editor crashes or freezes with 'Copying file failed' error when importing a file from WinRAR Archiver (1325310)

2020.3.30f1 Release Notes


  • Asset Pipeline: Logging done in imports run in an import worker is now forwarded to the main editor log.

  • Asset Pipeline: Logging in import worker will now always log to local import worker log file.

  • Build Pipeline: Added an API to gather the lighting and fog modes used by the active scene.

  • Editor: Added a new API InternalEditorUtility.LoadSerializedFileAndForgetAsync which loads a serialized file on the preload thread.

  • Profiler: Added Profiler.EmitSessionMetaData api to pass generic metadata to the Profiler associated with profiling session.

  • Scene Manager: Added Developer-only toggle to view Preview Scenes on the hierarchy for debugging purposes.

  • Scene Manager: Added flags to support certain GameObject features in Preview Scenes (Events, GI Lights and Cameras).

  • Scripting: Added a new AsyncReadManager FileInfo() API to check for a file's existence and (if present) the file size.

  • Scripting: Added atomic safety handle boolean validation functions to AtomicSafetyHandle.bindings.cs


  • Editor: Fixed incorrect JobsDebugger handling of C# "readonly" keyword.

  • Scripting: Fixed: Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe.ReadStatus.Truncated result for completion of a truncated read. A truncated read occurs when an asynchronous file request attempts to read beyond the end of a file.

  • Scripting: Fixed: Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe.ReadStatusExtension methods - Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe.ReadStatusExtension.Complete() returns true on successful completion regardless of truncated file reads.

  • Scripting: Updated NativeArray and NativeSlice Enumerator MoveNext functions with a define conditional atomic safety handle boolean check to ensure that existing enumerators return false when MoveNext() is called instead of throwing an exception.

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.13+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.13+ and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.13+, Ubuntu 18.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 11.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

Package changes in 2020.3.30f1

LTS Release 2019.4.36f1


LTS Release 2019.4.36f1


Known Issues in 2019.4.36f1

  • AI Navigation: NavMesh Agent can not pass through passable area between carving NavMesh Obstacles (1346325)

  • Animation: Animation playback is incorrect when using Asset Bundle exported from Unity 5.6.7f1 (1390123)

  • Asset - Database: Texture size increased on first build when 'Compress Textures/Assets on Import' is enabled (1397965)

  • Asset Bundles: Asset Bundle size incrementally increases when updating the Unity Editor and rebuilding the Asset Bundle (1391542)

  • Linux: Editor crashes at "__assert_fail_base.cold" when opening a project (Linux) (1375312)

  • Progressive Lightmapper: [LightProbes] Probes lose their lighting data after entering Play mode when Baked and Realtime GI are enabled (1052045)

  • Progressive Lightmapper: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes (1219458)

  • Shadows/Lights: Scene is brighter in Standalone player if it was open in the Editor at build time (1375015)

  • Windows: Editor crashes or freezes with 'Copying file failed' error when importing a file from WinRAR Archiver (1325310)

2019.4.36f1 Release Notes


  • 2D: Updated the minimum required version of the Unity Editor for 2D Animation and 2D Common to 2019.4.34f1.


  • 2D: Fixed an issue that Sprite Skin's help button now leads to the correct documentation page. (1383765)

  • 2D: Fixed an issue where a Sprite Skin outside of the camera frustum enters the frustum, which could cause an editor and player crash. (1377867)

  • Android: Fixed a Java local reference leak when array is returned when using AndroidJavaObject/AndroidJavaClass. (1374806)

  • Android: Fixed an issue that the Android minimum bundle version is set to greater than 0. (1307476)

  • Android: Fixed constant buffer element alignment when using OpenGL ES. (1322517)

  • Animation: Fixed a potential crash when modifying an animation override controller which is in use during a state machine enter / exit behavior callback. (1346587)

  • Animation: Fixed AnimationStream unbound handle exceptions when changing override controller in the animator. (1180557)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue to prevents a null reference exception when an object with a LODGroup containing a null renderer is selected in the editor. (1381342)

  • Graphics: Fixed alpha dilation filtering when a 16 bit-per-component texture with transparent pixels is imported. (1355265)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue that the QuickType bar is now hidden on iOS15 when Keyboard autocorrection is set to false. (1381272)

  • iOS: Updated the iOS resolution presets of the Aspect Ratio dropdown list in the Game View window. (1321829)

  • Particles: Fixed Forcefield Vortex determinism. (1365909)

  • Profiler: Fixed "Call Stacks" toggle in Profiler Window enabling callstacks capturing in connected Players. (1377934)

  • Profiler: Fixed a crash when taking memory profiler snapshot with Players built with newer Unity versions. (1386532)

  • Services: Fixed a crash which occured with Il2cpp, engine stripping enabled and Analytics enabled, but without the analytics package installed. (1377563)

  • Shaders: Fixed a misleading comment in UnityCG.cginc. (1374639)

  • Shaders: Fixed an issue where Pragma directives with "_local" suffix that specify shader stage will now generate an error if the stage is specified before the "_local" suffix instead of silently ignoring the directive altogether. (1388229)

  • Shaders: Fixed error messages by adding shader name to the error description when failing to compile or link GLSL shaders. (1378687)

  • Shaders: Fixed OOM crash when preparing shaders with a large amount of variants (100M+) for compilation. IPreprocessShaders now processes not more than 1M variants at a time. (1388530)

  • Shaders: Fixed shader stage specific keywords breaking shaders on Vulkan/Metal/GL.

  • Shaders: Fixed the output of "Compile and show code" button being capped to 2GB on Windows. (1378000)

  • TextCore: Fixed a potential editor crash due to invalid system font file being present on a user system where such font file is missing a font family and / or style name. (1382082)

  • Video: Fixed a crash on MediaEncoder_CUSTOM_Internal_AddFrame_Injected when pushing a frame into MediaEncoder that has been disposed. (1368301)

  • Video: Fixed TLS Allocator errors on fresh import (video importer).

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.4 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.12+, Ubuntu 16.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 10.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

Package changes in 2019.4.36f1

Packages updated

Packages added

LTS Release 2020.3.29f1


LTS Release 2020.3.29f1


Known Issues in 2020.3.29f1

  • AI Navigation: NavMesh Agent can not pass through passable area between carving NavMesh Obstacles (1346325)

  • Animation: Animation playback is incorrect when using Asset Bundle exported from Unity 5.6.7f1 (1390123)

  • Asset - Database: Texture size increased on first build when 'Compress Textures/Assets on Import' is enabled (1397965)

  • Asset Bundles: Asset Bundle size incrementally increases when updating the Unity Editor and rebuilding the Asset Bundle (1391542)

  • Asset Bundles: Building process of the AssetBundles is slow when there is a huge filecount. (1358059)

  • Editor: Unity Editor crashes when docking one EditorWindow to the side of a docked window (1397003)

  • GI: If a user is experience lighting coruption they be may required to reimport due to a fix to which correctly fixes a Uv unwrapping issue (1330830).

  • IL2CPP: Build fails with 'artifacts/tundra.dag.json does not exist yet' when using UnityEditor.InitializeOnLoadMethod in script (1385676)

  • Inspector Framework: LEGO microgame, missing dropdown from inspector Specific Action field (1387037)

  • Linux: Editor crashes at "__assert_fail_base.cold" when opening a project (Linux) (1375312)

  • MacOS: [M1] "System is running out of memory" error is thrown when using Profiler as a Standalone Process with Deep Profile turned on (1386242)

  • Mesh: Creating a mesh in Play Mode causes an "abnormal mesh bounds" error when using UploadMeshData() (1364263)

  • Metal: Consistent EditorLoop 5-10ms spikes when using Metal API (1378985)

  • OpenGL: Unity crashes when entering "-force-opengl" or "-force-glcore" in the Advanced Project Settings (1374768)

  • Profiling: Unity 2020.3.27f1 randomly hangs in GPU recorder code with "Hold On" dialog (1400169)

  • Progressive Lightmapper: [LightProbes] Probes lose their lighting data after entering Play mode when Baked and Realtime GI are enabled (1052045)

  • Progressive Lightmapper: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes (1219458)

  • Scene/Game View: Camera resolution is set to default when opening the Editor (1378321)

  • Shadows/Lights: Scene is brighter in Standalone player if it was open in the Editor at build time (1375015)

  • Templates: Specific Actions dropdown tab does not appear when setting the Target of the Touch Trigger in the LEGO Template (1390097)

  • Windows: Editor crashes or freezes with 'Copying file failed' error when importing a file from WinRAR Archiver (1325310)

2020.3.29f1 Release Notes


  • Android: Fixed app crashing when calling Cursor.visible or Cursor.SetCursor many time during a frame. (1380363)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue that deleting invalid asset paths don't throw ArgumentNullException when using Perforce as VCProvider. (1333656)

  • Core: Updated libcurl to 7.80. (1383040)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue that the Asset Labels UI will now be available when editing package assets providing the asset metafile can be modified. (1335148)

  • Graphics: Fixed a race condition when rendering shadows for multiple lights, and using Particle Systems, Line Renderers or Trail Renderers. (1376967)

  • Graphics: Fixed sporadic freeze during texture upload, mainly on ARMv8 platforms. (1345518)

  • Kernel: Fixed unintentional deletion of project assets directory by adding additional checks. (1382446)

  • macOS: Fixed a bug related to creating a new Unity project inside a directory with Unicode characters. (1377915)

  • Particles: Fixed Forcefield Vortex determinism. (1365909)

  • Scripting: Fixed an exception being thrown when resolving a missing assembly because OS does not provide a Global Assembly Cache. (1383700)

  • Shaders: Fixed an issue where the number of skipped shader variants are now added to the shader compilation log output. (1389276)

  • Shaders: Fixed an OOM crash when preparing shaders with a large amount of variants (100M+) for compilation. IPreprocessShaders now processes not more than 1M variants at a time. (1388530)

  • Shaders: Fixed incorrect errors by adding shader name to the error description when failing to compile or link GLSL shaders. (1378687)

  • Shaders: Fixed the output of "Compile and show code" button being capped to 2GB on Windows. (1378000)

  • WebGL: Fixed a template breaking if quotation marks are used in company name or product name. (1370946)

  • Windows: Fixed a signing issue and now 32-bit Windows standalone player binaries are signed with Unity certificate. (1382876)

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.13+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.13+ and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.13+, Ubuntu 18.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 11.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

Package changes in 2020.3.29f1

Packages updated

LTS Release 2020.3.28f1


LTS Release 2020.3.28f1


Known Issues in 2020.3.28f1

  • AI Navigation: NavMesh Agent can not pass through passable area between carving NavMesh Obstacles (1346325)

  • Animation: Animation playback is incorrect when using Asset Bundle exported from Unity 5.6.7f1 (1390123)

  • Asset Bundles: Asset Bundle size incrementally increases when updating the Unity Editor and rebuilding the Asset Bundle (1391542)

  • Asset Bundles: Building process of the AssetBundles is slow when there is a huge filecount. (1358059)

  • GI: If a user is experience lighting coruption they be may required to reimport due to a fix to which correctly fixes a Uv unwrapping issue (1330830).

  • IL2CPP: Build fails with 'artifacts/tundra.dag.json does not exist yet' when using UnityEditor.InitializeOnLoadMethod in script (1385676)

  • Inspector Framework: LEGO microgame, missing dropdown from inspector Specific Action field (1387037)

  • Linux: Editor crashes at "__assert_fail_base.cold" when opening a project (Linux) (1375312)

  • MacOS: [M1] "System is running out of memory" error is thrown when using Profiler as a Standalone Process with Deep Profile turned on (1386242)

  • MacOS: [OSX][Editor] DirectoryNotFoundException errors appear when a project is created inside a directory with unicode characters (1377915)

  • Mesh: Creating a mesh in Play Mode causes an "abnormal mesh bounds" error when using UploadMeshData() (1364263)

  • Metal: Consistent EditorLoop 5-10ms spikes when using Metal API (1378985)

  • Networking: UnityWebRequest.SendWebRequest delay occurring in 2019.4.30f1 and above (1382113)

  • OpenGL: Unity crashes when entering "-force-opengl" or "-force-glcore" in the Advanced Project Settings (1374768)

  • Profiling: Unity 2020.3.27f1 randomly hangs in GPU recorder code with "Hold On" dialog (1400169)

  • Progressive Lightmapper: [LightProbes] Probes lose their lighting data after entering Play mode when Baked and Realtime GI are enabled (1052045)

  • Progressive Lightmapper: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes (1219458)

  • Scene/Game View: Camera resolution is set to default when opening the Editor (1378321)

  • Scripting: [MacOS] An Unhandled exception is thrown in the Editor.log and Console window when trying to build AssetBundles (1383700)

  • Shader System: Shader stripping crashes when it gets too many variants (1388530)

  • Shadows/Lights: Scene is brighter in Standalone player if it was open in the Editor at build time (1375015)

  • Templates: Specific Actions dropdown tab does not appear when setting the Target of the Touch Trigger in the LEGO Template (1390097)

  • uGUI: Prefab is glitchy while editing in Prefab Mode when parent Canvas Render Mode is set to Screen Space - Camera (1394756)

  • Windows: Editor crashes or freezes with 'Copying file failed' error when importing a file from WinRAR Archiver (1325310)

2020.3.28f1 Release Notes


  • Graphics: Improved QualitySettings.maxQueuedFrames, it now works in Vulkan API.

  • IL2CPP: Added support for Il2CppSetOption attribute on structs and assemblies.

  • XR: Added support for late latch debug mode to help verify late latch functionality.

API Changes

  • Particles: Added: Added a version of GetTrails that doesn't allocate any garbage. (1394062)


  • 2D: Fixed an issue that it is now able to change mipmap settings in inspector. (1379426)

  • 2D: Fixed an issue that Sprite Skin's help button now leads to the correct documentation page. (1383765)

  • 2D: Fixed an issue where a Sprite Skin outside of the camera frustum enters the frustum, which could cause an editor and player crash. (1377867)

  • AI: Fixed an issue where the NavMesh obstacle carving caused narrow gaps in the NavMesh. (1363972)

  • Android: Fixed Android minimum bundle version to greater than 0. (1307476)

  • Android: Fixed Java local reference leak when array is returned when using AndroidJavaObject/AndroidJavaClass. (1374806)

  • Animation: Fixed a potential crash when modifying an animation override controller which is in use during a state machine enter / exit behavior callback. (1346587)

  • Animation: Fixed null reference in AvatarMaskInspector on ToggleAll. (1369846)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue that empty meta file is handled as malformed meta file. (1361260)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where creating an asset during OnPostprocessAllAssets() with custom dependencies registered could cause an infinite import loop. (1383416)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where Mono scripts containing namespaces with invalid characters were not reimported. (1354597)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue that UnityBugReporter was missing some Qt library dependencies, and would fail to start. (1283622)

  • Editor: Fixed Unity does not load the last scene after a crash. (1308699)

  • GI: Fixed an issue that black light probes after duplicating baked geometry during the bake with CPU Lightmapper. (1332156)

  • Graphics: Fixed a Vulkan crash when using a material that generates empty cbuffer bind mask. (1368933)

  • Graphics: Fixed particles flickering on metal. (1375960)

  • Graphics: Fixed Vulkan instable frame time and input lag due to queuing too many frames. (1331307)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed parsing of --custom-step command line argument to UnityLinker. (1351726)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue that On Demand Resources setting in XCode project is always set to the value set in Unity Player Settings. (1379736)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue that the QuickType bar is now hidden on iOS15 when Keyboard autocorrection is set to false. (1381272)

  • iOS: Updated the iOS resolution presets of the Aspect Ratio dropdown list in the Game View window. (1321829)

  • macOS: Fixed an issue that MacOS player is now built with released xcode, also fixed a TestFlight warning about using beta Xcode.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue that Unity terminates with error code 0 when an exception occurs while importing a package in bach mode. (1375776)

  • Particles: Fixed right-click context menu for Renderer module Inspector. (1372195)

  • Prefabs: Fixed an error that is thrown when merging changes made to a Prefab into a Nested Prefab with co-dependant components. (1362574)

  • Prefabs: Fixed missing required component causing import loop and log spamming. (1319932)

  • Profiler: Fixed "Call Stacks" toggle in Profiler Window enabling callstacks capturing in connected Players. (1377934)

  • Profiler: Fixed a crash when taking memory profiler snapshot with Players built with newer Unity versions. (1386532)

  • Profiler: Fixed an issue to remove Gfx Used and Reserved Memory from counters available in release players. (1339707)

  • Profiler: Fixed Memory Profiler capture reloading unloaded assets referenced by scripts. (1385805)

  • Scripting: Fixed an issue when opening a project using rulesets coming from a package on disk, this does not trigger a compilation error anymore. (1349517)

  • Services: Fixed a crash which occured with Il2cpp, engine stripping enabled and Analytics enabled, but without the analytics package installed. (1377563)

  • TextCore: Fixed potential editor crash due to invalid system font file being present on a user system where such font file is missing a font family and / or style name. (1382082)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed "TlsException: Handshake failed - error code: UNITYTLS_INTERNAL_ERROR, verify result: 4294950016" error when using System.Net.Http on ARM64 machines/devices. (1387294)

  • WebGL: Added mapping of the input coordinates from the css resolution to the canvas resolution, fixed handling of HDPI scaling. (1302367)

  • WebGL: Added Support for mobile WebGL touch events to Immediate Mode GUI when the New Input System package is used. (1300223)

  • WebGL: Fixed mouse position in the old input system when the cursor is locked. (1338936)

  • XR: Fixed XRBeginFrame event added to frame debugger even if VR isn't enabled. (1374542)

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.13+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.13+ and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.13+, Ubuntu 18.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 11.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

Package changes in 2020.3.28f1

Packages updated

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