Long Term Support

Unity 2022 LTS provides a stable foundation for projects that are in production or about to ship. Unity 2022.3 LTS release has the same feature set as the 2022.2 Tech Stream release.

We’re committed to supporting 2022 LTS releases with biweekly updates until mid-2024, after which updates will be monthly until mid-2025 (two years after the initial release date). These updates will only cover fixes aimed at improving the stability of the product to enable users to ship their projects.

Unity 2021.3 is now the legacy LTS. It will be updated monthly until it reaches the end of its support cycle in mid-2024.


Subscribe to our LTS feed and get access to the latest LTS as soon as it's released.

LTS Release 2021.3.17f1


LTS Release 2021.3.17f1


Known Issues in 2021.3.17f1

  • 2D: [URP] Memory leak when in Play Mode (UUM-19089)

  • IMGUI Framework: Array values aren't changed when altering them in a custom EditorWindow (UUM-15645)

  • MacOS: Crash on __pthread_kill when dragging Sprites into the Scene view (UUM-20950)

  • MacOS: Crash on __pthread_kill when multi-clicking on "Build and Publish" in the "LEGO Microgame" project (UUM-22236)

  • MacOS: [2D Platformer Microgame] 2D Platformer Microgame Project crash on __cxxabiv1::__aligned_malloc_with_fallback when pinching out or in on the trackpad during “Zoom in and out” step (UUM-20720)

  • MacOS: [M1] Crash on System.Object:__icall_wrapper_ves_icall_array_new_specific when launching a project (UUM-3207)

  • Mono: Crash with ScanAssemblyForAttributesAndInterfaceImplementations when opening a project (1376858)

  • Video: [Android] Application crashes when changing the source URL of a video player in Android (UUM-20661)

  • Visual Effects: [VFX Graph] Opaque Unlit Output don't write to Depth (UUM-19559)

2021.3.17f1 Release Notes


  • Visual Scripting: Added confirmation popup when resetting assemblies/types in project settings.

  • Visual Scripting: Added confirmation popup when resetting project settings and editor preferences.

  • Visual Scripting: Added Sticky Note for ScriptGraph and StateGraph.

  • Visual Scripting: Nodes may now have a button which triggers a custom action in their inspector description.

  • Visual Scripting: Nodes whose type cannot be found are now temporarily converted to dummy nodes until either their original type is defined again or the user replaces them.

  • Visual Scripting: Support for parameter renaming in code used by API nodes.


  • Animation: Improved performance of AnimatorOverrideController.ApplyOverrides(). (UUM-14753)

  • Asset Import: Reduced the overhead of asset importing by limiting the number of copies of internal parameter structs.

  • GI: Added a toggle for automatic recalculation of environment lighting in the Workflow section of the Lighting window. (UUM-13907)

  • Package: Updated version of com.unity.learn.iet-framework to 3.1.1.

  • Package: Updated version of com.unity.learn.iet-framework.authoring to 1.2.1.

  • VFX Graph: Added a toggle in both VFX preferences in VFX Graph view to allow shader debug symbols with generated shaders. (UUM-19517)

API Changes

  • Core: Added: Use these methods for improved performance when operating on both positions and rotations at the same time.<br> Transform.GetLocalPositionAndRotation()<br> Transform.GetPositionAndRotation()<br> TransformAccess.GetLocalPositionAndRotation()<br> TransformAccess.GetPositionAndRotation()<br> TransformAccess.SetLocalPositionAndRotation()<br> TransformAccess.SetPositionAndRotation()


  • Editor: Updated the Unity FBX SDK bindings to version 4.1.2. which update Autodesk FBX SDK to 2020.3.2.

  • Visual Scripting: AOTStubs are now generated for all nodes regardless of whether they represent a runtime or editor member. (UVSB-2381)

  • Visual Scripting: Increased zoom out distance in graphs.

  • XR: Updated com.unity.xr.openxr package version to 1.6.0.

  • XR: Updated XR Core Utilities to 2.0.1.


  • Fixed Autodesk FBX and SketchUp SDK vulnerabilities. (UNITY-SEC-JAN-2023-1)

  • 2D: Added proper manual URL for GridSelection. (UUM-20223)

  • 2D: Fixed Case where there is Sprite Atlas warning in console when loading sprite in playmode. (UUM-18521)

  • 2D: Fixed collider shapes for a TilemapCollider2D when rotated Tiles are used with a collider offset.

  • 2D: Fixed crash when there is an invalid Sprite on a Tilemap and a TilemapRenderer tries to bind the invalid Sprite to a Sprite Atlas. (UUM-19275)

  • 2D: Fixed rendering of GameObjects in a Tile Palette window when a Scriptable Render Pipeline is used. (UUM-22035)

  • 2D: Fixed sorting of Tiles in a TilemapRenderer when the Sprites of the Tiles in the TilemapRenderer come from different Texture sources and Sprites with large vertex/index counts are rendered first due to batching. (UUM-18345)

  • 2D: Fixed Sprite Mode field is empty upon changing Texture Type to Sprite in TextureImporter. (UUM-16278)

  • 2D: Removed hiding tint in Sprites/Default shader. (UUM-19330)

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.psdimporter] Fixed an issue where an error would be shown when selecting Import Mode: Merged.

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.psdimporter] Fixed an issue where the amount of alpha removed from layers would not be re-applied as final position offset of the layers.

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.psdimporter] Fixed an issue where the editor would crash when importing .psd/.psb files with their layers outside of the document canvas. (DANB-285)

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.psdimporter] Fixed an issue where the generated GameObjects would be laid out differently from how they appear in the DCC tool. (DANB-298)

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.tilemap.extras][GameObjectBrush] Fix placement of GameObjects when Cell Gap is set.

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.tilemap.extras][GridInformation] Implement IEquatable for GridInformationKey.

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.tilemap.extras][PrefabRandomBrush] Fix possible NullReferenceException in PrefabRandomBrush.

  • AI: Fixed a blocked passage due to seemingly valid polygons after an obstacle carved the NavMesh nearby. (UUM-8240)

  • Android: Fixed error 'Source directory '....'. is not a directory when Symlink Sources option is on. (UUM-884)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where the standalone profiler could crash or emit errors when the script domain reloads in the editor. (UUM-19179)

  • Audio: Updated FMOD's FLAC from version 1.2.1 to 1.3.4. This fixes an issue identified by our application security team. (UUM-400)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed static batching sorting to ensure deterministic build results. (UUM-11427)

  • DX12: Fixed stalls in asynchronous scene loading with a large number of reflection probes. (UUM-20766)

  • Editor: Ensure scene view outline render uses the attributed main texture property name rather than the default name. (UUM-20416)

  • Editor: Fixed a bug on Chrome on iOS where the WebGL canvas cannot regain focus after losing it. (UUM-1166)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash when a window is closed during EditorWindow.OnLostFocus. (UUM-12434)

  • Editor: Fixed a deadlock that can occur when MasterTextureLimit is changed while a texture has an in-progress upload request. (UUM-16491)

  • Editor: Fixed API for users sending analytics as json formatted strings.

  • Editor: Fixed camera roll animations import. (UUM-15444)

  • Editor: Fixed character encoding for error messages in the Unity Accelerator. (UUM-16372)

  • Editor: Fixed crash issue with very large project import when the amount of descriptors grows unusually high. (UUM-20186)

  • Editor: Fixed crash/validation error when loading old Vulkan shaders from asset bundles.

  • Editor: Fixed documentation links for Script Graph and State Graphs assets. (UVSB-2422)

  • Editor: Fixed Editor crash when calling API's to show modal dialogs while -drawRect is in progress. (UUM-2293)

  • Editor: Fixed EditorWindow maximum size calculations when using a display not at integer scaling. (UUM-12808)

  • Editor: Fixed for scene hierarchy order change when entering Play mode in the Mobile Template. (UUM-13298)

  • Editor: Fixed Highlighter.Highlight does not disappear when the highlighted element disappears from view. (UUM-3535)

  • Editor: Fixed issue on Windows where modal dialogs can get the Editor stuck if they are launched from a window that closes itself. (UUM-21096)

  • Editor: Fixed issue where mouse up and mouse down events were reported twice in OnGUI when using the Device Simulator. (UUM-14340)

  • Editor: Fixed null reference exception in the FreeCamera component when there is no keyboard. (UUM-17801)

  • Editor: Fixed sub graphs being shown with broken connections on first load as of Unity 2021.2. (UVSB-2345)

  • Editor: Fixed t:prefab in AssetProvider only yields files ending in .prefab (no fbx or obj anymore). (UUM-18200)

  • Editor: Fixed that on Mac when hovering over arrow in the Hierarchy to open Prefab in Prefab Mode the tooltip displays shortcut as "Alt" and not "Option". (UUM-15760)

  • Editor: Fixed unexpected rendering when Fragment Normal uses Object Space. (UUM-10045)

  • Editor: Metal no longer crash when using shader referencing POSITION with mesh missing this attr. (UUM-20796)

  • Editor: OpenSSL updated to 1.1.1s to address. (UUM-18983)

  • Editor: Some gamepad inputs were being mapped to keyboard keys on 2021.3 for Android, causing the input scheme to be keyboard when it should be gamepad. This mapping has been removed. (UUM-20119)

  • Graphics: Added error message when capturing a screenshot into a RenderTexture but passing null for argument. (UUM-7004)

  • Graphics: Fixed a ReadPixels issue. (UUM-2998)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue so that entering playmode with disabled compositor no longer breaks all its layers. (UUM-11633)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue with inspecting a RenderTexture with DepthAuto / ShadowMap as the Color Format so it no longer breaks the inspector. (UUM-11764)

  • Graphics: Fixed crash in depth resolve when using HDR render textures. (UUM-2316)

  • Graphics: Fixed for incorrect values in ReadPixel for some graphics formats on DirectX. (UUM-15344)

  • Graphics: Fixed problems with 16-bit floats on iOS with URP. (UUM-14877)

  • Graphics: Fixed ShaderUtil API to properly fetch data from the SerializedShader and the RuntimeShader. (UUM-10163)

  • Graphics: Fixed GraphicsFenceType so it is now set correctly from CommandBuffer.CreateGraphicsFence. (UUM-11450)

  • Graphics: Graphics: Fixed crash by preventing race condition when opening app from floating icon state on Android. (UUM-576)

  • HDRP: Added clarification on HDR Output not supporting Scene View. (UUM-16184)

  • HDRP: Fixed a black screen issue with master builds on HDRP. (UUM-17388)

  • HDRP: Fixed a number of outdated reference to "HDRP Default Settings" in the UI. (UUM-11494)

  • HDRP: Fixed ambient probe for volumetric clouds.

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue with Bloom and Depth of Field in game view when filtering in the hierarchy. (UUM-17739)

  • HDRP: Fixed an issue with low resolution depth of field producing a cropped result in some scenarios. (UUM-11354)

  • HDRP: Fixed black dots when clouds rendered in local mode. (UUM-11651)

  • HDRP: Fixed black line in ray traced reflections. (UUM-11379)

  • HDRP: Fixed color grading so it no longer outputs negative colors. (UUM-11110)

  • HDRP: Fixed custom pass scaling issues with dynamic resolution. (UUM-10882)

  • HDRP: Fixed decal material validation after saving. (UUM-12750)

  • HDRP: Fixed embedding the config package when it's not a direct dependency. (UUM-8012)

  • HDRP: Fixed exposure of recorded frames with path tracing and auto exposure. (UUM-14985)

  • HDRP: Fixed graphics issues with sky and fog in game view when filtering objects in the hierarchy. (UUM-11952)

  • HDRP: Fixed Layer List is not duplicated when duplicating a LayeredLit Material. (UUM-11123)

  • HDRP: Fixed minor bug in the shadow ray culling for the cone spot light. (UUM-9708)

  • HDRP: Fixed missing limitation in path tracing documentation regarding Local Volumetric Fog. (UUM-13354)

  • HDRP: Fixed missing tag on decal shader properties.

  • HDRP: Fixed Missing tooltip for Screen Weight Distance in Screen Space Refraction Override. (UUM-16930)

  • HDRP: Fixed mouse position in debug menu with scaled screens in editor. (UUM-16880)

  • HDRP: Fixed null reference error in the rendering debugger when no camera is available. (UUM-18189)

  • HDRP: Fixed performance when volumetric fog is disabled. (UUM-14318)

  • HDRP: Fixed range of spill removal parameter in graphics compositor UI. (UUM-11634)

  • HDRP: Fixed Ray Tracing Mixed Mode Collisions. (UUM-14613)

  • HDRP: Fixed scene depth node not working in the Decal ShaderGraph material type. (UUM-8237)

  • HDRP: Fixed shadergraph using derivatives and Raytracing Quality keyword. (UUM-8358)

  • HDRP: Fixed shadows in transparent unlit shadow matte. (UUM-12284)

  • HDRP: Fixed slight change of color in background when changing scene hierarchy. (UUM-14324)

  • HDRP: Fixed Text alignment in Transparency Inputs section. (UUM-17208)

  • HDRP: Fixed texture wrapping of cloud layer. (UUM-15591)

  • HDRP: Fixed the fallback section so it now disappears when hiding the additional data. (UUM-16780)

  • HDRP: Fixed the indirect diffuse lighting in ray tracing so it now always works properly. (UUM-14083)

  • HDRP: Fixed the ray tracing reflection denoiser being partially broken. (UUM-10443)

  • HDRP: Fixed the ray tracing shadow denoiser s it no longer produces leaks at the edge of spotlight shadows. (UUM-17794)

  • HDRP: Fixed transmission on directional lights. (UUM-15003)

  • HDRP: Fixed unnecessary loss of precision when all post processing are disabled. (UUM-13277)

  • HDRP: Fixed volumetric cloud incorrectly display in lighting debug mode.

  • HDRP: Fixed zfighting artifacts for ray tracing. (UUM-7668)

  • HDRP: Improved the motion and receiver rejection tooltips for RTGI and RTAO. (UUM-13152)

  • HDRP: Removed misleading part of a LensFlare tooltip. (UUM-13946)

  • HDRP: Removed unused voluimetric clouds volume component on new scenes templates. (UUM-11451)

  • HDRP: Removed unwanted RTAO effect on indirect specular lighting. (UUM-8772)

  • HDRP: Renamed IOR output in Eye shadergraph for clarification. (UUM-15849)

  • HDRP: Worked around exception when enabling raytracing when resources for raytracing have not been built. (UUM-9570)

  • IL2CPP: Enabled properly forwarding declare generic value type pointer arguments. (UUM-19689)

  • IMGUI: Removed Resolve of invalid GC handle error occurring when exiting Play mode. (UUM-14969)

  • iOS: Fixed a hang on startup on iOS 16 when linking to UnityFramework. (UUM-16259)

  • Linux: Fixed SystemInfo.batteryStatus and SystemInfo.batteryLevel so that they now work on Linux. (UUM-16083)

  • Mono: Updated the Brotli compression library to version 1.0.9 to correct https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-5v8v-66v8-mwm7. (UUM-15721)

  • Networking: Fixed race condition between DownloadHandlerTexture and Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets, sometimes cause premature destruction of the texture. (UUM-18044)

  • Package Manager: Package documentation links pointing to private Github URLs can now be opened in browser for non-Unity packages. Additionally, for all packages in general, opening local documentation will fall back on the README file if a documentation.md file cannot be found. (UUM-8337)

  • Particles: Fixed crash caused by Particle EmissionModule::Transfer handling of bursts array. (UUM-8886)

  • Physics 2D: Fixed an issue so that RelativeJoint2D angularOffset uses Degrees and not Radians. (UUM-19333)

  • Physics 2D: Fixed an issue when using the 2D Physics Multithreaded solver so that contact processing time no longer increases over time under certain circumstances. (D2D-4284)

  • Physics 2D: Fixed an issue where a contact normal would be inversed leading to Collider2D.IsTouching incorrectly filtering the collision normal angle. (UUM-15726)

  • Prefabs: Fixed the import process so that only transform remains after importing a broken file, if a Prefab file is found to contain multiple transforms due to external merge tool or manual edit error. Note: Import prioritization of RectTransform over Transform remains unchanged. (UUM-14898)

  • Profiler: Fixed profiler connection allocations tracking under the ProfilerConnection entry in Memory Profiler. (UUM-16465)

  • Profiler: Fixed rendering of certain character sets in CPU Profiler Timeline view. (UUM-16513)

  • Profiler: GPU module's sample hierarchy no longer uses CPU data after a recompilation when there is an active selection. (UUM-20083)

  • Profiler: Restore Defaults will now also re-enable all default modules and reset chart preferences. (UUM-11329)

  • Scripting: Removed warning for obsolete platforms when added plugins to plugin folders that contains both obsolete and non-obsolete platforms. (UUM-12246)

  • Shadergraph: Fixed Shader Graph BiRP Target so it now works correctly with point lights and transparent objects. (UUM-9823)

  • Shaders: Fixed a crash in Shader Prefiltering when the Render Pipeline assets contain circular data references. (UUM-19976)

  • Shaders: Fixed a crash when building variants when a package is unloaded and re-loaded. (UUM-20693)

  • Shaders: Fixed an incorrect error message when using instanced rendering and replacement shaders. (UUM-20961)

  • Shaders: Fixed shader graph incorrectly stripping variants for BiRP shaders that weren't built with shader graph. (UUM-14800)

  • Shaders: Preparing variants for compilation dialog now shows the name of the shader being processed. (UUM-22015)

  • SRP Core: Fixed ColorCurves volume leaking Texture2D objects under certain circumstances. (UUM-16602)

  • Terrain: Terrain is not affected by Environmental Lighting when Draw Instanced is turned on. (UUM-11754)

  • UI: Fixed missing tooltip for "Screen Weight Distance" in Screen Space Refraction override. (UUM-12116)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed :active default style overwritten by :hover:enabled. (UUM-19845)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the Progress Bar's title attribute would not reset inside the UI Builder. (UUM-21345)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the UI Builder would log a cryptic error when trying to save a uxml document outside of the project. It will now inform the user that the operation failed. (UUM-20711)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed image element so it no longer ignores UV rect when a sprite was used. (UUM-18362)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed incorrect width calculated for Labels with style tags. (UUM-8428)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed layout of Image element so it now works with a flipped UV rect. (UUM-17729)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed support for compound assignment operators for UI Toolkit numeric fields (IntegerField, LongField, FloatField, DoubleField). (UUM-3471)

  • UI Toolkit: Improved UI Toolkit so that flipped UVs are now properly handled by scale modes of the Image element. (UUM-17136)

  • Universal RP: Fixed a missing keyword in ParticleLit for Lightmap shadow mixing. (UUM-18601)

  • Universal RP: Fixed projection flip inversion. (UUM-13634)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed mouse wheel events on UWP. (UUM-19092)

  • URP: Fixed 2D game view flickering when using URP Pixel Perfect and Cinemachine Pixel Perfect Extension. (UUM-20343)

  • URP: Fixed errors related to the lack of support of native shadow maps on WebGL1. (UUM-2270)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue that vertex Color was black while using new shader graph integration on planar primitive output. (UUM-12866)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue with the out of range exception on GPU when multiple spawn context are plugged to the same initialize system. (UUM-8351)

  • VFX Graph: Forbid drag and drop of material from project browser to VFX component in scene. (UUM-14790)

  • Video: Fixed Video Player crash/malfunction on Android versions less than 9. (UUM-1843)

  • Video: VideoPlayer.width and height return 0 instead of expected values. (UUM-1899)

  • Visual Scripting: Detected and fixed parameter renames for nodes that support a default parameter for each of their inputs. (UVSB-1885)

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed a problem that was preventing link.xml creation when building for Mono backend. (UVSB-2348)

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed graphs being corrupted on deserialization if containing a node whose type cannot be found. (UVSB-2332)

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed Visual Scripting settings now only save to disk when modified.

  • Visual Scripting: Fixed Gradient.mode serialization. This fix is available for Unity 2021.3.9f1 or newer. (UVSB-2356)

  • Visual Scripting: Moved Events/MessageListeners files to a Listeners folder to avoid to exceed some OS path limit.

  • WebGL: Fixed a bug where Firefox would hang at 90% while loading. (UUM-1155)

  • WebGL: Fixed error handling of AudioContext.resume(). (UUM-17803)

  • XR: Fixed crash on Quest when using MSAA and moving out of the guardian during startup. (UUM-20525)

  • XR: Updated XR Interaction Toolkit to 2.2.0.

Package changes in 2021.3.17f1

Packages updated

LTS Release 2020.3.44f1


LTS Release 2020.3.44f1


Known Issues in 2020.3.44f1

  • GI: If a user is experience lighting coruption they be may required to reimport due to a fix to which correctly fixes a Uv unwrapping issue (1330830).

2020.3.44f1 Release Notes


  • Core: Improved internal handling of 8bit types, which among many other things improves the performance of AssetDatabase.FindAssets.

  • Editor: Improved performance of Handles.DrawAAPolyLine.

  • Profiler: Reduced the performance cost of drawing charts in the profiler.


  • Fixed Autodesk FBX and SketchUp SDK vulnerabilities. (UNITY-SEC-JAN-2023-1)

  • DX12: Fixed stalls in asynchronous scene loading with a large number of reflection probes. (UUM-20766)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash when a window is closed during EditorWindow.OnLostFocus. (UUM-12434)

  • Editor: Fixed crash issue with very large project import when the amount of descriptors grows unusually high. (UUM-20186)

  • Editor: Fixed EditorWindow maximum size calculations when using a display not at integer scaling. (UUM-12808)

  • Editor: Fixed serious Editor performance issue when running on macOS Ventura. (UUM-19011)

  • Editor: Fixed [OpenGL] Editor goes into infinite loading when the options menu in a Game View window is clicked. (UUM-6030)

  • Editor: Removed mapping of gamepad inputs to keyboard keys on 2020.3 for Android which were causing the input scheme to be keyboard when it should be gamepad. (UUM-20119)

  • Graphics: Added error message when capturing a screenshot into a RenderTexture but passing null for argument. (UUM-7004)

  • Graphics: Ensure LineRenderers and TrailRenderers with only 2 points don't vanish, if the points are close together. (UUM-887)

  • Graphics: Fixed a deadlock that can occur when MasterTextureLimit is changed while a texture has an in-progress upload request. (UUM-16491)

  • Graphics: Fixed for incorrect values in ReadPixel for some graphics formats on DirectX. (UUM-15344)

  • Graphics: Fixed issue where editor would get stuck when importing corrupted FBX models. (UUM-11356)

  • IL2CPP: Added cast support from arrays to interfaces of their reduced type (e.g. int[] -&gt; IEnumerable). (UUM-16304)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed stackalloc to return null for zero length requests. (UUM-15533)

  • IMGUI: Removed "Resolve of invalid GC handle" error occurring when exiting Play mode. (UUM-14969)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue that caused crashes to be reported with a date of 1st January 1970. (UUM-18717)

  • iOS: Fixed metal shader compilation error when using bit-shift operations to create the destination vector from the scalar source. (UUM-16113)

  • iOS: Restored the possibility for ViewController to control status bar appearance. (UUM-6389)

  • Kernel: Moved "Sending message header failed (0)" into internal logs to not spams developers. (UUM-2612)

  • macOS: Fixed new InputSystem mouse position that was not being updated after resolution change. (UUM-10519)

  • Scripting: Removed warning for obsolete platforms when added plugins to plugin folders that contains both obsolete and non-obsolete platforms. (UUM-12246)

  • Shaders: Fixed an incorrect error message when using instanced rendering and replacement shaders. (UUM-20961)

  • Video: Fixed getting buffer overflow warning when increasing playback speed on the VideoPlayer. (UUM-1891)

  • Web: Fixed a bug on Chrome on iOS where the WebGL canvas cannot regain focus after losing it. (UUM-1166)

  • XR: Fixed crash on Quest when using MSAA and moving out of the guardian during startup. (UUM-20525)

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.13+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.13+ and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.13+, Ubuntu 18.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 11.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

Package changes in 2020.3.44f1

Packages updated

LTS Release 2020.3.43f1


LTS Release 2020.3.43f1


Known Issues in 2020.3.43f1

  • Asset - Database: Crash on GameObject::ActivateAwakeRecursivelyInternal when opening project (UUM-17633)

  • GI: If a user is experience lighting coruption they be may required to reimport due to a fix to which correctly fixes a Uv unwrapping issue (1330830).

  • MacOS: Crash on __pthread_kill when EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel is executed (UUM-2293)

  • Vulkan: [Quest2][Vulkan] ReadPixel has Black artifacts when the image is generated (UUM-13241)

2020.3.43f1 Release Notes


  • Editor: Added Enable PlayMode Tooltips toggle to preferences.


  • Animation: Optimized AnimationClip size calculation reducing asset load time in the Editor.

  • Animation: Reduced the time required to load AnimationClip instances.

  • Editor: Improved performance of rendering the Project Settings. It would previously repeatedly query all objects loaded into the editor, which meant that operations that load assets into memory (entering playmode) would make the Project Settings unusable slow.

  • Graphics: Increased the maximum Async Upload Buffer Size to 2047 MB and updated docs.

  • Version Control: Added offline mode toggle for smoother offline experience.

  • Video: Report error only when the user uses MediaFoundation directly.

API Changes

  • Graphics: Added: SystemInfo.computeSubGroupSize API, allows users to query the size of the compute thread group that supports efficient memory sharing on the GPU.

  • Graphics: Added: SystemInfo.maxTexture3DSize API, allows users to query the largest 3D Texture size that the graphics hardware supports.

  • Graphics: Added: SystemInfo.maxTextureArraySlices API, allows users to query the maximum number of slices in a Texture array that the graphics hardware supports.


  • 2D: Fixed error when a Tile asset with an instanced GameObject is removed from the Tilemap during a Collider2D.OnCollision***2D event. (UUM-15455)

  • 2D: Fixed Sprite Mode field is empty upon changing Texture Type to Sprite in TextureImporter. (UUM-16278)

  • 2D: Fixed Stencil broken when rendering sprites with GPU instancing on. (UUM-15295)

  • Android: Fixed error messages when hideInput is enabled in TouchScreenKeyboard. (UUM-15609)

  • Android: When running Android SDK tool with elevated privileges use JDK bundled with Unity, previous behavior was the SDK tool would use java from PATH env variable, and would fail if there's no java installed and there's no java path set in PATH env variable. (UUM-1942)

  • Animation: Fixed issue where, for some playable graphs, the animated displacement of the animated game object would keep accumulating when the game object was disabled and enabled. The original behaviour can be restored with the keepAnimatorStateOnDisable variable. (UUM-3486)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed issue where empty folders remained in the cache. (UUM-15702)

  • Core: Dynamic Heap Allocator now holds on to one empty block to increase performance. (UUM-1849)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue to causing too many open files errors when uploading to Accelerator. (UUM-19028)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue to ensure context view context can't be duplicated, copied or cut. (UUM-2655)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where AssetDatabase.FindAssets would return invalid results when specifying multiple search folders. (UUM-19314)

  • Editor: Fixed Assertion failed on expression: 'offsetIndex != -1' when loading scenes with async light probe tetrahedralization. (UUM-17831)

  • Editor: Fixed Highlighter.Highlight does not disappear when the highlighted element disappears from view. (UUM-3535)

  • Editor: Removed Exported define from SearchService to avoid domain reload. (UUM-18922)

  • GI: Fixed lightprobes getting direct lighting in subtractive mode. (UUM-1344)

  • Graphics: Added safe-guards to prevent GetPixels / GetPixels32 crashes in cases where C# array creation would fail.

  • Graphics: Fixed a bug where ReadPixels would fail for textures larger than 2 GB.

  • Graphics: Fixed crash when creating a RenderTexture with dimensions exceeding the capabilities of the current graphics device. (UUM-5459)

  • Graphics: Fixed cubemap uploads failing on Vulkan, D3D11 and D3D12 for cubemaps larger than 2 GB.

  • Graphics: Fixed GetPixelData / SetPixelData failing for textures larger than 2 GB. Added safe-guards to prevent NativeArray length overflows for the former API.

  • Graphics: Fixed LoadRawTextureData failing when the input NativeArray contained more than 2 GB of data. Added safe-guards to GetRawTextureData. (prevent NativeArray length overflow and C# array creation failure).

  • Graphics: Fixed mapped index debug error when rendering null geometry. (UUM-11997)

  • Graphics: Fixed RenderTexture assets not accepting texture dimensions greater than 20000 in UI, even though they currently can already go up to 32768 in script if the graphics capabilities allow for it.

  • Graphics: Fixed the mip bias setting on DX11. (UUM-879)

  • Graphics: Fixed the Read/Write texture import setting becoming grayed out when "Max Size" was greater than 8192, regardless of actual texture dimensions or size. Replaced with an info box when enabling "Read/Write" that triggers if Unity detects a &gt;512MB texture.

  • Graphics: Prevent a crash on some platforms when the mesh buffers do not exist on a MeshRenderer. (UUM-4150)

  • Graphics: Removed code to get vertex decl for null geometry in DX12. (UUM-1802)

  • Graphics: Texture 3D Preview (Volume / SDF mode) now becomes disabled if Unity detects a potential driver hang risk. Fixed an assert incorrectly being triggered when inspecting external Texture 3Ds.

  • IL2CPP: Allow constrained calls on stackalloc'd buffers. (UUM-14341)

  • IL2CPP: Avoid a possible race condition when the garbage collector is enabled or disabled that could cause it to become permanently disabled. (UUM-16300)

  • IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of the System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive API. (UUM-14582)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed occasional missing stack traces in Debug.Log's on Windows 10. (UUM-12672)

  • IL2CPP: Monitor.Wait with zero timeout should return false. (UUM-18188)

  • iOS: Fixed SystemInfo returning incorrect values for max compute buffer inputs on Metal. (UUM-1939)

  • iOS: Fixed unity view behavior when in "split view". (UUM-9081)

  • License: Make Unity build deterministic when using floating licenses. (UUM-18489)

  • Linux: Fixed Multi Display mouse/touch input registers incorrectly on Linux Standalone player. (UUM-1569)

  • macOS: Removed developer placeholder text from progress dialog. (UUM-18221)

  • Networking: Fixed race condition between DownloadHandlerTexture and Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets, sometimes cause premature destruction of the texture. (UUM-18044)

  • Package Manager: Package documentation links pointing to private Github URLs can now be opened in browser for non-Unity packages. Additionally, for all packages in general, opening local documentation will fall back on the README file if a documentation.md file cannot be found. (UUM-8337)

  • Package Manager: Package manager window becomes unusable when installing the test framework package 1.3.0. (UUM-20659)

  • Particles: Fixed an emit from script bug when emitting particles from LateUpdate during Edit Mode. (UUM-1920)

  • Particles: Fixed an issue whereby baking a particle mesh after calling mesh-&gt;Clear(false) could throw errors. (UUM-8489)

  • Particles: Fixed SetParticles API sometimes failing to emit the correct number of particles. (UUM-17027)

  • Prefabs: Fixed Rect tool is enabled for root Prefab in Context mode. Now it behaves similar to the other Transform tools. (UUM-16728)

  • Profiler: Fixed a freeze caused when opening profiler data recorded on Editor versions 2019.4.28f1 and prior. (UUM-2234)

  • Profiler: Fixed ProfilerMarker initialization and usage in Release players. (UUM-9541)

  • Profiler: Fixed rendering of certain character sets in CPU Profiler Timeline view. (UUM-16513)

  • Serialization: Fixed performance regression reading yaml objects containing large number of SerializeReference instances which were created prior to 2021.2. (UUM-15130)

  • Shaders: Fixed an incorrect error when drawing an instanced mesh and async shader compilation was enabled. (UUM-13174)

  • Shaders: Fixed reflection probe rendering silently being skipped when the required shader is not found in the player. (UUM-12628)

  • Shaders: Fixed Texture and Vector material properties not supporting displaying tooltips. (UUM-5691)

  • uGUI: Updated the Raycast Target property at runtime even if started as disabled. (UUM-2221)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an error when searching in the UI Debugger and UI element has a null name. (UUM-18683)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed shader bug observable on macOS Ventura with AMD gpus that was causing Graphview (e.g. Shader Graph, VFX Editor) edges to be missing. (UUM-19016)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed shader bug observable on macOS Ventura with AMD gpus that was causing UIToolkit elements to be missing, clipped or to display incorrectly. (UUM-18978)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed UIToolkit rendering white squares instead of text or pictures. (UUM-18891)

  • Version Control: Fixed performance issue with FindWorkspaceForPath method called multiple times every frame<br> Fixed performance issue with UI.CooldownWindowDelayer.OnUpdate running on project without Plastic SCM workspace.

  • Video: Removed spike on the main thread when changing the video clip. (UUM-878)

  • Video: Video is displayed with one frame delay when videoPlayer.Play() is called. (UUM-15543)

  • Web: Updated UglifyJS from 2.7.5 to 3.17.0. (UUM-6914)

  • WebGL: Fixed error handling of AudioContext.resume(). (UUM-17803)

  • Windows: When full stack traces are enabled on Windows, we will no longer try to resolve symbols from the symbol server, preventing a potential stall the first time a stack trace is printed. (UUM-11802)

  • XR: Fixed VR rendering stops issue when losing focus.

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.13+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.13+ and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.13+, Ubuntu 18.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 11.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

Package changes in 2020.3.43f1

Packages updated

LTS Release 2021.3.16f1


LTS Release 2021.3.16f1


Known Issues in 2021.3.16f1

  • Asset - Database: Crash on GameObject::ActivateAwakeRecursivelyInternal when opening project (UUM-17633)

  • IMGUI Framework: Array values aren't changed when altering them in a custom EditorWindow (UUM-15645)

  • MacOS: Crash on __pthread_kill when dragging Sprites into the Scene view (UUM-20950)

  • MacOS: Crash on __pthread_kill when EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel is executed (UUM-2293)

  • MacOS: [M1] Crash on System.Object:__icall_wrapper_ves_icall_array_new_specific when launching a project (UUM-3207)

  • Mono: Crash with ScanAssemblyForAttributesAndInterfaceImplementations when opening a project (1376858)

  • Shader System: GameObjects doesn't get rendered when using "Unlit.Unlit_UsePass" Shader (UUM-18980)

  • Universal RP: [URP] Memory leak when in Play Mode (UUM-19089)

  • Visual Effects: [VFX Graph] Opaque Unlit Output don't write to Depth (UUM-19559)

2021.3.16f1 Release Notes


  • TextMeshPro: Added support for Color Glyphs and extracting OpenType font features.


  • 2D: Improved performance of TilemapCollider2D. (UUM-6046)

  • Animation: Reduced the time required to load AnimationClip instances.

  • Editor: Improved performance of Handles.DrawAAPolyLine.

  • Editor: Improved performance of rendering the Project Settings. It would previously repeatedly query all objects loaded into the editor, which meant that operations that load assets into memory (entering playmode) would make the Project Settings unusable slow.

  • Graphics: Increased the maximum Async Upload Buffer Size to 2047 MB and updated docs.

  • Profiler: Reduced the performance cost of drawing charts in the profiler.

  • Shaders: Improved performance of ShaderKeywordSet.IsEnabled(LocalKeyword) and ShaderUtil.PassHasKeyword(...).

  • Video: Report error only when the user uses MediaFoundation directly.


  • Text: Upgraded freetype to 2.12.1. (UUM-6502)

  • Universal RP: Shader parameters used by additional lights are now removed when additional lights are disabled in URP Assets.


  • 2D: Fixed Stencil so it now works when rendering sprites with GPU instancing on. (UUM-15295)

  • Android: Fixed issue where "Multithreaded Rendering" is getting disabled after a few Player builds when it should be enabled according to Player Settings. (UUM-18385)

  • Animation: Fixed issue where, for some playable graphs, the animated displacement of the animated game object would keep accumulating when the game object was disabled and enabled. The original behaviour can be restored with the keepAnimatorStateOnDisable variable. (UUM-3486)

  • Editor: Fix serious Editor performance issue when running on macOS Ventura. (UUM-19011)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash that sometimes occurs when the Windows Editor is closed. (UUM-19899)

  • Editor: Fixed exception incorrectly reporting object already in pool when equal instances of classes implementing IEquatable&lt;T&gt; are released to ObjectPool. (UUM-8083)

  • Editor: Fixed for special characters not displaying as expected in built application names on Android. (UUM-12251)

  • Editor: Fixed SystemInfo.batteryStatus and SystemInfo.batteryLevel does not work on Linux Laptops (UUM-16083)

  • Editor: Making sure context view context can't be duplicated, copied or cut. (UUM-2655)

  • Editor: Prevent too many open files error when uploading to Accelerator. (UUM-19028)

  • Editor: Prevent user errors in when using WorldToLocal after setting Itransform.Scale with a z scale of 0. (UUM-18782)

  • Editor: Removed Exported define from SearchService to avoid domain reload. (UUM-18922)

  • GI: Added the range property to the Light Explorer window.

  • GI: Fixed an issue where Enlighten RTGI schedules material updates indefinitely when animating the emission color of an emissive mesh renderer. (UUM-10037)

  • GI: Fixed lightprobes getting direct lighting in subtractive mode. (UUM-1344)

  • Graphics: Added safe-guards to prevent GetPixels / GetPixels32 crashes in cases where C# array creation would fail.

  • Graphics: Ensure LineRenderers and TrailRenderers with only 2 points don't vanish, if the points are close together. (UUM-887)

  • Graphics: Fixed a bug where ReadPixels would fail for textures larger than 2 GB.

  • Graphics: Fixed Async SSR on D3D12. (UUM-3342)

  • Graphics: Fixed cubemap uploads failing on Vulkan, D3D11 and D3D12 for cubemaps larger than 2 GB.

  • Graphics: Fixed GetPixelData / SetPixelData failing for textures larger than 2 GB. Added safe-guards to prevent NativeArray length overflows for the former API.

  • Graphics: Fixed LoadRawTextureData failing when the input NativeArray contained more than 2 GB of data. Added safe-guards to GetRawTextureData. (prevent NativeArray length overflow and C# array creation failure).

  • Graphics: Fixed RenderTexture assets not accepting texture dimensions greater than 20000 in UI, even though they currently can already go up to 32768 in script if the graphics capabilities allow for it.

  • Graphics: Fixed the Read/Write texture import setting becoming grayed out when "Max Size" was greater than 8192, regardless of actual texture dimensions or size. Replaced with an info box when enabling "Read/Write" that triggers if Unity detects a &gt;512MB texture.

  • Graphics: Fixed Unity Graphics Buffer interface for Vulkan for non-compute targets.

  • Graphics: Fixed Vulkan validation error when using DrawProcedural with quad primitives. (UUM-18502)

  • Graphics: Texture 3D Preview (Volume / SDF mode) now becomes disabled if Unity detects a potential driver hang risk. Fixed an assert incorrectly being triggered when inspecting external Texture 3Ds.

  • HDRP: Fixed scalarization issues on Gamecore.

  • IL2CPP: Avoid a possible race condition when the garbage collector is enabled or disabled that could cause it to become permanently disabled. (UUM-16300)

  • IL2CPP: Enabled constrained calls on stackalloc'd buffers. (UUM-14341)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed crash on startup when scripting debugging is enabled. (UUM-18685)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed handling of numeric conversion IL opcodes in generic code when Faster (smaller) builds is enabled. (UUM-15402)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed Monitor.Wait with zero timeout so it now returns false. (UUM-18188)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed occasional missing stack traces in Debug.Log on Windows 10. (UUM-12672)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed stackalloc to return null for zero length requests. (UUM-15533)

  • IL2CPP: Removed an uncommon parameter name collision in generated C++ code. (UUM-14587)

  • IL2CPP: Support casts from arrays to interfaces of their reduced type (e.g. int[] -&gt; IEnumerable&lt;uint&gt;). (UUM-16304)

  • Linux: Fixed Shift+alpha keys so that they are now recognized on certain keyboard layouts. (UUM-19010)

  • Mono: Fixed JIT assert on arm with large return structs. (UUM-18498)

  • Particles: Fixed errors when baking a particle mesh after calling mesh-&gt;Clear(false). (UUM-8489)

  • Particles: Fixed SetParticles API sometimes failing to emit the correct number of particles. (UUM-17027)

  • Particles: Orbital velocity curves must all use the same mode. Display an error and don't crash, if this is not the case. (UUM-8679)

  • Scripting: When switching to UWP it doesn't add NET_STANDARD_2_0 define, it adds NET_4_6 instead. (UUM-1694)

  • Serialization: When performing an undo on an object that uses SerializeReference reuse existing C# objects, instead of recreating them. (UUM-651)

  • Services: Marking UserInfo apis as obsolete.

  • SRP Core: Fixed Volume component UI layout issue for TextureParameter. (UUM-13801)

  • Terrain: Added support for ASTC 4x4 and BC7, and warning to the Terrain inspector when details atlas is uncompressed. (UUM-19973)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an exception when searching in the Debugger and UI element has a null name. (UUM-18683)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed display issue when resizing parent of Visual Element with negative scale. (UUM-18196)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed for 2021.3.X: "Double-click to create a new USS selector" text appears if hovering on Style Class List selectors of Controls internal elements. (UUM-3469)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed objects in UI Builder are changing their actual size when zooming in and out. (UUM-15833)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed playmode tint not applied to text color. (UUM-7215)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed scale 0 to 1 transition bug. (UUM-4171)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed TextValueField allocation when setting the same value. (UUM-8156)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the old theme not being removed from the list of documentElement's stylesheet when changing the current theme. (UUM-11196)

  • Universal RP: Fixed an issue with slower build-times caused by large Additional Light Shadows arrays in URP Shaders. (UUM-17405)

  • URP: Fixed a bug where lights with different blend styles may have missing shadows. (UUM-1872)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue to avoid unnessary allocations in the SDF Baker by using Mesh Buffer API. (UUM-2285)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed bounds padding being ignored. (UUM-15655)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed robustness issues with Collision with SDF. (UUM-4803)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed the Preserve Specular Lighting mode on non-Shader Graph lit outputs. (UUM-13778)

  • VFX Graph: Removed unexpected GC.Alloc while accessing to state.vfxEventAttribute in [VFXSpawnerCallbacks](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/VFX.VFXSpawnerCallbacks.OnUpdate.html). (UUM-14769)

  • VFX Graph: Removed unneeded nodes in Ribbon template. (UUM-15443)

  • Video: Video is displayed with one frame delay when videoPlayer.Play() is called. (UUM-15543)

  • Web: Added missing file to WebGL build. (UUM-17658)

  • XR: Fixed VR run in background focus issue.

Package changes in 2021.3.16f1

Packages updated

  • com.unity.adaptiveperformance.samsung.android: 4.0.1 &#x2192; 4.0.2

  • com.unity.services.qos: 1.0.1 &#x2192; 1.1.0

  • com.unity.services.relay: 1.0.3 &#x2192; 1.0.5

LTS Release 2021.3.15f1


LTS Release 2021.3.15f1


Known Issues in 2021.3.15f1

  • Linux: Editor crashes at "DisconnectGtkSignal(void*, GtkCallbackResponse ()(), void)" when opening floating windows (UUM-11724)

  • MacOS: Crash on __pthread_kill when EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel is executed (UUM-2293)

  • MacOS: [M1] Crash on System.Object:__icall_wrapper_ves_icall_array_new_specific when launching a project (UUM-3207)

  • MacOS: [M1][Rosseta] Editor crashes on mono_arch_patch_callsite when entering the Play Mode (UUM-10411)

  • Mono: Crash with ScanAssemblyForAttributesAndInterfaceImplementations when opening a project (1376858)

  • Shader System: GameObjects doesn't get rendered when using "Unlit.Unlit_UsePass" Shader (UUM-18980)

  • Universal RP: [URP] Memory leak when in Play Mode (UUM-19089)

  • Visual Effects: [VFX Graph] Opaque Unlit Output don't write to Depth (UUM-19559)

2021.3.15f1 Release Notes


  • Editor: Added Enable PlayMode Tooltips toggle to preferences.


  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Improved the Auto Geometry generation speed.

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.pixelperfect] Added URP Pixel Perfect Camera converter.

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.pixelperfect] Hide duplicate Pixel Perfect menus if URP Package is installed.

  • Animation: Optimized AnimationClip size calculation reducing asset load time in the Editor.

  • Graphics: Added support for late latch debug mode to help verify late latch functionality. (UUM-16844)

  • Tests: Improved stability of Selecting_Deleted_ParticleSystemForceField_Preset_In_PlayMode_Doesnot_Throw_Exception test.

  • Version Control: Added offline mode toggle for smoother offline experience.

API Changes

  • UI Toolkit: Added: Added 2 Value constructor for TransformOrigin. (UUM-903)


  • XR: The Oculus XR Plugin package has been updated to 3.2.2.

  • XR: Updated the verified version of AR Foundation related packages to 4.2.7.


  • 2D: Fixed error when a Tile asset with an instanced GameObject is removed from the Tilemap during a Collider2D.OnCollision***2D event. (UUM-15455)

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed a case where new bones are not selected after pasting them in the Skinning Editor and an exception is thrown.

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed a case where the auto weight generation would associate incorrect bones to vertices. (DANB-22)

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed an issue where the Sprite Skin editor would throw an exception if Sprite Renderer doesn't have a Sprite assigned to it.

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed IK Manager 2D's inspector slow downs.

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] The visibility tab now scrolls to the selected bone in the Skinning editor.

  • Android: Do not move files in custom asset packs to src/main/assets, preserve the directory structure as it is. (UUM-15109)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed issue where empty folders remain in the cache. (UUM-15702)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed spritesheet and other previews not being updated in project browser sometimes. (UUM-2811)

  • Editor: Enabling shader keyword pre-filtering so that build process does not have to enumerate through full shader variant space. This fixes the issue of URP builds even with warm shader cache taking really long time. This fix does not reduce the time spent on actually compiling shaders. (UUM-3711)

  • Editor: Fixed "SerializedProperty m_Enabled has disappeared!" error arpeared in console while undoying switching scripts in debug inspector. (UUM-4170)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash due to an integer overflow when calculating the required buffer size to store compressed mesh index data. (UUM-1036)

  • Editor: Fixed a Crash/Freeze when using Handles.DrawGizmos in OnDrawGizmos. (UUM-15008)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where AssetDatabase.FindAssets would return invalid results when specifying multiple search folders. (UUM-19314)

  • Editor: Fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException errors in the ModelImporter Inspector when the imported FBX file contains objects with empty names. (UUM-3177)

  • Editor: Fixed colorpicker functionality. (UUM-17499)

  • Editor: Fixed issue where textures are not generated when Naming option in Import Settings of an FBX file is changed to "From Model's Material". (UUM-3640)

  • Editor: Fixed issue with Selection Wire not rendering. (UUM-19139)

  • Editor: Fixed material copy/paste so it now copies all properties. (UUM-6041)

  • Editor: Fixed near planeSize.y in CameraEditorUtils. (UUM-7797)

  • Editor: Fixed tile palette drop-down flickering (UUM-8307)

  • Editor: Fixed undo bug. Enabled fixed unstable test. Disabled calling dynamic_pptr_cast with pointer to pointer - this caused a hard to find runtime error which could have been caught at compile time. (UUM-19070)

  • Graphics: Bug in mip bias setting on DX11 fixed. (UUM-879)

  • Graphics: Fixed closesthit, anyhit or intersection shaders in .raytrace files causing a GPU hang. Log an error when these shader types are present in a .raytrace file since they are not currently supported. (UUM-10113)

  • Graphics: Fixed DrawMeshNow with Metal when changing mesh vertex data. (UUM-9782)

  • Graphics: Fixed for depth submission crash when no MSAA is enabled (Quest 2). (UUM-13249)

  • Graphics: Fixed mapped index debug error when rendering null geometry. (UUM-11997)

  • Graphics: Improved use of ClearUnsupportedSettings for the depth texture of a RenderTexture<br> https://jira.unity3d.com/browse/UUM-16758. (UUM-16533)

  • Graphics: Prevented a crash on some platforms when the mesh buffers do not exist on a MeshRenderer. (UUM-4150)

  • HDRP: Re-enabled XR tests for 004-CloudsFlaresDecals and 005-DistortCloudsParallax. (UUM-1894)

  • iOS: Added support for the Swift Remote Packages in XCode project API. Added PBXProject API to add to references to them, namely AddRemotePackageReferenceAtBranch, AddRemotePackageReferenceAtRevision, AddRemotePackageReferenceAtVersion, AddRemotePackageReferenceAtVersionUpToNextMajor, AddRemotePackageReferenceAtVersionUpToNextMinor, AddRemotePackageReferenceWithVersionRange. Also added way to add framework from the remote package with AddRemotePackageFrameworkToProject. (UUM-15082)

  • iOS: Fixed crash on warming up shader variants with procedural instancing. (UUM-10114)

  • Kernel: Fixed issue with establishing adb forwarding on android 10,11,12 (used to direct connect editor with device thru USB cable). (UUM-13304)

  • Kernel: Moved "Sending message header failed (0)" into internal logs to not spams developers. (UUM-2612)

  • License: Make Unity build deterministic when using floating licenses. (UUM-18489)

  • Linux: Fixed Multi Display mouse/touch input so it now correctly registers on Linux Standalone player. (UUM-1569)

  • macOS: Fixed new InputSystem mouse position not being updated after resolution change. (UUM-10519)

  • macOS: Removed developer placeholder text from progress dialog. (UUM-18221)

  • Particles: Fixed cycles and frame over time to work together correctly in the Texture Sheet Animation module. (UUM-2192)

  • Particles: Fixed particle bounds issue. (UUM-869)

  • Physics: Fixed a crash that happened when resetting the mass properties of a disabled articulation body. (UUM-13188)

  • Profiler: Fixed ProfilerMarker initialization and usage in Release players. (UUM-9541)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed "Auto-hide Gizmos" preference not remember state on application restart. (UUM-7848)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where Handles.DrawAAPolyLine would throw an error if the passed colors array and points array were of differing lengths. (UUM-19287)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed Material Validation colors in the Scene View not updating when preference is modified. (UUM-5087)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed the Rect Tool center handle not drawing in the correct position during a resize event. (UUM-17618)

  • Scripting: Editor could crash when going out of SafeMode, when DomainReloadTimings was enabled. (UUM-18885)

  • Shaders: Fixed a null pointer dereference with ShaderVariantCollection API. (UUM-16058)

  • Shaders: Fixed a warning log error when calling EnableKeyword on RenderingCommandBuffer. (UUM-16918)

  • Shaders: Fixed asset bundles with shaders not loading correctly on newer versions of Unity. (UUM-17421)

  • Shaders: Fixed reflection probe rendering silently being skipped when the required shader is not found in the player. (UUM-12628)

  • Shaders: Fixed Texture and Vector material properties not supporting displaying tooltips. (UUM-5691)

  • Terrain: Mixed light baking with Shadowmask on URP with TerrainLit shader doesn't work as intended when using Deferred rendering. (UUM-3897)

  • Terrain: Terrain shadows are not rendered when zooming out in Scene/Game View with Deferred Rendering enabled. (UUM-1860)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the UI Builder would export asset references with resource() instead of url() when the asset path contained a folder with Resources in its name. (UUM-14889)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issued where a bound EnumField was not created properly if the associated Enum type did not have a value of 0. (UUM-11706)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed scale 0 to 1 transition bug. (UUM-4171)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed shader bug observable on macOS Ventura with AMD gpus that was causing Graphview (e.g. Shader Graph, VFX Editor) edges to be missing. (UUM-19016)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed shader bug observable on macOS Ventura with AMD gpus that was causing UIToolkit elements to be missing, clipped or to display incorrectly. (UUM-18978)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed VisualElement alignment issue in non-standard DPIs. (UUM-11741)

  • UI Toolkit: Make sure clickable is not invoked when target VisualElement is not enabled. (UUM-16476)

  • UI Toolkit: The behavior when a dropdown is removed from the hierarchy is updated to prevent any visual element left in the hierarchy. (UUM-11117)

  • UI Toolkit: UI Toolkit: Optimized the UI Builder to reduce overhead when dragging/resizing elements in the canvas. (UI Builder). (UUM-844)

  • Universal RP: Set default contribution to 0 for ColorLookup VolumeComponent, which makes the interpolation with the implicit default global volume behave as expected. (UUM-12321)

  • Version Control: Fixed performance issue with FindWorkspaceForPath method called multiple times every frame<br> Fixed performance issue with UI.CooldownWindowDelayer.OnUpdate running on project without Plastic SCM workspace.

  • VFX Graph: Added a Visual Effect Graph to the scene did not take the default parent into account. (UUM-11362)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed an issue that VisualEffect spawned behind the camera were always updated until visible and culled. (UUM-6379)

  • Video: Fixed getting buffer overflow warning when increasing playback speed on the VideoPlayer. (UUM-1891)

  • WebGL: Added streaming download of response body in UnityWebRequest. (UUM-1149)

  • Windows: Modified full stack traces so that when they are enabled on Windows, Unity will no longer try to resolve symbols from the symbol server. This prevents a potential stall the first time a stack trace is printed. (UUM-11802)

  • XR: Updated XR Interaction Toolkit to 2.0.4.

Package changes in 2021.3.15f1

Packages updated

LTS Release 2021.3.14f1


LTS Release 2021.3.14f1


Known Issues in 2021.3.14f1

  • Linux: Editor crashes at "DisconnectGtkSignal(void*, GtkCallbackResponse ()(), void)" when opening floating windows (UUM-11724)

  • MacOS: [M1] Crash on System.Object:__icall_wrapper_ves_icall_array_new_specific when launching a project (UUM-3207)

  • MacOS: [M1][Rosseta] Editor crashes on mono_arch_patch_callsite when entering the Play Mode (UUM-10411)

  • Mono: Crash with ScanAssemblyForAttributesAndInterfaceImplementations when opening a project (1376858)

  • Shader System: GameObjects doesn't get rendered when using "Unlit.Unlit_UsePass" Shader (UUM-18980)

  • Universal RP: Shader compilation time is higher in 2021.3 than in 2020.3 (UUM-17405)

  • Visual Effects: [VFX Graph] Opaque Unlit Output don't write to Depth (UUM-19559)

  • Web Platform: Project fails with "UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+BuildMethodException" when building for the WebGL platform (UUM-17658)

2021.3.14f1 Release Notes


  • Animation: Further improvements to animation job performance (esp. some forms of IK).

  • Asset Import: Improved performance of asset imports in large projects.

  • Editor: Reduced the time taken by AssetDatabase.FindAssets when used with a custom filter, speeding up domain reloads and other editor operations that made the poor choice of calling this function in the first place.

  • Multiplayer: Added Netcode for GameObjects 1.1.0.

  • Profiler: Improved performance of rendering the CPU timeline view when viewing large captures.

  • Scripting: Always inline the Mathf Sign() script API function.

  • Scripting: Does not discard AssemblyUpdater output when no updates have been applied.

  • VFX Graph: Reduced the time taken by VFXGraph.CheckCompilationVersion that would previously potentially query all assets on every domain reload.

API Changes

  • Graphics: Added: Added SystemInfo.computeSubGroupSize API, allows users to query the size of the compute thread group that supports efficient memory sharing on the GPU.

  • Graphics: Added: Added SystemInfo.maxTexture3DSize API, allows users to query the largest 3D Texture size that the graphics hardware supports.

  • Graphics: Added: Added SystemInfo.maxTextureArraySlices API, allows users to query the maximum number of slices in a Texture array that the graphics hardware supports.


  • Graphics: Changed Graphics packages version from 12.1.7 to 12.1.8.

  • URP: Avoid using Depth32Stencil8 format on Android.


  • 2D: Fixed result of the Tilemap.GetCellCenterLocal/World API for a Hexagonal Grid and a large Tile Anchor offset.

  • Android: Fixed infinite loop when requesting for runtime permission that is automatically rejected by the OS. (UUM-15923)

  • Android: Fixed stacktrace on Chrome OS x86_64. (UUM-781)

  • Android: InputView is not clickable when isInputFieldHidden AND !mConsumeOutsideTouches. (UUM-16292)

  • DX12: Fixed single frame flicker which can occur when streaming textures. (UUM-15646)

  • Editor: Added iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max and Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 to the device simulator. (UUM-655)

  • Editor: Don't remove full symbols from build location when making Linux installer package. (UUM-1828)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where TextureImporter.GetPlatformTextureSettings would not perform fix-up on the platform string argument correctly. (UUM-15361)

  • Editor: Fixed crash when using URP on some Adreno 6xx devices with shaders that use clip(). (UUM-4367)

  • Editor: Fixed crash while pausing progress if in playmode. (UUM-14845)

  • Editor: Fixed debug canvas open in random user input key combinations. (UUM-17026)

  • Editor: Fixed editor crashing when entering into play mode in LEGO tutorial. (UUM-971)

  • Editor: Fixed EditorUtility.DisplayDialog layout after showing dialog with a long text. (UUM-9447)

  • Editor: Fixed inspector window black out after addComponent action from menu dropdown or shortcut. (UUM-1565)

  • Editor: Fixed issue where Camera and Lights animations are transferred to the wrong animation clip when importing a FBX file with multiple takes. (UUM-13001)

  • Editor: Fixed scripted importer registration errors, when changing platform. (UUM-14062)

  • Editor: Fixed Unity crashes in batch mode when using -vcsMode Perforce. (UUM-17597)

  • Editor: Fixed yamato test on 2021.3 by backporting a missing fix.

  • Editor: Re-introduce the recompile-after-finished-playing option. (UUM-16168)

  • Editor: [SpeedTree] ExtraTexture texture is no longer marked sRGB (Color Data) when imported with a SpeedTree asset. (UUM-10912)

  • GI: Avoid unnecessary gfx fence when Enlighten Realtime GI is not enabled. (UUM-8035)

  • Graphics: Fixed BatchRendererGroup TempJob memory leak in special rendering situations like HDRP AOV rendering. (UUM-16733)

  • Graphics: Fixed crash when creating a RenderTexture with dimensions exceeding the capabilities of the current graphics device. (UUM-5459)

  • Graphics: Fixed crash when loading a specific window layout on the Mac editor. (UUM-11907)

  • Graphics: Fixed depth-only rendering to Texture2DArray not working on Metal. (UUM-14488)

  • Graphics: Fixed metal shader compilation error when using bit-shift operations to create the destination vector from the scalar source. (UUM-16113)

  • IL2CPP: Corrected handle enums declared inside a generic type. (UUM-612)

  • IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of the System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive API. (UUM-14582)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed compilation error that occurred when a enum was passed by reference in a marshalling definition. (UUM-11353)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed crash in IL2CPP metadata code when loading a field RVA value. (UUM-17473)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed exception when calling Enum.CompareTo on enum with a System.Uint16 underling type. (UUM-11944)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed sporadic ArgumentOutOfRangeException during code conversion. (UUM-10403)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed syntax error: ')' " when "Faster (smaller) builds" is selected on function pointer call with a return type but no parameters. (UUM-14778)

  • IL2CPP: Implement the Assembly.Location property. (UUM-15152)

  • IL2CPP: Improved error messages for unsupported Process API methods. (UUM-11147)

  • iOS: Fixed unity view behavior when in "split view". (UUM-9081)

  • Kernel: Fixed AssertOnRecursiveCall with tests. (UUM-13234)

  • Linux: Fixed CinemachineVirtualCamera Component's body's "ScreenY" and "ScreenX" values move towards 1.5 while pressing and moving the mouse. (UUM-14611)

  • Linux: Fixed crash on Linux inside profiler memory sampling function. (UUM-11011)

  • Linux: Fixed diagnostic switches can not be set using command line arguments. (UUM-10269)

  • Linux: Fixed right mouse button pasting in packman. (UUM-2304)

  • Linux: Fixed Scene view Flythrough mode does not work when using a non-lating alphabet based keyboard layout. (UUM-5302)

  • Linux: Fixed scrolling with the scroll wheel is slower on builds when using the New Input System package on Linux Standalone. (UUM-12564)

  • Linux: Fixed second cursor appearing when toggling between hardware and software cursor modes on Standalone player and Play Mode on Editor. (UUM-1594)

  • Linux: Updated Simple DirectMedia Layer to 2.0.22. (UUM-6773)

  • Mono: Fixed Editor liveness crash when processing RealProxy classes. (UUM-13031)

  • Mono: Fixed issue where DeflateStream would swallow exceptions instead of throwing them. (UUM-17185)

  • Particles: Fixed invert culling api when used with Particle Systems. (UUM-890)

  • Physics: Fixed ArticulationBody SetDriveTargets and SetDriveTargetVelocities methods checking List capacity instead of count and improved the error message. (UUM-12713)

  • Prefabs: Fixed Rect tool is enabled for root Prefab in Context mode. Now it behaves similar to the other Transform tools. (UUM-16728)

  • Profiler: Fixed freeze caused when opening profiler data recorded on Editor versions 2019.4.28f1 and prior. (UUM-2234)

  • PS4: Fixed the Param File Package Category Setting not being correctly overridden when a custom param file override was set in the Player Settings. (UUM-17357)

  • Scripting: ApiUpdater could corrupt sources when updating attributes with parameters.

  • Serialization: Avoid crash and log error message when struct assigned to SerializeReference field. (UUM-661)

  • Serialization: Fixed performance regression reading yaml objects containing large number of SerializeReference instances which were created prior to 2021.2. (UUM-15130)

  • Serialization: Fixed regression where if a mesh was used in VFX and included in an AssetBundle there could be indeterminism in its streaming info offset field. (UUM-12721)

  • Shaders: Fixed a rare crash when opening a project with compute shaders. (UUM-10259)

  • Shaders: Fixed an incorrect error when drawing an instanced mesh and async shader compilation was enabled. (UUM-13174)

  • Shaders: Fixed metal code generation for shaders using IBFE opcode. (UUM-2292)

  • Shaders: Fixed Shader Variant Collection UI not working correctly with shaders with stage-specific keywords. (UUM-12220)

  • Shaders: Material.SetOverrideTag will now warn when trying to override LightMode. (UUM-11988)

  • uGUI: Updated the Raycast Target property at runtime even if started as disabled. (UUM-2221)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the dragger of a slider would become visually corrupted after toggling the showMixedValue property. (UUM-13013)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed invalid vertex count shown for UIToolkit draw calls in the frame debugger and the game view statistics. (UUM-2725)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed rendering glitch on circles caused by incorrect geometry. (UUM-10297)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Toolkit throwing InvalidOperationExceptions when Input Manager isn't accessible. (UUM-6611)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed visual artifact when border width is larger than border radius. (UUM-10298)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed yoga bug when calculating margin in percentage to be relative to parent instead of current item. (UUM-12999)

  • UI Toolkit: [UI Builder] ProgressBar Component is missing a field for setting the current value. (UUM-496)

  • Universal RP: Broken setters which could cause infinite loop in URP pipeline asset. (UUM-18025)

  • Video: Fixed virtual camera not playing due to DevicePath missing. (UUM-3367)

  • Video: VP8 Video Encoder bitrate corrected to use bps instead of kbps. (UUM-12918)

  • Video: [WebGL] Video Player updates to a previously sought frame when seeking a paused video. (UUM-11808)

  • Web: Updated UglifyJS from 2.7.5 to 3.17.0. (UUM-6914)

  • WebGL: Added warning that WebGL builds with the Linux Editor require glibc 2.27 or later (i.e. Ubuntu 18+). (UUM-1156)

  • WebGL: Use glGetBufferSubData in AsyncGPUReadback Request for WebGL builds. (UUM-7112)

  • Windows: Fixed IL2CPP runtime compilation failing when building C++ code using Visual Studio 2022 17.4 or newer. (UUM-17921)

Package changes in 2021.3.14f1

Packages updated

LTS Release 2020.3.42f1


LTS Release 2020.3.42f1


Known Issues in 2020.3.42f1

  • GI: If a user is experience lighting coruption they be may required to reimport due to a fix to which correctly fixes a Uv unwrapping issue (1330830).

  • MacOS: [M1][Rosseta] Editor crashes on mono_arch_patch_callsite when entering the Play Mode (UUM-10411)

  • Vulkan: [Quest2][Vulkan] ReadPixel has Black artifacts when the image is generated (UUM-13241)

2020.3.42f1 Release Notes


  • Input System: Backport for Windows Gaming Input implementation allowing 5+ xbox controllers at the time.


  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] The visibility tab now scrolls to the selected bone in the Skinning editor.

  • Animation: Further improvements to animation job performance (esp. some forms of IK).

  • Editor: Reduced the time taken by AssetDatabase.FindAssets when used with a custom filter, speeding up domain reloads and other editor operations that made the poor choice of calling this function in the first place.

  • Graphics: Improved AlphaIsTransparency API docs and tooltip. (UUM-2364)

  • Multiplayer: Added Netcode for GameObjects 1.0.2.

  • Package: Updated version of com.unity.learn.iet-framework to 3.1.1.

  • Package: Updated version of com.unity.learn.iet-framework.authoring to 1.2.1.

  • Profiler: Improved performance of rendering the CPU timeline view when viewing large captures.


  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Updated Toolbar and Visibility tab buttons' selection color.

  • Editor: Updated manifest.json to use com.unity.inputsystem package version 1.4.3.

  • Version Control: Changed the "Go back to changeset" option in Changesets tab to "Revert to changeset"
    Improved notification banner appearance.

  • XR: The Oculus XR Plugin package has been updated to 1.13.0.

  • XR: Updated com.xr.sdk.openxr package version to 1.5.3.


  • 2D: Fixed regression where GameObjects are not instantiated by Tiles when the Tilemap is not active. (UUM-14293)

  • 2D: Fixed result of the Tilemap.GetCellCenterLocal/World API for a Hexagonal Grid and a large Tile Anchor offset.

  • 2D: Fixed Sprite Editor causes error when editing sprites in playmode. (UUM-12181)

  • 2D: Updated API docs to reflect the behaviour of setting SpriteRenderer.size property. (UUM-13795)

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed an issue where the Sprite Skin editor would throw an exception if Sprite Renderer doesn't have a Sprite assigned to it.

  • 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed IK Manager 2D's inspector slow downs.

  • Android: Fixed crash if Java proxy is invoked at the same time as Unity is quit. (UUM-15968)

  • Android: Fixed for permissions request hang in pre-marshmellow (Android 6). (UUM-15567)

  • Android: Fixed infinite loop when requesting for runtime permission that is automatically rejected by the OS. (UUM-15923)

  • Android: InputView is not clickable when isInputFieldHidden AND !mConsumeOutsideTouches. (UUM-16292)

  • Android: Used fixed instancing batch size on PowerVR GPUs on Android with OpenGL ES to avoid long compile times in shader warmup. (UUM-739)

  • Android: Workaround for crash on many PowerVR based devices. (UUM-7782)

  • DX12: Fixed single frame flicker which can occur when streaming textures. (UUM-15646)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where TextureImporter.GetPlatformTextureSettings would not perform fix-up on the platform string argument correctly. (UUM-15361)

  • Editor: Fixed gizmo rendering of a selected area in a Hexagonal Grid with a non-zero Z position. (UUM-11308)

  • Editor: Fixed Mac Editor crash that happened in multi-scene builds that were using BuildOptions.DetailedBuildReport. (UUM-1964)

  • Editor: Fixed the 'texture scheduled for reimport during Refresh Loop' error when importing SpeedTree assets with color textures. (UUM-9835)

  • Editor: Frame Debugger: Fixed an issue where the window would constantly refresh when debugging a remote device. (UUM-4096)

  • Editor: Installing Linux mono and IL2CPP support on mac will no longer keep only the most recently installed of the two. (UUM-1696)

  • Editor: [SpeedTree] ExtraTexture texture is no longer marked sRGB (Color Data) when imported with a SpeedTree asset. (UUM-10912)

  • GI: Added proper clamping of Lightmap Streaming Priority in Player Settings window. (UUM-10016)

  • GI: Fixed an issue where environment lighting is missing from player builds when the scene hasn't been baked. (UUM-2743)

  • GI: Fixed failing assert by relaxing precision requirement in Ray's IsNormalized check. (UUM-2787)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where creating SparseTextures with certain TextureFormats could crash Unity, even though the equivalent GraphicsFormat is marked as unsupported for SparseTextures. (UUM-7671)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where SystemInfo.IsFormatSupported((My GraphicsFormat), FormatUsage.Sparse) would always return false on Metal, even if the requested GraphicsFormat actually is supported. (UUM-7671)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where the D3D11 WARP driver would crash when creating a SparseTexture with the BC1/BC4 GraphicsFormats. (UUM-7664)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where using TextureFormat.YUY2 / GraphicsFormat.YUV2 with a SparseTexture would crash on Metal. (if sparse textures are supported). (UUM-7671)

  • Graphics: Fixed BatchRendererGroup TempJob memory leak in special rendering situations like HDRP AOV rendering. (UUM-16733)

  • Graphics: Fixed bug where in some situations the AsyncUploadBuffer was not persisting even when QualitySettings.asyncUploadPersistentBuffer was set to true. (UUM-15961)

  • IL2CPP: Do not inflate RGCTX for types and methods with non-inflated generic parameters. (UUM-6057)

  • iOS: Added support for the Swift Remote Packages in XCode project API. Added PBXProject API to add to references to them, namely AddRemotePackageReferenceAtBranch, AddRemotePackageReferenceAtRevision, AddRemotePackageReferenceAtVersion, AddRemotePackageReferenceAtVersionUpToNextMajor, AddRemotePackageReferenceAtVersionUpToNextMinor, AddRemotePackageReferenceWithVersionRange. Also added way to add framework from the remote package with AddRemotePackageFrameworkToProject. (UUM-15082)

  • Kernel: Fixed AssertOnRecursiveCall with tests. (UUM-13234)

  • Linux: Fixed "Not Responding" dialog window opens up in the Player when the splash screen duration is long. (UUM-1907)

  • Linux: Fixed New Input middle mouse button clicks registers scrolling. (UUM-14359)

  • Linux: Fixed scrolling with the scroll wheel is slower on builds when using the New Input System package on Linux Standalone. (UUM-12564)

  • Linux: Fixed second cursor appearing when toggling between hardware and software cursor modes on Standalone player. (UUM-1594)

  • macOS: Fixed duplicated keys in Input.inputString. (UUM-16427)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where .unitypackage dependencies exported from an older editor were not updated when importing in a newer editor. (UUM-15081)

  • Package Manager: Removed confusing package type in the inspector. (UUM-1837)

  • Particles: Fixed invert culling api when used with Particle Systems. (UUM-890)

  • Physics: Fixed ArticulationBody indices not matching when using methods like GetJointPositions and GetDriveTargets. (UUM-1805)

  • Physics: Fixed ArticulationBody SetDriveTargets and SetDriveTargetVelocities methods checking List capacity instead of count and improved the error message. (UUM-12713)

  • Physics: Fixed Physics Debugger not showing up in Prefab Mode. (UUM-2215)

  • PS4: Fixed the Param File Package Category Setting not being correctly overridden when a custom param file override was set in the Player Settings. (UUM-17357)

  • Scripting: When using ObjectFactory.CreateInstance with a custom type deriving directly from UnityEngine.Object, a clearer exception message is thrown. (UUM-7896)

  • Serialization: Fixed regression where if a mesh was used in VFX and included in an AssetBundle there could be indeterminism in its streaming info offset field. (UUM-12721)

  • Shaders: Fixed a rare crash when opening a project with compute shaders. (UUM-10259)

  • Shaders: Material.SetOverrideTag will now warn when trying to override LightMode. (UUM-11988)

  • Version Control: Fixed editor refresh triggering when a workspace update is in progress
    Fixed pending changes show global ignored as private
    Removed encryption checkbox from create organization dialog.

  • Video: Editor crashes when playing a video file with 14 audio tracks in Play mode. (UUM-861)

  • Video: VideoPlayer throws errors when VideoClip loaded from AssetBundle nears the end. (UUM-1888)

  • Video: [WebGL] Video Player updates to a previously sought frame when seeking a paused video. (UUM-11808)

  • Web: Allow "Name Files As Hashes" option for WebGL Development builds. (UUM-1133)

  • WebGL: Added fallback configuration for company name, product name and product version to ensure the web cache is always enabled. (UUM-3944)

  • WebGL: Fixed bug where the old input system wasn't recognizing stationary touch input. (UUM-1137)

  • WebGL: Fixed connection between the WebGL player and the profiler. (UUM-798)

  • WebGL: Fixed player connection used when running PlayMode tests on WebGL. (UUM-1170)

  • Windows: Fixed cursor position not updated when using pen tablet with Windows Ink enabled. (UUM-10258)

  • Windows: Fixed IL2CPP runtime compilation failing when building C++ code using Visual Studio 2022 17.4 or newer. (UUM-17921)

  • Windows: Fixed Input.mousePosition not updated when using a tablet. (UUM-11989)

  • Windows: Windows player executable no longer contains "Unity playback engine" text in its property sheets. (UUM-15330)

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.13+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.13+ and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.13+, Ubuntu 18.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 11.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

Package changes in 2020.3.42f1

Packages updated

Packages added

LTS Release 2021.3.13f1


LTS Release 2021.3.13f1


Known Issues in 2021.3.13f1

  • Linux: Editor crashes at "DisconnectGtkSignal(void*, GtkCallbackResponse ()(), void)" when opening floating windows (UUM-11724)

  • MacOS: [M1] Crash on System.Object:__icall_wrapper_ves_icall_array_new_specific when launching a project (UUM-3207)

  • Mono: Crash with ScanAssemblyForAttributesAndInterfaceImplementations when opening a project (1376858)

  • Scene Hierarchy: Undo action is not registered when undoing GameObjects list order in the Hierarchy window (UUM-16576)

  • Shader System: "Assertion failed on expression: 'm_BuffersToBind[shaderType][bind].buffer == NULL'" is thrown when entering the play mode (UUM-17421)

  • Universal RP: Shader compilation time is higher in 2021.3 than in 2020.3 (UUM-17405)

  • Web Platform: Project fails with "UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+BuildMethodException" when building for the WebGL platform (UUM-17658)

  • XR SRP: Meta Quest performance loss between URP versions when built (UUM-15608)

2021.3.13f1 Release Notes


  • Input System: Backport for Windows Gaming Input implementation allowing 5+ xbox controllers at the time.


  • Graphics: Improved AlphaIsTransparency API docs and tooltip. (UUM-2364)

  • Multiplayer: Added Netcode for GameObjects 1.0.2.

  • Undo System: The Undo history now records the name of changed properties ("Modified Intensity") instead of just showing "Modified Property".

API Changes

  • URP: Added: Added public api and updated docs for Light2D shape properties.


  • Universal RP: Messages regarding reducing resolution for additional punctual lights are now only displayed in debug builds. (UUM-10166)

  • Version Control: Changed the "Go back to changeset" option in Changesets tab to "Revert to changeset"
    Improved notification banner appearance.

  • XR: The Oculus XR Plugin package has been updated to 3.1.1.

  • XR: The Oculus XR Plugin package has been updated to 3.2.1 with support for Quest Pro.


  • 2D: Fixed Sprite Editor causes error when editing sprites in playmode. (UUM-12181)

  • 2D: Updated API docs to reflect the behaviour of setting SpriteRenderer.size property. (UUM-13795)

  • AI: Colliders set as trigger are excluded from NavMesh generation. (UUM-10109)

  • AI: Patches of the generated NavMesh were sometimes getting the area type from distant objects below due to their connection through a sloped wall. (UUM-3457)

  • Android: Fixed crash if Java proxy is invoked at the same time as Unity is quit. (UUM-15968)

  • Android: New Input System's Keyboard class will treat DPad Center button clicks as Key.Enter. Since that's hold the old input was treating them. (UUM-882)

  • Android: Used fixed instancing batch size on PowerVR GPUs on Android with OpenGL ES to avoid long compile times in shader warmup. (UUM-739)

  • Asset Import: Fixed out of bounds exception on empty array access when importing SpeedTree billboards with no mesh data. (UUM-8950)

  • Audio: Fixed audio mixer groups not visible from the packages. (UUM-369)

  • Audio: Made preLoadAudioData a per platform setting instead of a global default setting. (UUM-362)

  • Burst: Alongside update burst packages, burst will now correctly handle projects whose paths contain ;'s. (UUM-8322)

  • Editor: Ensure that only the manifest version and patches of that version are tagged as Release in Package Manager. (UUM-8938)

  • Editor: Ensured PropertyDatabase doesn't stay lock even if Unity crashes. (UUM-14553)

  • Editor: Fixed a case where OnBecameVisible could be invoked multiple times without a corresponding OnBecameInvisible. (UUM-12133)

  • Editor: Fixed a crash when stop a playable director and evaluating at the same time in a notification output. (UUM-14640)

  • Editor: Fixed deadlock scenario in shader compiler. (UUM-14040)

  • Editor: Fixed for dragging window across boundaries of multiple monitors. (UUM-8701)

  • Editor: Fixed gizmo rendering of a selected area in a Hexagonal Grid with a non-zero Z position.

  • Editor: Fixed lost references to AnimationClips when the ModelImporter clips settings are modified for the first time. (UUM-2203)

  • Editor: Fixed Mac Editor crash that happened in multi-scene builds that were using BuildOptions.DetailedBuildReport. (UUM-1964)

  • Editor: Fixed the 'texture scheduled for reimport during Refresh Loop' error when importing SpeedTree assets with color textures. (UUM-9835)

  • Editor: Frame Debugger: Fixed an issue where the window would constantly refresh when debugging a remote device. (UUM-4096)

  • Editor: Motion blur now works with multiple cameras. (UUM-10155)

  • GI: Added proper clamping of Lightmap Streaming Priority in Player Settings window. (UUM-10016)

  • GI: Fixed failing assert by relaxing precision requirement in Ray's IsNormalized check. (UUM-2787)

  • Graphics: Fixed ShadowMaps resolving AA when not necessary. (UUM-13371)

  • HDRP: Fixed compilation errors (ambiguous call to 'clamp') on ps5 shaders related to Raytracing. (UUM-16232)

  • iOS: Fixed orientation handling on startup (when the phone is rotated between starting up and showing unity itself). (UUM-7461)

  • Linux: Fixed "ExternalProcess::OnExitedMainThread" logged in the Console window when closing Profiler (Standalone Process) window. (UUM-5888)

  • Package Manager: Confusing package type in the inspector must be removed. (UUM-1837)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where .unitypackage dependencies exported from an older editor were not updated when importing in a newer editor. (UUM-15081)

  • Particles: Ensured GetTriggerParticles always returns the correct results. (UUM-14581)

  • Physics: Fixed Physics.CapsuleCast extremely rarely finding a false hit against a non-convex mesh. (UUM-7402)

  • Prefabs: Handle ManagedReferences that cannot be applied or reverted in Prefab instances. Also make sure the root of the Managed Reference can be applied to apply sub fields that are overriden. (UUM-5961)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed HandleUtility.WorldPointToSizedRect incorrectly calculating contents rect when applying TextAnchor. (UUM-16503)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed SceneView incorrectly subscribing to EditorApplication.update multiple times when maximizing and un-maximizing window. (UUM-12133)

  • Scripting: Fixed Scripting Defines Symbols not being shown correctly in the Player Settings for platforms that aren't the default platform (usually the Editor's platform). (UUM-15556)

  • Scripting: When using ObjectFactory.CreateInstance with a custom type deriving directly from UnityEngine.Object, a clearer exception message is thrown. (UUM-7896)

  • SRP Core: Fixed shadow cascade editor. (UUM-12585)

  • uGUI: Fixed the NullReferenceException when using Tile image types with a sprite atlas being omitted from build. (UUM-4340)

  • uGUI: Fixed various issues with Canvas. (UUM-15518)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed a bug in play mode where ScrollView offset would reset to zero when doing drag operations on controls inside it. (UUM-10441)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where a ListView with a single item would not display correctly on different dpi scales. (UUM-3643)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where creating a UI Document would re-generate the UXML schema files every time. (UUM-3985)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed backspace support on linux. (UUM-3695)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed UxmlValueBounds setting invalid facet value for undefined bound. (UUM-5696)

  • Universal RP: Fixed a resource leak when switching between scenes with different pipeline assets. (UUM-14239)

  • Universal RP: Fixed artifacts on mobile targets by changing some halfs to floats in Normals logic. (UUM-11325)

  • Universal RP: Fixed disappearing UI when changing Render Scale. (UUM-14751)

  • Universal RP: Fixed graphics stereo tests.

  • URP: Fixed URP Deferred Fog pass does not work in XR singlepass. (UUM-9229)

  • URP: Materials that use Autodesk Interactive shader are now converted correctly. (UUM-5501)

  • Version Control: Fixed editor refresh triggering when a workspace update is in progress.
    Fixed pending changes show global ignored as private.
    Removed encryption checkbox from create organization dialog.

  • WebGL: Added fallback configuration for company name, product name and product version to ensure the web cache is always enabled. (UUM-3944)

  • WebGL: Fixed a bug where WebGL would run in low power mode in some browsers. (UUM-7962)

  • WebGL: Fixed brotli compressed webgl builds on Mac/Linux editors. (UUM-1145)

  • WebGL: Fixed bug where the cursor would transition back to the system cursor rather than the Unity default cursor. (UUM-1158)

  • WebGL: Fixed bug where the old input system wasn't recognizing stationary touch input. (UUM-1137)

  • Windows: Fixed cursor position not updated when using pen tablet with Windows Ink enabled. (UUM-10258)

  • Windows: Fixed Input.mousePosition not updated when using a tablet. (UUM-11989)

  • Windows: Windows player executable no longer contains "Unity playback engine" text in its property sheets. (UUM-15330)

Package changes in 2021.3.13f1

Packages updated

Pre-release packages added

LTS Release 2021.3.12f1


LTS Release 2021.3.12f1


Known Issues in 2021.3.12f1

  • Asset Importers: Textures are not generated when Naming option in Import Settings of an FBX file is changed to "From Model's Material" (UUM-3640)

  • Linux: Editor crashes at "DisconnectGtkSignal(void*, GtkCallbackResponse ()(), void)" when opening floating windows (UUM-11724)

  • MacOS: [M1] Crash on System.Object:__icall_wrapper_ves_icall_array_new_specific when launching a project (UUM-3207)

  • Mono: Crash with ScanAssemblyForAttributesAndInterfaceImplementations when opening a project (1376858)

  • Optimization: [Mac] Editor performance drops on macOS when clicking and dragging on Position, Rotation and Scale values in Transform component (UUM-7457)

  • Progress Window: [2021.3][MacOS] Crash when calling "Progress.Pause" from a script (UUM-14845)

  • Scene Hierarchy: Undo action is not registered when undoing GameObjects list order in the Hierarchy window (UUM-16576)

  • Universal RP: Shader compilation time is higher in 2021.3 than in 2020.3 (UUM-17405)

  • Web Platform: Project fails with "UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+BuildMethodException" when building for the WebGL platform (UUM-17658)

  • XR SRP: Meta Quest performance loss between URP versions when built (UUM-15608)

2021.3.12f1 Release Notes


  • Animation: Improved animation performance across the board

  • Editor: Reduced the time taken to open inspectors by avoiding a pointless copy of a big thing behind the scenes

  • Shadergraph: Reduced time taken by code generation when a shader graph asset is imported

  • VFX Graph: Reduced time taken by code generation when a VFX asset is imported

API Changes

  • iOS: Added: Added identifiers for iPhone 14 models.

  • Shaders: Added: Added an API to control shader memory usage at runtime. (UUM-5583)


  • Editor: Update com.xr.sdk.openxr package version to 1.5.3

  • Editor: Updated manifest.json to use com.unity.inputsystem package version 1.4.3

  • XR: Updated the verified version of AR Foundation related packages to 4.2.6.


  • 2D: Fixed regression where GameObjects are not instantiated by Tiles when the Tilemap is not active. (UUM-14293)

  • Android: Fixed exporting the Android Studio project to a non-existing folder using Editor API. (UUM-1886)

  • Android: Interaction with PS4 touchpad won't cause navigational movement when using UGUI together with input system package. (UUM-881)

  • Animation: Added back old method signature for backward compatibility. (UUM-1812)

  • Asset Import: Fixed editor crash when importing a folder with an FBX file where its optimizeBones is set to 0. (UUM-9463)

  • Asset Import: Fixed import of some meshes with Blend Shape Normals set to Calculate. (UUM-7867)

  • Audio: Fixed unexpected output from OnAudioFilterRead when the audio source is stopped and the 'spatialize' property is enabled. (UUM-6318)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed edge case where isDebugBuild would not revert to true after the build. (UUM-12064)

  • Editor: Add warning log when the size of a Sprite in a Secondary Texture used in a Sprite Atlas does not match its size in the Main Texture. (UUM-11164)

  • Editor: Fixed build process should be quicker to detect scripting backend changes when building to a pre-used folder (1421700). (UUM-1949)

  • Editor: Fixed case where Editor would crash when a selected renderer was deleted. (UUM-3249)

  • Editor: Fixed crash in standalone profiler during shutdown. (UUM-13932)

  • Editor: Fixed crash when opening scenes in builds that had missing Prefab sources. (UUM-2546)

  • Editor: Fixed dragging prefab with ctrl on linux. (UUM-1601)

  • Editor: Fixed inspector and documentation to reflect intended behavior. (UUM-2392)

  • Editor: Fixed light layers when using motion vectors. (UUM-15125)

  • Editor: Fixed SceneVisibilityManager exceptions when using shortcuts with no Hierarchy window. (1425103)

  • Editor: Fixed the "Auto-hide gizmos" preference in the Scene View page to persist value when reopening the editor. (UUM-7848)

  • Editor: Fixed the persistence of the position of overlays when closing and reopening the editor. (UUM-9975)

  • Editor: Prevented exceptions if ShortcutManager cannot read profile id from file. (UUM-9220)

  • GI: Fixed an issue where emission color was erroneously reused for different renderers using the same material when they have similar lightmap UVs. (UUM-2771)

  • Graphics: Added error message for indirect compute buffers incorrectly flagged on DX11. (UUM-899)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where TextureImporter.GetAutomaticFormat would return the incorrect format for platforms that had their override turned off. (UUM-11694)

  • Graphics: Fixed crash when using bad args in CommandBuffer.DrawRenderer. (HRB-20)

  • Graphics: Fixed issue in which editor would get stuck when importing corrupted FBX models. (UUM-3981)

  • Graphics: Fixed sporadic freeze in mesh upload. (UUM-4293)

  • Graphics: Fixed Vulkan validation error when GFR is disabled. (UUM-9583)

  • Graphics: Graphic and Compute Buffer allocations will now allocate less garbage collected memory. (UUM-4005)

  • Graphics: Updated libjpeg-turbo to version 2.1.2 to solve security issues with version 1.3.1, used by Texture2D and ImageConversion LoadImage API and ImageConversion EncodeToJPG API. (UUM-4950)

  • HDRP: Fixed over exposition in indoor template scenes. (UUM-11455)

  • HDRP: Shaders correctly fallback to error shader. (UUM-1417)

  • IL2CPP: Avoid an exception from Buffer.BlockCopy when the destination array is of type sbyte. (UUM-12875)

  • IL2CPP: Avoid an intermittent crash in the .NET thread pool implementation when a thread is incorrectly removed from the pool twice. (UUM-11191)

  • IL2CPP: Corrected the build of a Mac Standalone player with an exported Xcode project when script debugging is enabled. (UUM-11352)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed fatal error in Unity CIL Linker with RecognizedReflectionAccessPattern reporting. (UUM-13281)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed possible crash/corruption when invoking a virtual generic method on a generic type by reflection or when Faster (smaller) builds is enabled. (UUM-12498)

  • IL2CPP: Workaround an MSVC C++ compiler optimization bug related the Math.Max implementation for System.Decimal. (UUM-11487)

  • iOS: Disabled depth16 support on pre-iOS14 or pre-A9, since depth-bias does not work correctly. (UUM-9562)

  • iOS: Stop Touch.rawPosition changing position when touch is dragged. (UUM-7581)

  • Mono: Avoid an editor crash when the debugger code fails to lookup the signature of a method. (UUM-9219)

  • Mono: Avoid exception when registering a window class in different domain instances. (UUM-13189)

  • Mono: Fixed LINQ performance regression on linux by switching to a more efficient stack checking method. (UUM-11526)

  • Networking: UnityWebRequest will not change HEAD to GET on 302 or 303 response. (UUM-7274)

  • Networking: Upgraded curl to 7.84.0. (UUM-11134)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where having packages with a lot of versions increases domain reload time drastically. (UUM-12670)

  • Physics: Fixed ArticulationBody indices not matching when using methods like GetJointPositions and GetDriveTargets. (UUM-1805)

  • Profiler: Fixed issue on Metal where an error message about texture binding may appear in some situations. (UUM-907)

  • Scene Manager: Opening a broken scene with light mapping enabled could crash the editor. (UUM-9319)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed case where gizmos with bounds near the camera could be incorrectly culled. (UUM-9158)

  • Scripting: Fixed an issue where projects with Entities 0.51-preview.32 would fail to load if build target is WebGL

  • Serialization: Prevent "Objects are trying to be loaded during a domain backup. This is not allowed as it will lead to undefined behaviour!" from occuring on DomainReload when SerializeReference instance contained a Unity.Object reference to an already unloaded asset. (UUM-2116)

  • Shaders: Exposed Player settings to control shader memory usage at runtime. (UUM-5583)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the children of a TwoPaneSplitView would have incorrect sizes when displayed after being hidden. (UUM-2538)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed EventSystem error logged in Editor when entering and leaving Play mode if there's a UIDocument in the scene. (UUM-10360)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed for 2021.3.X: [UI Builder] @import is stripped from the associated .uss file when saving .uxml. (UUM-14414)

  • Undo System: Fixed Editor crash on GetTransformAccess when undoing GameObject duplication. (UUM-13617)

  • Undo System: Fixed Undo.PerformUndo causes Editor crash when undoing reparented LineRenderer. (UUM-14123)

  • Universal RP: Fixed default URP asset being included in builds when it wasn't supposed to be (when URP asset overrides are available for all target's quality levels). (UUM-8487)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed float values stored in player prefs getting corrupted on startup. (UUM-14671)

  • URP: Added force depth prepass option when requesting the Depth Texture. (UUM-8273)

  • URP: Shaders correctly fallback to error shader. (UUM-1417)

  • VFX Graph: Create a new system then convert an operator node to subgraphs fails. (UUM-2272)

  • VFX Graph: Fixed flickering when sorting large systems. (UUM-9514)

  • Video: Editor crashes when playing a video file with 14 audio tracks in Play mode. (UUM-861)

  • Video: Removed spike on the main thread when changing the video clip. (UUM-878)

  • Video: VideoPlayer throws errors when VideoClip loaded from AssetBundle nears the end. (UUM-1888)

  • Web: Allow Name Files As Hashes option for Development WebGL builds as well as Non-Development builds. (UUM-1133)

  • WebGL: Fixed a bug where losing focus on the player would cause buttons to become stuck. (UUM-3230)

  • WebGL: Fixed a bug where pressing the CMD key on Safari would cause buttons to become stuck. (UUM-12013)

  • WebGL: Fixed changing AudioSource.time while audio source is paused. (UUM-1157)

  • WebGL: Fixed division by zero error when calling AudioSource.time. (UUM-2302)

  • WebGL: Fixed immediate playback of scheduled audio source if AudioSource.time is changed. (UUM-1147)

  • WebGL: Fixed playback of audio clips on timeline. (UUM-6801)

  • WebGL: Improved shader compilation performance problems on MacOS when GPU instancing is used. (UUM-6390)

Package changes in 2021.3.12f1

Packages updated

LTS Release 2020.3.41f1


LTS Release 2020.3.41f1


Known Issues in 2020.3.41f1

  • GI: If a user is experience lighting coruption they be may required to reimport due to a fix to which correctly fixes a Uv unwrapping issue (1330830).

  • Vulkan: [Quest2][Vulkan] ReadPixel has Black artifacts when the image is generated (UUM-13241)

  • XR SRP: Meta Quest performance loss between URP versions when built (UUM-15608)

2020.3.41f1 Release Notes


  • Editor: Add the possibility of running tests in a specified order from a test list (DSTR-494).


  • Animation: Improved animation performance across the board


  • 2D: Fixed a case where multi selecting Sprite Skins would cause a null reference exception to be thrown. (DANB-126)

  • 2D: Fixed a case where setting IKManager2D's or Solver2D's weight to '0' doesn't update solver's effector position.

  • 2D: Fixed an issue where selecting bones in the Skinning Editor after removing any bone in the skeleton will throw an exception.

  • 2D: Fixed TexturePlatformSettings exception. (DANB-194)

  • 2D: Update TexturePlatformSettings implementation.

  • Android: Fixed exporting Android Studio project to non-existing folder using Editor API. (UUM-1886)

  • Android: Incremental GC setting will be correctly applied for Export Project. build.gradle BuildIl2Cpp task was missing --incremental-g-c-time-slice flag. (UUM-2222)

  • Android: New Input System's Keyboard class will treat DPad Center button clicks as Key.Enter. Since that's hold the old input was treating them. (UUM-882)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed intermittent Accelerator disconnection caused by interrupt signals raised by Mono. (UUM-3655)

  • Asset Pipeline: Prefab preview is getting updated when change in material color. (UUM-2226)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed edge case where isDebugBuild would not revert to true after the build. (UUM-12064)

  • Editor: Add warning log when the size of a Sprite in a Secondary Texture used in a Sprite Atlas does not match its size in the Main Texture. (UUM-11164)

  • Editor: Fixed EditorUtility.DisplayDialog layout after showing dialog with a long text. (UUM-9447)

  • Editor: Fixed Linux Editor ignores mouse scroll wheel input when the cursor is locked on the new input system. (1354498)

  • Editor: Fixed lost references to AnimationClips when the ModelImporter clips settings are modified for the first time. (UUM-2203)

  • Editor: Prevented exceptions if ShortcutManager cannot read profile id from file. (UUM-9220)

  • Graphics: Add error message for indirect compute buffers incorrectly flagged on DX11. (UUM-899)

  • Graphics: Fixed potential for LineRenderer.BakeMesh and TrailRenderer.BakeMesh to fail with invalid AABB error messages. (UUM-1913)

  • Graphics: Fixed sporadic freeze in mesh upload. (UUM-4293)

  • IL2CPP: Avoid an exception from Buffer.BlockCopy when the destination array is of type sbyte. (UUM-12875)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a hash collision when a static and instance method have the same name, return type, and parameters. (UUM-9877)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed a NullReferenceException during managed code stripping when using DebuggerDisplay. (UUM-12430)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed compilation error that occurred when a enum was passed by reference in a marshalling definition. (UUM-11353)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed possible crash/corruption when invoking a virtual generic method on a generic type by reflection. (UUM-12498)

  • Linux: Fixed Linux Editor's new input system's mouse scroll delta values clamped between -1 and 1. (1365433)

  • Linux: Fixed Server runtime not responding to SIGTERM and other signals. (UUM-1582)

  • Mono: Avoid exception when registering a window class in different domain instances. (UUM-13189)

  • Networking: UnityWebRequest will not change HEAD to GET on 302 or 303 response. (UUM-7274)

  • Package Manager: Fixed a regression where packages would fail to resolve with a ENOENT mkdir error when the project path or global cache path contained quotes. (UUM-13252)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where having packages with a lot of versions increases domain reload time drastically. (UUM-12670)

  • Player: Improved performance when loading scenes with a high number of light probes. (UUM-7568)

  • Profiler: Fixed failures in opening local documentation files from Editor on macOS. (UUM-6164)

  • Scripting: Fixed a crash happening when trying to enter an unsupported character (such as an emoji) in a field in a game built with IL2Cpp backend. (UUM-1801)

  • Scripting: Fixed an issue where adding a component declared in a nested class could end up adding the wrong component type. (UUM-9221)

  • Scripting: Fixed an issue where Application.logMessageReceived can be called from a job, when the job is scheduled on the main thread. (UUM-3085)

  • Scripting: Marking UserInfo apis as obsolete. (UUM-14006)

  • Services:

  • uGUI: Fixed the NullReferenceException when using Tile image types with a sprite atlas being omitted from build. (UUM-4340)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed float values stored in player prefs getting corrupted on startup. (UUM-14671)

  • WebGL: Fixed a bug where losing focus on the player would cause buttons to become stuck. (UUM-3230)

  • WebGL: Fixed a bug where pressing the CMD key on Safari would cause buttons to become stuck. (UUM-12013)

  • WebGL: Fixed bug where the cursor would transition back to the system cursor rather than the Unity default cursor. (UUM-1158)

  • WebGL: Fixed immediate playback of scheduled audio source if AudioSource.time is changed. (UUM-1147)

  • Windows: Fixed incorrect scan codes that are exposed through KeyControl.scanCode of New Input System. (UUM-9029)

  • XR: Fixed Graphics.Blit when using VRTextureUsage.TwoEyes. (UUM-1858)

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.13+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.13+ and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.13+, Ubuntu 18.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 11.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

Package changes in 2020.3.41f1

Packages updated

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