Unity 5.5.0 Patch 1

Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.


  • Graphics: An assert message is now shown in the console for platforms that don't support linear rendering with OpenGL ES API.
  • macOS/iOS/tvOS: Enhancement to allow developers to use Xcode's manual signing paradigm by specifying a provisioning profile in Player Settings.
  • Metal: Improved handling of transparent rendering after post-opaque image effects when using MSAA.
  • Shaders: Optimized in-editor import, load time and memory usage for shaders with massive amounts of potential variants.
  • Unity Ads: Updated native binaries to version 2.0.6.


  • (855550) - Test Runner: Removed script templates for test runner (as it is not released).


  • (833396) - AI: Fix for "!InCrowdSystem" and "!handle.IsValid()" errors seen in console when calling Warp and enabling a disabled NavMeshAgent.
  • (854739) - Android: Fixed auto-rotation on Android 4.1 and older.
  • (845646) - Android: Input.backButtonLeavesApp = true now exits gracefully.
  • (824462) - Android: The platform setting for Android plugins now defaults to "Android" instead of "Any Platform".
  • (793711) - Asset Import: Fixed an issue where deleting asset labels manually from .meta files would not be picked up by the editor.
  • (668043, 837519) - Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where asset and timestamp maps could get out of sync.
  • (741525) - AssetBundles: Fixed redundant asset bundles rebuild when external dll changes.
  • (853618) - Build Pipeline: VR Splash Screen texture will no longer be included when building a project for a non-VR platform.
  • (836131) - Collab: Fixed case of sign-in window getting stuck when launched from the toolbar menu.
  • (791434) - Core: Fixed hangs in the job system when running on certain platforms with a low number of cores e.g. older Windows Phones, UWP dual core machines.
  • (849022) - Editor: Fixed case of some properties being set to a single value when entering multi select mode for Trails and Lines.
  • (849138) - Editor: Fixed disappearing tab when closing 3 or more of them successively.
  • (857037) - Editor: Fixed NullReferenceException when undocking preview window.
  • (833866) - Editor: Tweaked the output of the generated Visual Studio solution file to better match Visual Studio standard format, in order to fix problems opening Unity generated projects with Rider GUI.
  • (805221, 605171) - Graphics: Disabled GPU skinning on GL and GLES based graphics APIs for desktop & mobiles.
  • (821298) - Graphics: Fix to ensure that ETC1 alpha split option only shows for ETC1 4bit format in texture importer.
  • (846989) - Graphics: Fixed a crash during shutdown when using the DX9 graphics API.
  • (829120) - Graphics: Fixed a problem where the Windows standalone would appear on a different display from that selected in the game launcher.
  • (840897) - Graphics: Fixed a problem with objects not rendering after resolution changes or entering/exiting fullscreen when using DX9 graphics API.
  • Graphics: Fixed case of the Windows player build being disabled when using linear rendering and OpenGL ES graphics API in the editor.
  • (849671) - Graphics: Fixed lightmap decoding in the editor when the target platform is mobile.
  • (823371) - Graphics: Fixed the GPU Profiler to work in the MacOS Editor using the GLcore graphics API. Can only profile a single game window whilst it is in play mode.
  • (825046, 824894) - Graphics: Fixed warped lens flare and halo effects when not in stereo.
  • (850383) - IL2CPP: A more useful error message is now returned from IL2CPP when trying to build a WebGL project with the Facebook SDK.
  • (852445) - IL2CPP: Added proper support for a class that is marshalled as a field of another class or struct, including the proper return value for a call to Marshal.Sizeof in this case.
  • (846956) - IL2CPP: Added support for managed stack traces on Android.
  • (849701) - IL2CPP: Corrected a crash that can occur in the player when a virtual method is called on a value type and that value type implements an interface which has an overload of that virtual method.
  • (845666) - IL2CPP: Corrected managed stack traces when Xcode 8 is used to build on iOS with link-time optimization enabled.
  • (847838) - IL2CPP: Fix to prevent a compiler error in generated C++ code when calling Interlocked.CompareExchange from some managed code.
  • (845174) - IL2CPP: Fix to prevent a stack overflow exception in the player at run time when an infinitely nested generic method is used.
  • (853468) - IL2CPP: Fixed an issue with attribute classes that have overridden properties.
  • (849072) - IL2CPP: Implemented the array SetValue method for arrays of nullable types.
  • (851098) - IL2CPP/Android: Fixed issue where the error output from the compiler/linker was not captured.
  • (820587) - Lighting: Fixed a problem with reflection probes updating during runtime even when "Refresh Mode" was set to "Via Scripting".
  • (812479) - Multiplayer: Fixed InvalidOperationException when selecting NeworkManager in Hierarchy for the first time.
  • (719672) - Networking: Fix to prevent using a packet size greater than defined in global config.
  • (837602) - Particles: Added animation support for simulation speed property.
  • (849084) - Particles: Fixed occasional crash when using external forces module.
  • (835334) - Physics: Continuously setting Rigidbody2D 'bodyType' or 'IsKinematic' to the same value should not cause contact recalculations; this can cause instabilities.
  • (850059) - Physics: Fixed an accuracy issue where a capsule would jitter and bounce erratically after being placed on top of a scaled mesh at specific locations when the PCM collision mode was enabled.
  • (853163) - Physics: Scaling a CapsuleCollider2D using a Transform component scale in X or Y of zero in the inspector no longer causes a warning in the console.
  • (801761) - Prefabs : Fixed an issue where a prefab instance could be incorrectly marked inactive when first loading a scene.
  • (836589) - Profiler: Fixed isse where taking a detailed memory snapshot did not work in some circumstances.
  • (759338) - Scripting: Fixed case of WaitForSeconds waiting forever when receiving NaN as the parameter.
  • (850350) - Scripting: Fixed MonoDevelop build errors when building UnityScript and Boo projects.
  • (825418) - Shaders: Automatically upgrade any shaders using unity_SpecCube1. This fixes unity_SpecCube1 related shader compile errors after a project upgrade.
  • Shaders: Fixed a problem when compiling shaders using windows style directory separator ("\") in #include paths and compiling on MacOS.
  • (814063, 812479) - Shaders: Fixed a rare problem on DX11 with NaNs happening during the depth pass of forward rendering mode, resulting in shadow artefacts.
  • (844355) - Shaders: Fixed a shader compiler crash for shaders which had extra "}" tokens in them.
  • (825408) - Shaders: Fixed crash when compiling very complex surface shaders. Optimised the memory usage during surface shader compilation.
  • (829162) - Substance: Fixed case of ProceduralTexture inspector preview sometimes showing invalid size and format.
  • (840177) - Substance: Fixed case of SubstanceArchive inspector unselecting ProceduralMaterials after being renamed.
  • (842999) - Substance: Fixed crash when loading a substance with corrupted data,
  • (840181) - Substance: Fixed issue where the emission shader parameter was not properly set on import when emission global illumination was set to realtime.
  • (819300) - UI: Fixed jittery movement when scrolling ScrollRect.
  • (826626) - UnityWebRequest: Fixed case of incorrect Content-Type request header for multipart form data in POST requests.
  • (851921) - UnityWebRequest: Fixed case of POST requests not working with empty data.
  • (850018) - UnityWebRequest: Fixed issue where escaped characters in URL would get unescaped.
  • (657131) - VCS: Fixed null reference exception that could occur after resolving an asset (e.g. prefab) whilst the asset is selected and displaying in the inspector.
  • (824508) - VR: Fixed a memory leak when using a canvas and VRFocus is lost.
  • (851967) - VR: Fixed an issue where only the shadows from the first light would render in both eyes when using single pass instancing.
  • (851891) - VR: Fixed case of error shader rendering in one eye only when using single pass instancing.
  • (845179) - VR: Fixed crash when checking for Stereo VR Device during build.
  • (822480) - Windows Store: Fixed duplicate assembly warning when building Universal 8.1.
  • (820871) - Windows: Fixed issue where Application.systemLanguage would return the region language rather than the UI language.

Revision: f43eade5c7c4


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