Unity 2021.2.0 Beta 15

Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.

Known Issues in 2021.2.0b15

  • Android: * Devices might wake up from sleep when in split screen mode.

    • Chrome OS devices that support tablet mode might not pause apps when they are no longer visible.

    • Some Android devices may experience delayed resolution updates after resizing a window.

    • Minimum window size might not be respected properly on all Android devices.

  • Asset Bundles: Building process of the AssetBundles is slow when the file count is huge (1358059)

  • Asset Importers: Instantiated FBX through code throws error after leaving Play Mode (1363573)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed issue with asset reference getting lost, if asset is modified and domain reload is done in the same refresh. (1357812)
    Fixed in 2021.2.0b16.

  • CodeEditors: Crash on stopping debugging (1355156)

  • GI: Fix issue with GPU Lightmapper falling back to CPU Lightmapper upon a rebake. (1356714)
    First seen in 2021.2.0a19.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0b16.

  • Global Illumination: Crash while sculpting Terrain and Baking Lightmaps (1266511)

  • HD RP: HDRP Template fills the Console with "Shader error...couldn't open include file" messages after building the project (1342989)

  • IL2CPP: Prevent a crash in the player when deeply nested generics are used to create a value type object. The runtime will now cause a managed exception instead. (1361232)
    First seen in 2021.2.0.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0b16.

  • Input: Touch Input doesn't work in Play Mode when running an Editor on a Touchscreen device (1341159)

  • Linux: [XR][Linux] Editor Menu disappears when opening new AR or VR Template Project or when pressing "Show Tutorials" (1362449)

  • Mono: .NETStandard 2.1 in the editor is missing System.Memory, System.Buffers at runtime (1367105)

  • Packman: User can't easily configure location of both UPM and Asset Store package local cache (1317232)

  • Physics: Editor crashes when accessing RaycastHit.lightmapCoord and the hit Mesh does not have texture channel 1 (1361884)

  • Profiler: Fixed Profiler.GetTotalAllocatedMemoryLong reporting increasing values while loading and unloading the same scene. (1364643)
    Fixed in 2021.2.0b16.

  • Profiling: GUIStyle errors are thrown when entering Play mode with docked Profiler and the "Maximize On Play" option Enabled (1364443)

  • Profiling: Profiler's timeline view loses context frames when frames go out of Frame Count bounds (1367470)

  • Quality of Life: Scrolling is jumping when scrolling in the Input Manager (1362327)

  • Scripting: Error CS8035 is thrown on opening a project when using rulesets (1349517)

  • Scripting: Increased Script Assembly reload time (1323490)

  • UI Builder: Changes in UI Builder are lost when editing a 2D sprite (1357086)

  • Video: Crash on WindowsVideoMedia::StepAllStreams when reimporting a .m4v file (1340340)

  • Vulkan: [Editor] The Scene's GameObjects textures are seemingly random and change colours depending on the Scene's Camera pos. (1337772)

  • WebGL: WebGL fails building on Windows 7 (1340260)

  • Windows: Fixed old input system missing some mouse movement events when new input system is enabled. (1368808)
    First seen in 2021.2.0b9.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0b16.

  • Windows: Physics simulations and FixedUpdate no longer run while the splashscreen is being displayed on Windows Standlaone and Universal Windows Platform. (1362362)
    Fixed in 2021.2.0b16.

  • XR: [Linux] Scene View doesn't render when opening new AR or VR Template project or pressing "Show Tutorials" (1362435)

New 2021.2.0b15 Entries since 2021.2.0b14


  • Version Control: Added workspace migration from Collab to Plastic which can be done with or without Plastic installed.
    Added notification status icons.
    Added light and dark mode versions of the avatar icon.


  • Package: Updated Addressables to 1.19.4 and SBP to 1.19.2.

  • Scripting: Rename ".NET Standard" to ".NET Standard 2.1" in the Api Compatibility Level options to be more precise.

API Changes

  • Graphics: Added: Added IAdditionalData interface to identify the additional datas on the core package.

  • HDRP: Added: Added an example in the documentation that shows how to use the accumulation API for high quality antialiasing (supersampling).

  • URP: Added: URP global setting for stripping off shader variants.

  • URP: Added: URP global setting for stripping post processing shader variants.


  • Graphics: Made occlusion Radius for lens flares in directional lights, be independant of the camera's far plane.

  • HDRP: Surface ReflectionTypeLoadExceptions in HDUtils.GetRenderPipelineMaterialList(). Without surfacing these exceptions, developers cannot act on any underlying reflection errors in the HDRP assembly.

  • Package: Updated com.unity.formats.alembic@2.2.2.

  • URP: VFX: New shadergraph support directly on Universal target.

  • Version Control: Migration tests
    Improved usage analytics around Editor and Plugin version
    Workspace Migration Adjustments.


  • 2D: Sprite.texture is null when it's loaded from SpriteAtlas in an AssetBundle and the Play mode is entered from the Prefab mode. (1345723)

  • Animation: Fixed animation curve editor swapping unintentionally when editing curves in two different inspectors. (1308938)

  • Animation: Fixed unexpected behaviours when having negative parameterized time in a motion state. (1332880)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed asset matching inconsistency with 'Compress Assets on Import' preference setting. This fix can cause textures to get reimported. (1353343)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed issue with missing domain reload when entering play mode and LockReloadAssemblies is set. (1367222)

  • Asset Pipeline: When asset object is reloaded, it is now reset before loaded with new values. This fixes problem with fields with default values not being set to default value, if field is removed from assets. (1337405)

  • Audio: Fixed audio source filters resetting on unrelated parameter changes such as audio source volume or pitch and not responding to component reordering. (1361636)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Build Pipeline: Errors from catastrophically failing incremental build pipeline steps are now clearer.

  • Core: Fixed bug where shadows disappear in the frustum corners from false positives in the shadow culling. (1153151)

  • Core: Fixed bug with shadow fade where the shadows will be culled with a hard line across the fade and also stretches the fade beyond the projected shadow.

  • Editor: Fixed a crash while picking a color. (1355078)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Editor: Fixed an exception when creating a new scene from a read-only scene template. (1360512)
    First seen in 2021.2.0.

  • Editor: Fixed crash when adding a component to an object fails and prompts a modal dialog. (1348654)

  • Editor: Fixed gameview not responding to some input when the mouse is over another window in the macOS editor. (1358134)

  • Editor: Fixed plugin path detection to be case insensitive. (1367554)
    First seen in 2021.2.0b13.

  • Editor: IMGUI buttons don't work in Device Simulator when using the new Input System. (1333953)

  • GI: Fixed crash with CPU OpenCL devices. (1338498)

  • GI: Prevent tetrahedralization errors by removing duplicate data from additive probesets. If anything is left, append the rest. (1263524)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Graphics: Fixed API to draw color temperature for Lights.

  • Graphics: Fixed issues caused by automatically added EventSystem component, required to support Rendering Debugger Runtime UI input. (1361901)

  • Graphics: Fixed Lens Flare position for celestial at very far camera distances. It now locks correctly into the celestial position regardless of camera distance. (1363291)

  • Graphics: Fixed race condition deadlock when loading textures synchronously. (1353805)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Graphics: Fixed the Mac Standalone Player memory leak that came with the change to presenting with CVDisplayLink. (1365570)

  • Graphics: Frames were being unnecessarily dropped before presenting on Metal OSX when using CVDisplayLink; this is now fixed. (1363963)

  • Graphics: The warning was removed because URP / HDRP now no longer need to have an asset assigned to both Graphics and Quality to work. (1335986)

  • HDRP: Fixed a null ref exception when no opaque objects are rendered.

  • HDRP: Fixed a regression that broke punctual and directional raytraced shadows temporal denoiser. (1360132)

  • HDRP: Fixed a warning when enabling tile/cluster debug.

  • HDRP: Fixed artifacts in volumetric cloud shadows.

  • HDRP: Fixed black pixel issue in AMD FidelityFX RCAS implementation.

  • HDRP: Fixed custom pass custom buffer not bound after being created inside a custom pass.

  • HDRP: Fixed diffusion profile being reset to default on SpeedTree8 materials with subsurface scattering enabled during import.

  • HDRP: Fixed disabled menu item for volume additional properties.

  • HDRP: Fixed Dof, would sometimes get corrupted when DLSS was on caused by TAA logic accidentally being on for DOF. (1357722)

  • HDRP: Fixed double camera preview.

  • HDRP: Fixed double contribution from the clear coat when having SSR or RTR on the Lit and StackLit shaders. (1352424)

  • HDRP: Fixed edge bleeding when rendering volumetric clouds.

  • HDRP: Fixed EmissiveLighting Debug Light mode not managing correctly emissive for unlit.

  • HDRP: Fixed error when disabling opaque objects on a camera with MSAA.

  • HDRP: Fixed invalid cast exception on HDProbe.

  • HDRP: Fixed issue with depth slope scale depth bias when a material uses depth offset.

  • HDRP: Fixed issue with fading in SSR applying fade factor twice, resulting in darkening of the image in the transition areas.

  • HDRP: Fixed lens flare occlusion issues with transparent depth. It had the wrong depth bound. (1365098)

  • HDRP: Fixed memory leak with XR combined occlusion meshes.

  • HDRP: Fixed missing context menu for “Post Anti-Aliasing” in Camera. (1357283)

  • HDRP: Fixed path traced subsurface scattering for transmissive surfaces. (1329403)

  • HDRP: Fixed Realtime lightmap not working correctly in player with various lit shader.

  • HDRP: Fixed recursive rendering transmittance over the sky. (1323945)

  • HDRP: Fixed regression in the ambient probe intensity for volumetric clouds.

  • HDRP: Fixed regression in the clouds presets.

  • HDRP: Fixed remove of the Additional Camera Data when removing the Camera Component.

  • HDRP: Fixed remove of the Additional Light Data when removing the Light Component.

  • HDRP: Fixed Shader advanced options for lit shaders.

  • HDRP: Fixed shadow sampling artifact when using the spot light shadow option 'custom spot angle'.

  • HDRP: Fixed shadowmask editable when not supported.

  • HDRP: Fixed silhouette issue with emissive decals.

  • HDRP: Fixed sorting for mesh decals.

  • HDRP: Fixed specular anti aliasing for layeredlit shader.

  • HDRP: Fixed support of directional light coloring from physical sky in path tracing.

  • HDRP: Fixed texture fields for volume parameters accepting textures with wrong dimensions.

  • HDRP: Fixed the emissive being overriden by ray traced sub-surface scattering.

  • HDRP: Fixed the missing parameter to control the sun light dimmer. (1364152)

  • HDRP: Fixed the performance of the volumetric clouds in non-local mode when large occluders are on screen.

  • HDRP: Fixed the sun leaking from behind fully opaque clouds.

  • HDRP: Fixed the volumetric clouds cloud map not being centered over the world origin.

  • HDRP: Fixed unexpectedly strong contribution from directional lights in path-traced volumetric scattering. (1304688)

  • HDRP: Mitigate ghosting / overbluring artifacts when TAA and physically-based DoF are enabled by adjusting the internal range of blend factor values. (1340541)

  • macOS: Fixed build failing when a .bundle plugin is encountered that does not have an Info.plist file. (1360646)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • macOS: Fixed build failing when a .bundle plugin is encountered that does not have the executable name specified in its Info.plist file. (1330017)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • macOS: Fixed incorrect workArea size when changing the dock at runtime. (1354356)

  • macOS: Fixed incorrect workArea size when changing the screen scaling at runtime. (1354329)

  • macOS: Fixed key display names for non-letter keys and letter keys when using non-English keyboard layouts in the new input system. (1356230)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • macOS: Removed redundant copies of MacStandalonePlayerBuildProgram.exe and its dependencies from macOS player support installer. (1365199)
    First seen in 2021.2.0.

  • Package Manager: Documentation links are now secure or, if un-secure and not generated by Unity, a warning will show up letting users know they have to enable un-secure requests in "Player Setting". (1356909)

  • Particles: Fixed crashes when trying to access fields in an uninitialized external forces module. (1354044)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Particles: Fixed shortcuts when particle overlay is collapsed. (1340675)

  • Profiler: Text is now selectable in a custom Profiler module's default Details View. (1336943)

  • Scripting: Fixed a memory corruption crash related to the incremental GC incorrectly freeing objects.

  • Scripting: Fixed NVidia native libraries being included in player build when the Module is disabled. (1332465)

  • Services: For some time the validation endpoint has been disabled, and the editor still incorrectly shows that the user must wait for this validation to succeed. leading to a lot of confusion from our users. this change simply removes this panel to avoid further confusion. (1210052)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an incorrect direction transform from view to world space. (1362034)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where ShaderGraph "view shader" commands were opening in individual windows, and blocking Unity from closing.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed bug where it was not possible to switch to Graph Settings tab in Inspector if multiple nodes and an edge was selected. (1357648)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed Parallax Occlusion Mapping node to handle non-uniformly scaled UVs such as HDRP/Lit POM. (1347008)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed ShaderGraph HDRP master preview disappearing for a few seconds when graph is modified.

  • Shadergraph: Fixed the appearance (wrong text color, and not wrapped) of a warning in Node Settings. (1356725)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed the node searcher results to prefer names over synonyms. (1366058)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed the ordering of inputs on a SubGraph node to match the properties on the blackboard of the subgraph itself. (1354463)

  • Shadergraph: Updated the searcher package to 4.9.0 and bump ShaderGraph dependency to remove some unwanted DLLs from editor.

  • Shaders: To fix Linux Editor SPIR-V validation error when returning OpArrayLength in Compute shader, by generating OpArrayLength with no signedness. (1302657)

  • Timeline: Make audio tracks respect audio listener pause state. (1313186)

  • UI Toolkit: 2021.2 Backport to UI Toolkit package of fix for 1351667: [UI Builder] Text Shadow Color resets to clear after reopening the project. (1351667)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed exception thrown when repainting a panel that uses a destroyed texture. (1364578)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed order of loading UI Toolkit assets to avoid error on loading UXML inlined styles using references to TSS resources. (1357255)
    First seen in 2021.2.0.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the Styles section of the UI Toolkit Samples window. (1340119)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • URP: Fixed an issue where _AfterPostProcessTexture was no longer being assigned in UniversalRenderer.

  • URP: Fixed memory leak with XR combined occlusion meshes.

  • URP: Fixed remove of the Additional Camera Data when removing the Camera Component.

  • URP: Fixed remove of the Additional Light Data when removing the Light Component.

  • URP: Fixed UniversalRenderPipelineAsset now being able to use multiedit.

  • Version Control: Renamed the CoreServices namespace so it doesn't conflict
    Fixed some situations where the history window would be blank
    Fixed missing Enterprise login link
    Fixed low resolution icons in light theme.

  • VFX Graph: Added a missing paste option in the context menu for VFX contexts. Also the paste options is now disabled when uneffective.

  • VFX Graph: Compilation issue while using new SG integration and SampleTexture/SampleMesh. (1359391)

  • VFX Graph: Exposed Camera property fails to upgrade and is converted to a float type. (1357685)

  • VFX Graph: Eye dropper in the color fields kept updating after pressing the Esc key.

  • VFX Graph: Eye dropper in the color fields kept updating after pressing the Esc key.

  • VFX Graph: Fixed potential infinite compilation when using subgraphs. (1346576)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • VFX Graph: Fixed SDF Baker fail on PS4 & PS5. (1351595)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed undetermitism in space with LocalToWorld and WorldToLocal operators. (1355820)

  • VFX Graph: Prevent out of sync serialization of VFX assets that could cause the asset to be dirtied without reason.

  • VFX Graph: Prevent vector truncation error in HDRP Decal template.

  • VFX Graph: Prevent VFX Graph compilation each time a property's min/max value is changed.

  • VFX Graph: Prevent vfx re-compilation in some cases when a value has not changed.

  • VFX Graph: Unexpected compilation error while modifying ShaderGraph exposed properties. (1361601)

  • Video: Fixed regression in applying standalone platform override settings for video clips. (1360821)


Third Party Notices

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