Unity 2018.2.7

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  • (None) Asset Database: Improved performance of AssetDatabase when doing dependency analysis by ensuring that the analysis is run lazily when processing the refresh queue, instead of every time the queue is modified.
  • (1066381) - Deployment Management : Fixed a crash when using sprites with no texture with the splash screen.
  • (None) - Android : Player binary files contain .note.unity section with version and stripping information. This is useful for certain automation tools.
  • (1061635) - Editor : Fixed a bug where control for LayerMask SerializedProperty would change value for all selected objects without user interaction.
  • (None) - Editor : Fixed a potential crash when calling Provider.GetLatest
  • (1048493) - Editor : Fixed slow search in project view and scene/hierarchy views by starting the search only when the user pauses from typing instead of searching after every character typed.
  • (1069263, 1066381) - Graphics : Fixed a crash when using sprites with no texture with the splash screen.
  • (1061004) - Graphics : Fix for crunch compressed texture support in texture mip map streaming.
  • (1065223) - IL2CPP : Fixed deadlock on exit when calling back to managed code on a thread that doesn't exit before player shutdown.
  • (1068426, 1061635) - Inspector functionality : Fixed a bug where control for LayerMask SerializedProperty would change value for all selected objects without user interaction.
  • (1069065) - Timeline : Fixed Drag and Drop of Playable Assets from Project folder onto Timeline tracks.
  • (1041817) - XR : Scenes will no longer be y flipped when running on the HoloLens.

Revision: 4ebd28dd9664


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