Games and Entertainment
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Unity Personal

Unity 무료 버전으로 제작을 시작하세요.

  • Unity 에디터 최신 버전
  • Unity를 시작하고 학습하기 위한 리소스
Unity Editor Icon
Unity Pro

뛰어난 프로젝트를 더 신속하게 제공하기 위한 툴, 지원 및 에셋입니다.

  • 멀티플랫폼 퍼블리싱 지원
  • 고객 서비스 우선 제공
  • Unity Cloud 제품 및 서비스 생태계
Unity Enterprise

규모와 관계없이 복잡한 프로젝트를 수행하는 열정적인 팀을 위한 것입니다.

  • 신속한 기술 지원
  • Unity 소스 코드 액세스
  • 연장된 LTS(장기 지원)
  • 클라우드 협업 툴
Industry applications
Unity Editor Icon
Unity Industry

커스텀 애플리케이션을 만들 수 있는 AR/VR, 모바일, 데스크톱 및 웹에 대한 실시간 3D 제품 및 서비스군입니다.

  • 몰입형 경험 제작
  • 프리미엄 기술 지원 및 전문 교육 리소스를 통해 더욱 빠르게 어려움 극복
  • CAD 및 3D 데이터 가치 활용

Frequently asked questions

What Unity plan am I eligible to use?

Individuals, hobbyists, and small businesses using Unity to provide services to others are eligible to use Unity Personal if their respective clients, in the aggregate, have less than $100K of revenue or funds raised in the prior 12 months.

Individuals, hobbyists, and small businesses using Unity but not providing services to a third party are eligible to use Unity Personal if (i) for small businesses, if their aggregate gross revenue and funding are less than $100K, or (ii) for individuals and hobbyists if the amount generated in connection with their use of Unity is less than $100K.

Students enrolled in an accredited educational institution of legal age to consent to the collection and processing of their personal information (e.g., age 13 in the U.S., 16 in the E.U.) are eligible to use the free Unity Student plan.

Unity Pro or Unity Enterprise plans are required for businesses with revenue or funding greater than $200K in the last 12 months, and for those who do work with them. Pro and Enterprise plans have no financial eligibility limits – everyone is eligible. Please note that the Enterprise plan is for larger teams and requires a minimum purchase of 20 seats.

Unity Industry plan is required if you create applications outside of games or entertainment and your company’s total finances exceed US$1,000,000. Unity Industry’s features, add-ons, onboarding, and support options are tailored to your needs.

All plans are subject to Unity Terms of Service.

Can industry customers still buy Unity Pro or Unity Enterprise?

If you create industry applications (defined as any application outside of games or entertainment), and your company’s total finances exceed US$1,000,000, you are required to use Unity Industry. Industry customers may only use Unity Pro or Unity Enterprise if your total finances do not exceed US$1,000,000. Industry customers may not use Unity Personal. 

For more details, see our Editor Terms of Service FAQ.

What do I get with a subscription to Unity?

Unity Pro, Enterprise, and Industry subscription plans all include the core Unity real-time development platform, continuous updates, beta access, and more. 

Compare plans to see the different features, resources, services, and options you can get with each plan, and to determine your eligibility.

See all Subscription FAQs

How do I upgrade from Unity Pro to Unity Industry?

If you purchased Unity Pro online, you can upgrade your Pro subscription to Unity Industry via your Unity ID. For more information, please see the Knowledge Base article: How do I upgrade from Unity Pro to Unity Industry?

If you purchased Unity Pro through your client partner, please contact Sales to upgrade your Unity Pro licenses to Unity Industry.

Is shared, or “floating,” licensing available for Unity Enterprise?

Yes, floating licensing is available exclusively for Enterprise subscribers. If you are interested in shared licensing options for pools of users, please contact Unity Sales.

See all Subscription FAQs


Do I own the content I create using Unity?

Yes. You created it, so you own it.

What payment methods are accepted?

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Credit card
  • PayPal
  • Alipay
  • UnionPay

To pay by invoice, please contact a Unity Sales representative.

Are custom solutions such as technical support, source code access, and Integrated Success Services available for purchase online?

Technical support is included with Enterprise subscriptions purchased online. If you are interested in other custom solutions, including technical support for Pro plan subscribers, please contact Unity Sales.

Can I mix subscription plans within my business?

No, you must choose one plan type. Mixing between Pro and Enterprise plans is not permitted.

See all Subscription FAQs


Can I downgrade to a different plan?

No, you cannot downgrade to a lower plan during your commitment period. You can upgrade to a higher plan within your commitment period, however you cannot reduce the number of seats if you upgrade.

Can I cancel my subscription?

There is no cancellation policy or reimbursement for a subscription. Once you commit to a subscription you are obligated to pay all monthly payments owing. Even if you stop your monthly payments and your license is shut down, you are still obligated to pay the outstanding payment(s) for your subscription period. Please see Subscription terms and conditions and the Software License Agreement for more details.

See all Subscription FAQs

DevOps and collaboration
Iterate faster and collaborate better to deliver high quality games.
Unity Build Server

Unity 프로젝트 빌드를 네트워크에 연결되어 있는 하드웨어로 오프로딩할 수 있는 온프레미스 라이선스 솔루션입니다.

  • Unity 프로젝트를 빌드하기 위한 온프레미스 솔루션
  • 라이선스 유연성 및 규모가 조절되도록 구축
  • IT 생산성 극대화

Parsec for Teams is an end-to-end solution whether you’re working from anywhere or managing a distributed team.

  • Virtual monitors and multi-monitor displays
  • Secure access to your team’s computers
  • Granular permissions management
Unity DevOps

엄격한 게임 개발을 위해 특별히 빌드된 DevOps 툴을 사용하여 반복 작업(iteration) 시간을 줄이고 고품질 게임을 출시하세요.

  • 대규모 파일로 확장
  • 개발자와 아티스트 모두를 위한 역할별 UX
  • Unity 및 Unreal과의 심층 통합
Specialized creator solutions
Get further with creator solutions that accelerate your creative process.
에셋 스토어

Jump-start your game with time-saving assets and tools.

  • Over 11,000 five-star assets
  • Rated by 85,000+ customers
  • Supported by 100,000+ forum members
Odin Enterprise

Optimize your project workflows and save thousands of development hours.

  • Odin Inspector and Serializer
  • Effortless integration and priority support

각 환경에 어울리는 식물을 빠르고 직관적으로 만드세요.

  • 현실적인 고성능 모델을 위한 사진 측량 전환
  • 수동적인 편집을 위한 직관적인 편집 툴
  • SpeedTree 라이브러리에서 전문적으로 연구된 동적 모델
Unity Sentis

Unity Runtime에 AI 기능을 도입하고 프로젝트 안에서 AI 데이터 모델을 활용하세요.

  • ONNX 파일 표준을 통해 AI 모델 임포트
  • 런타임 환경을 위해 AI 모델 최적화
  • Unity에서 지원되는 플랫폼에 걸쳐 배포
Unity Muse

Unity Muse를 구독하여 끊임없이 확장되는 AI 기반 기능 제품군에 액세스함으로써 게임 및 실시간 3D 개발을 가속화하세요. 

  • 상업적 사용을 위한 아트 생성
  • Get exclusive access to AI pre-releases

Unity Gaming Services

Solve the challenges of building live games with tools for multiplayer services, game operations, user acquisition, and monetization.

Unity Gaming Services
Build the foundation for your live game
Products and services to build your live game and iterate as you grow. Connect players at scale across multiple platforms and use our proven solutions to manage your back end infrastructure.

Deliver performance and flexibility to your gaming infrastructure, speed up development time and provide the best experience to your players with dedicated multiplayer hosting for any game engine.

  • Automated orchestration fleet scaling
  • Integrates with any game engine

플레이어에게 가장 중요한 짧은 지연 시간과 빠른 매치를 제공할 수 있도록 Game Server Hosting과 통합된 규칙 기반 매치메이킹을 통해 게임과 플레이어에 맞게 매치를 맞춤화할 수 있습니다.

  • 개발자 구성 매치 로직
  • 커스터마이징 가능한 평가자 함수와 매치메이킹 루프
Netcode for GameObjects

Networking libraries built for the Unity Engine. Dependable, customizable, and extensible to meet the needs of your next multiplayer project.

  • Extensible networking framework
  • Latency management

A service that allows players to connect and enjoy immersive multiplayer gaming – all without needing a dedicated game server.

  • P2P client server model
  • DTLS encryption

훌륭한 멀티플레이어 게임 경험을 제공하기 위해 커스텀 비공개 및 공개 방에 있는 플레이어를 연결하는 유연한 솔루션입니다.

  • 커스텀 로비 관리
  • 빠른 참여 기능
Cloud Save

Flexible and easy-to-use, Cloud Save allows you to track and store player data like progression, abilities, and statistics to the cloud.

  • Off-device player data storage
  • Cross-device accounts

익명 또는 플랫폼별이나 커스텀 로그인 솔루션으로 플레이어를 인증하세요.

  • 익명 또는 플랫폼별 로그인으로 플레이어 인증
  • 다양한 디바이스에 플레이어 진행률이 저장되도록 확인
Cloud Content Delivery

콘텐츠 제공 네트워크(CDN), 클라우드 스토리지, 에셋 관리자 등 세 가지 서비스를 한 번에 받으세요.

  • 엔드투엔드 실시간 게임 업데이트
  • 클라우드 스토리지 및 에셋 관리
Remote Config

Update your live game content, remotely and in real-time.

  • Dynamic configuration for content delivery
  • Real-time content tuning
Cloud Code

클라우드에서 게임 로직을 실행하고 다른 백엔드 서비스와 상호 작용하세요.

  • Write and run game logic away from the client
  • Streamline game code in the cloud
Improve your player experience
Improve your player experience to keep them happy and engaged. Gain valuable insights, data, and tools to help you efficiently refine your game experience, retain players, and grow your game.
Unity Analytics

Analytics를 통해 스튜디오는 게임 성능과 플레이어 행동을 이해할 수 있습니다. 사전 빌드된 대시보드와 신뢰할 수 있는 실시간 데이터에 기반한 시각화를 사용하여 분석 정보를 파악하세요.

  • 게임 성능 대시보드 및 동적 보고
  • 실시간 데이터 보호
Vivox 음성 채팅

확장 가능하고 비용 부담이 적은 커뮤니케이션 솔루션으로 멀리 있거나 다른 플랫폼에 있는 플레이어까지 연결하여 커뮤니티를 구현하세요.

  • 실시간 음성 채팅
  • 음성 텍스트 변환 및 텍스트 음성 변환 기술
Vivox Text Chat

Connect players across platforms while building vibrant communities using a scalable and cost-friendly in-game text chat solution, powered by Vivox.

  • Large channel support
  • Adaptive chat filter

Manage your players’ safety with an end-to-end moderation platform that pairs integrated evidence from Safe Voice with the ability to take action and understand in-game community health.

  • Streamline incident management workflow
  • Understand player behavior patterns
Cloud Diagnostics Advanced

상세한 크래시 데이터를 캡처 및 분석하여 게임의 안전성을 높이세요.

  • 오류 중복 제거로 우선순위 문제 지원
  • 워크플로를 일반 엔지니어링 툴과 통합

Add a new social experience to your games by helping players connect with others across any platform.

  • Full feature friends solution: add, remove, block
  • Presence feature
  • Pairs with Lobby and Voice and Text Chat

Drive competition and engagement by giving your players the ability to compare their performance against each other.

  • Customizable sorting
  • Highly scalable
  • Pairs with Cloud code and Economy for rewarding functionality
Grow your mobile game & acquire new players
수익 창출

Drive revenue from your game with ads and in-app advertising.

  • Diverse ad formats
  • Access to premium ad demand
Unity LevelPlay

Bidding and mediation solutions to drive more competition for your inventory.

  • Align pricing with formats and segments
  • Sell ad inventory to the highest bidder

광고 캠페인을 운영하여 게임의 지속적인 성장을 위해 수익성이 가장 좋은 사용자를 찾으세요.

  • 매일 수백만 명의 사용자에게 도달
  • 다양한 캠페인 목표에 맞게 최적화

Everything you need to design and plan your game economy. Tune and scale to build a better game for your players and grow in-game revenue.

  • Manage in-game currencies and inventories
  • Set up trading systems with real money and in-game currencies

Simplify in-app purchase set-up across multiple stores with this codeless IAP solution.

  • Workflows with Unity Analytics to understand purchase behavior
  • Works alongside Unity Ads and Economy to build a holistic monetization system

Grow solutions

Grow your app business from day one with Unity’s complete set of powerful tools, services, and expertise.

Industry tools
Create and deploy interactive digital twin and metaverse applications from real-world data.
Unity Editor Icon
Unity Industry

커스텀 애플리케이션을 만들 수 있는 AR/VR, 모바일, 데스크톱 및 웹에 대한 실시간 3D 제품 및 서비스군입니다.

  • 몰입형 경험 제작
  • 프리미엄 기술 지원 및 전문 교육 리소스를 통해 더욱 빠르게 어려움 극복
  • CAD 및 3D 데이터 가치 활용
Pixyz Studio

데이터 준비를 위한 스탠드얼론 툴

  • CAD, 메시, 포인트 클라우드 데이터 임포트/전환
  • 데이터 최적화/익스포트
  • Python API를 통해 작업 자동화
Pixyz Plugin

데이터 임포트를 위한 Unity 플러그인

  • Unity로 CAD/3D/BIM 데이터 임포트
  • 계층 구조 및 메타데이터 보존
  • 규칙 엔진으로 스크립트 자동화
Pixyz Review

CAD 검토용 툴

  • CAD, 메시 또는 포인트 클라우드 드래그 앤 드롭
  • 클릭 한 번으로 가상 현실 시작
  • 모델 연구 및 상호 작용
Unity Build Server

Unity 프로젝트 빌드를 네트워크에 연결되어 있는 하드웨어로 오프로딩할 수 있는 온프레미스 라이선스 솔루션입니다.

  • Unity 프로젝트를 빌드하기 위한 온프레미스 솔루션
  • 라이선스 유연성 및 규모가 조절되도록 구축
  • IT 생산성 극대화
Unity Simulation Pro

Run complex simulations at scale with a simulation-optimized version of the Unity runtime.

  • Headless and multi-GPU distributed rendering
  • Run on-premises or on private cloud
Unity Muse

Unity Muse를 구독하여 끊임없이 확장되는 AI 기반 기능 제품군에 액세스함으로써 게임 및 실시간 3D 개발을 가속화하세요. 

  • 상업적 사용을 위한 아트 생성
  • Get exclusive access to AI pre-releases
Artist tools
Realize your creative vision and achieve greater visual fidelity with powerful authoring solutions that support everything from material authoring and vegetation modeling to creating digital characters.

각 환경에 어울리는 식물을 빠르고 직관적으로 만드세요.

  • 현실적인 고성능 모델을 위한 사진 측량 전환
  • 수동적인 편집을 위한 직관적인 편집 툴
  • SpeedTree 라이브러리에서 전문적으로 연구된 동적 모델
OTOY OctaneRender

The industry’s first and fastest unbiased, physically accurate GPU accelerated renderer.

  • Render for cinematic quality
  • VFX-quality shading and lighting in Unity
  • Ultra-fast AI denoising
에셋 스토어

Jump-start your game with time-saving assets and tools.

  • Over 11,000 five-star assets
  • Rated by 85,000+ customers
  • Supported by 100,000+ forum members
Unity Muse

Unity Muse를 구독하여 끊임없이 확장되는 AI 기반 기능 제품군에 액세스함으로써 게임 및 실시간 3D 개발을 가속화하세요. 

  • 상업적 사용을 위한 아트 생성
  • Get exclusive access to AI pre-releases
Cloud services
Unity Cloud is a connected ecosystem of products and services that make work on real-time 3D experiences more creator-focused, accessible, and connected.
Unity Cloud

An ecosystem of products and services that makes work on games and real-time 3D experiences more creator-focused, accessible, and connected.

  • Unity 에셋 관리자 및 스토리지
  • Unity DevOps
  • 팀 관리 기능
  • Unity 생태계 통합
에셋 관리자

Unity의 강력한 클라우드 기반 3D 에셋 관리 솔루션으로 스튜디오 전반에서 콘텐츠 검색 용이성, 재사용성, 보안, ROI를 높이세요. 

  • 하나의 중심 생태계에서 에셋 탐색
  • 다수의 파일 유형 지원
  • API 및 Unity 툴과의 통합
  • 수명주기 관리 및 역할 기반 권한
Unity DevOps

엄격한 게임 개발을 위해 특별히 빌드된 DevOps 툴을 사용하여 반복 작업(iteration) 시간을 줄이고 고품질 게임을 출시하세요.

  • 대규모 파일로 확장
  • 개발자와 아티스트 모두를 위한 역할별 UX
  • Unity 및 Unreal과의 심층 통합

Unity Gaming Services

Solve the challenges of building live games with tools for multiplayer services, game operations, user acquisition, and monetization.

Unity Gaming Services
Support and service
Looking for more use cases, need help or want to take your project to the next level? Do more with these support & service options.
Unity Starter Success

Our entry-level support plan to help you efficiently solve technical issues and get your project back on track.

  • Access to Unity engineers
  • An assigned Partner Advisor
  • Guaranteed first response times
Unity Essential Success

Building on our base plan, this plan offers additional technical support from experienced Unity engineers with more rapid response times.

  • Premium technical support
  • Partner Relations Manager
  • Bug Handling
Unity Integrated Success

Our most advanced support plan. Ensure complex projects reach their full potential with expert guidance and technical reviews.

  • Prioritized bug fixing and LTS backporting
  • Project reviews
  • Emergency response times
Accelerate Solutions - Games Consulting Services

Get guidance on your projects from senior Unity experts to help you achieve your most ambitious goals.

  • Performance and quality optimization
  • Game planning and technical design
  • Project acceleration
Teaching and learning tools and programs for beginners, experts, professionals or students and all the resources you need for your Unity learning journey.
Unity 교육 담당자

Teach your students how to use professional tools to work effectively on a cross-disciplinary team.

  • Latest version of the Unity Editor
  • Free assets to accelerate projects
  • Resources to get started and teach Unity
Unity 교육 라이선스

자격을 갖춘 기관에 제공되는 무료 Unity 라이선스.

  • 핵심 Unity 개발 플랫폼 최신 버전에 무료로 액세스하기
  • 다수로 구성된 강의실 환경
Unity 인증 시험

Grow your resume and advance your career by validating your mastery of core Unity skills.

  • Certifications across four difficulty levels
  • Specialization tracks ranging from Programmer to Artist
Unity 학습

Advance your Unity skills with live sessions and over 750 hours of on-demand learning content designed for creators at every skill level.

  • Learning content library
  • Over 750 hours of on-demand and live learning resources
Unity Student

Learn the tools and workflows professionals use on the job.

  • Latest version of the Unity Editor
  • Free assets to accelerate projects
  • Resources to get started and learn Unity

Unity에서는 최적의 웹사이트 경험을 제공하기 위해 쿠키를 사용합니다. 자세한 내용은 쿠키 정책 페이지를 참조하세요.
