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FAQ: Unity Industry

The following frequently asked questions address the new Unity Industry plan, and changes made to the product offerings for Unity’s industrial customers.


What is Unity Industry?


Why was Unity Industry created?


How can I purchase Unity Industry?


How do I upgrade from Unity Pro to Unity Industry?


Is there an Education Discount available?


Are there trial versions available?


Why are we deprecating Unity Industrial Collection (UIC)?


What are the differences between Unity Industrial Collection and Unity Industry?


When is Unity Industrial Collection being deprecated?


What are my options to renew or upgrade as an existing Unity Industrial Collection subscriber?


How do I upgrade from Unity Industrial Collection to Unity Industry?


Will projects built with Unity Industrial Collection work in Unity Industry?


Why are SystemGraph and SensorSDK being deprecated?


What should I do if I need access to a deprecated package?


What is Industry Success?


How does Industry Success compare to Enterprise Success or Starter Success?


What has changed for Industry customers?


When will the Terms of Service take effect?


Where can I learn more?
